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April 2017 Babies

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Figured I'd start the April round. Hopefully we get lots of Bfps this month!

I'm on CD2 and deep in shark week. I can't wait to start this month's Clomid. ????

244 Replies • 7 years ago



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lorelly, it's a club I hope you never join, and never feel bad. It's good to know that birth and pregnancy comes with risks, and it's literally a life and death ordeal we are undertaking, but we do it because we want it. And because we're women and women are awesome. :)

On a happier note, I'm only 3dpo, but I had ANOTHER temp rise that put me over 98 degrees! My second half is never that high. I average 96.9-97.3 first half of my cycle, and then it usually only goes up to 97.5-97.7 the second half. And as I haven't gotten pregnant in a year, I have a sneaking suspicion that I haven't been ovulating. This month I think I really did! 2nd round of clomid - yay!

Ok, only a week more to push through till I can test...TWW from hell!

Plus, I just spent all yesterday in the ER for a horrible stomachache. I thought i had food poisoning or gallstones. Turns out I have an ulcer. No caffeine, alcohol, tomato-based foods, acidic foods for two weeks. It might even been a good TWW diet, actually. :)

I feel good about this month for all of us...

7 years ago • Post starter

Calvin, sorry to hear about your day in the ER. Glad they got you diagnosed as abdominal pain is one of those things that people often leave without an answer! Yay for that temp rise!!

Lorelly, I had an IUD from 4/2012 thru 12/2014. My cycles never stopped on Mirena, but we're irregular. They remained irregular until my ectopic pregnancy 11 months later on clomid. After that my cycles regulated. Not sure that is helpful info, but was my experience. Thanks for your work in the NICU. I couldn't do it. I stick to family practice in the outpatient setting.

Miam, chicks, Annabelle and everyone else,

AFM- 9 DPO, & so tired. I mean sooooooo tired. Overslept until nearly 9 am. Good thing it's my day off! trying not to get too excited about being tired...usually a good sign for me...but then I'm always tired ha!!

Wife, nurse, & mom to 12 yo and 4 yo, & TTC #3 since 12/2014.

7 years ago

Hi Ladies

Definitely agree with Calvingirl, Lorelly you fit in this group perfectly without a loss.

Great to hear your temps are higher than usual this month Calvingirl. We sound like we have similar post o temps. My coverline this month is 96.66 on ff. Really sorry to hear you were so unwell you ended up in hospital with a ulcer. When my husband had one a friend suggested he drink 25mls of Aloe Vera juice daily and it helped lots. Though not sure if it's recommended when trying to conceive.

Today I am 12 DPO and my temp is 98.10, I'm really looking forward to seeing what tomorrow is like as by now it's normally dropping. My luteal phase is normally no longer than 12 days. Did a cheapie hpt this morning as I want to save my frer for tomorrow as that's my official day to test according to ff. The test was a bit weird as in the result window there isn't exactly a red line but there is a light red circle in the result window. Wondering if it's like a dye run. I'm tempted to do my frer but it won't be with fmu. Hate these stupid cheap tests don't know why I buy them as either nothing changes colour and there's no line in the control window and now this.
So I guess I'll know more tomorrow when I retest and with my temps.

Those symptoms sound promising JKU. I've got my fingers crossed for you .

7 years ago

Hello ladies. Cd 3 here so nothing new to report. Gearing up for next weeks events.

7 years ago

CD 2. Cycle # 3 (post surgery).

7 years ago

Hey there ladies,
I hope you are doing better today Calvingirl, and fingers crossed for your high temps.

lorelly- I am so greatful that you never had to experience what we did, I hope with all my heart that you or anyone else does not have to experience that.

jku394 and annabelleT- that you all for your positive thoughts. I think I can speak for everyone I hope its the month for all of us!!

welcome redrocketwagon.. why surgery if you don't mind me asking?

AFM-CD9 not much going on my temps are a little crazy but I think that from it being so hot and sleeping with the AC on. I got my internet cheapies in the mail yesterday I started this morning. I also bought Softcups yesterday I figured cant hurt! I tried one for a few hours and honestly wasn't too bad once it was in it couldn't feel it.

I hope all is well and I will probably be back on here religouly to cheer everyone on!

Praying for baby number 3!

7 years ago

Wow Calvin that temp is sky-rocketing!! I hope this is it =D TWW is such a pain, I usually can't wait and succumb to my POAS addiction teehee... Sorry about the ER, hope you are getting better. Good luck, thinking of you =)

Annabelle, wishing you luck also. That cycle looks great, as for your hpt is does sound weird... I usually use internet ones with only the dip stick... they've worked good so far. I've got faulty ones in cheapies and more expensive ones so I guess it may be just that...

jku tired is good =P Are you planning on testing soon?

My cycle is still getting nowhere for now. I always have long and very irregular cycle (going from 25 to 90 days...) and some of those anovulatory so it's not really unusual for me, but still I hoped for a faster back to 'something'... I just feel pulling and cramps every day, hoping that's it each time haha..

Baby dust to all!!

7 years ago

Passing rather large clots today, some big enough that could fit in my hand. I've never been dx with endometriosis but with the severe back pain I get each month I may need to bring up the subject on my next visit. Still having DH semen tested just to rule out anything on his part. Has anyone been dx with endometriosis and still conceived without ivf

7 years ago

lorelly, tomorrow I will be 10 DPO, so I guess that's the earliest I could/should test...but I don't think I can take any more BFNs so I am struggling with testing and my POAS addiction or just waiting to see if AF shows up on the 25th........Looks like the last time I didn't test + until 13 dpo.

I compared my symptoms I charted from Oct 2015 when I got pregnant last time and I had the same things checked 9 dpo. Trying not to get too excited. I didn't think about the stuffy nose being a potential symptom!! Could totally be a coincidence. Maybe there is something to that Pregnitude supplement.... its the only thing I did different.

Wife, nurse, & mom to 12 yo and 4 yo, & TTC #3 since 12/2014.

7 years ago

Cd 4 Temp 97.03 having my first cup of green tea. not my favorite. AF almost out of here. Will probably be the last day. Starting Mucinex today. This time next week I should ovulate and start the long tww. Bought 25 hpt. (Cheapo dip stick) Ain't even gonna lie I plan on using every one! ugh, this green tea is nasty. Have a great day ladies.

7 years ago

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