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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Mooney- found this....

They also have tea you can purchase that has many of the herbs in this article and the one posted earlier.
You can get other places too, like amazon, etc.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks TARA!!!!! Ur the best! :)

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

OMG I'M SO BUYING FERTILITEA!!!! Been reading reviews and researching it. Seems to be great for regulating cycles and preparing the uterus. That's exactly what I need!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi all, I'm definitely another one to add to the list of people going nutty ! I am either 11dpo if opk was right or 7dpo if cycle calendar was right ... Af 7 days away in theory ... Going nutty observing "symptoms" ... Crampy sore bbs etc both unusual for me at this time I think. Funny how much you notice with your body when you are desperately looking for any sign.! My dp actually found he fits loads of symptoms too ... Maybe I'm pregnant he said ! I have more symptoms than you ... Didn't know whether to laugh or cry lol ! So far I have had three bfns on 8dpo 9dpo and today. When I was pregnant with my daughter didn't get a bfp until one day before af so still hopeful ... Don't know if I can bring myself to test agin before closer to af ... Probably a good thing ! Baby dust to all

and hoping for a

11 years ago

Waiting - I hope it works for you!

Alimaygirl - welcome!

Shellharvey - where are you? Curious if you ever got your BFP.

11 years ago

Hey guys

I'm new to this forum... My husband and I have been ttc about a year. Last 5 months on clomid...

Been a crazy rollercoaster :(

I could have sworn this cycle I was pregnant. But I must have been imagining everything... I'm 12 dpo and no sign of a +

Anyone else 12 dpo too?

NtNp 6 months 5 months Clomid and Prometrium

11 years ago

Devis0306 I am 11 dpo and all bfns so far ... But I had bfns last time when i actually was pregnant until day af due so don't give up yet !

Thanks for the welcome phatgurl :-)

I have been having so many strange things going on symptom wise if I don't end up getting a bfp I will be tempted to go to the dr and check all is ok ... So many cramps etc ... If its' not a pregnancy what on earth is going on !!

and hoping for a

11 years ago

Hello all, sorry for m.i.a. for so long. Had a LOT going on here. Still so idk what to start to think right now. Refuse to think that PCOS has started causing problems again. See, I was in the shower a couple months back and out of no where a question was posted to my brain ( I know, I'm odd) The question was, Why do I keep praying for healing from PCOS? There was then an extensive internal "conversation" when I really believe God spoke to me telling me to stop asking for what He has already done. Since then, I have refused to tell people that I HAVE PCOS, just that I was diagnosed @ 16 & had problems with it for many years. I WILL NOT RECLAIM IT!

Anyway, the reason for my absence, I got a job! it's work from home, a job I've done in the past when we lived in Chattanooga, TN. Had to get a lot of paperwork squared away & go get a drug test. Closest LabCorp for it is just over 30 miles away, so that sucked! I start training on Wednesday, 25th, Train for 8 weeks.

Took step-son back to his mother last Monday evening. I already told you all about that. What I haven't posted yet is he called 15+ times, daily, until we picked him back up yesterday. I stayed home to clean up some. He came running in & tackled me. Since DH picked him up, it's been all happy, good to go.

Found out last night that he has a Recommended Reading list for the new school year. Been asking his mother for over a month if he has one & she keeps saying "I guess not, don't really know" He & I just got back from the library getting books from his list. Told ya about that to lead to this - as we were leaving the library, I told him that I am really enjoying getting to spend more time with him this summer. He told me him too, but he wants to spend even more with us. I asked him "But what about Mommy & [her boyfriend]?" He said, "Oh, I forgot about them last time!" I had no clue what to say to that, so we started discussing what to get from the grocery store before going home....

What an adventurous week it has been...DH asked me last night to POAS this morning, but I didn't want to get back on that roller coaster right now. Going to enjoy the next 8 days with little man, get back going with the job & just go from there.

BTW - want to ask those of you who will, please pray for us. We have a really huge day coming up on the 30th with court. It has a high potential to go REALLY bad. We're believing for the miracle we need to prevent that. Trying to get DH some sales with his job, that would go a LONG way with things. But we're really nervous. Thanks!!

& Shell

11 years ago

@Tara I'M WITH YOU GIRL!!! I'm about to order that tea too!! AND start juicing today! They did get ALOT of positive reviews!! Thanks ma!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

JIJIBA!!! That's a word my dh and I created. It means I love you or CRAP!!!! Pretty much whatever word we replace it with. Yep, we are one of those gross couples with their own language. LOL. Anyways, the reason I'm aggravated is I just typed a whole message and hit backspace not realizing I clicked outside of the text box and lost everything. Ugh. So quick review....
HI Devis and Alimay!
@Shell- on the job and I'm so glad things are going well with your stepson. As far as the "conversation" you had.....AMEN Speak faith sister! Kudos for being able to hold off but dont wait too may need prenatal vits .
@Mooney-I know your real name but I love calling you Mooney. Call weird but I think it's cute. lol. I love the term "juicing" lol. Perfect! They had so many good reviews everywhere I looked. Gonna get some this week!
Ok gonna sign off before I delete everything again.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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