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Trying to Stave off Insanity

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So I guess I've been here for almost and year and have more or less just used the calendar and tracking tools. Time to step out of my box so I stop feeling like I'm alone when I know I'm not.

I was crushed when AF showed up yesterday morning.
Then today we got word that our best friends who were TTC #2 have already achieved success after just a month or 2.

There is no comparison. All the bloodwork, HSG, DH's stuff has all come out perfect. Nothing is physically or hormonally an issue.

LEEPS many years ago may be a partial road block - so tomorrow I take my first Femera pill as we prepare for IUI hopefully soon.

My cycles in the last 10 months have ranged from 32 to 40 days. THe Idea of ovulating in the teen days versus the twenties seems surreal. I am hoping to make some new friends and to be able to share success and maybe learn some ways to keep my mind occupied. We are going to a wedding this coming weekend - we won't be able to be active much while away - which is a bit frustrating. But I will be hopeful.

We will achieve a BFP in 2012. I can do this without going crazy.

Thanks for letting me Babble

106 Replies • 11 years ago



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Happy first day of August ladies! This is our month! I'm starting my TWW now, but I'll be traveling for a week, so hopefully that will distract me! BeccaLynn, good luck with the double dose tomorrow. Hopefully it will be just what you need to get lots of good follicles!

Thanks for the sympathetic words Northern! I'm feeling much better now. I ovulated right on schedule and I got the Peak on my monitor. No highs for me, only lows followed by peak. So maybe the monitor will adjust itself to my hormone level for next month!

How are you doing Bowbow? Gearing up for this month? Baby dust to you all!

11 years ago

hi everyone!! sorry that you got a BFN Beccalynn!

i am on CD6 so still early days yet. i determined to get a BFP this month. we all will.

is anyone watching the Olympics? i am a tad addicted! Go team GB!!!!!


11 years ago

Woo hoo August 1st. A new beginning.

New beginning in TWW for some and new beginning in cycles for others.

Okay I've been a productive, busy but much more upbeat person today over all.

Headachy now... sort of just chillin home... wha not to wear on tv.

Mom stopped by for a visit - was very nice. We started the talk about how we can rearrange my craft room and office so that the "office" can become a nursery.

step 1 move a desk to the dining room area set it up as a "bill pay" station. work on selling an old sewing machine and a cat condo that is way too big... and get a wall mount for a flat screen TV.

I don't know - is it crazy to start working on changing around rooms in hope? Not doing it all at once but starting on things...

11 years ago • Post starter

Beccalynn - in my head i have decorated our spare room. i know what curtains, wallpaper, nursery furniture i will be having. i even know the bloody pram. i am now aware i may sound mad but heyho! i think that we all do it!!


11 years ago

How is everyone?????? I am just waiting to ovulate. I am on cd11. Xx

11 years ago

Hi there! I'm 5dpo, and trying not to think about it! I'm in Canada on a short vacation! Love wifi! Good luck to you all!

11 years ago

Oh I am so jealous you are in Canada! We got married there in december. I loved it over there.

11 years ago

So.... Looking forward to an update... did your IUI take? I'm dying to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol I was just scanning and found this and started reading and got so involved in it I found myself lost in anticipation then got to the end and no update :(

11 years ago

How is everyone? I am 4dpo now. I think that I am out this month. Me and hubby hardly saw each other. I am still scanning my body though. I promised myself I wouldn't do it this month.

11 years ago

Hello Everyone -

So IUI #1 in July did not take. Now planning for IUI #2 within the next 3 days. Go in for my second ultra sound tomorrow. On Saturday morning my largest follicle was only 14 mm.... but lots more developing follicles than last month - woo hooo.

Felt very ICKY all day Friday and most of Saturday. Saturday got exciting though - had the Ultra sound in the AM and then picked up my mom and we worked on rearranging/organizing my craft room so that the Office stuff I'm keeping can get moved into it.

Filled up the trunk of my Jeep with stuff for Good will.

Got to teach sunday school on Sunday - that was fun - so many little ones at my church.. a baptism is next week for the latest baby born... *sigh*

So no ovulation yet... Doc is planning on IUI either Wednesday or Thursday - will know more in the morning.

Sorry I've been so quiet everyone - guess I've done a good job of keeping myself distracted and not thinking about things too much.

Hope all is well

11 years ago • Post starter

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