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October 2019 Babes TTC

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Hey lovely ladies! I am back and gonna start trying this cycle for our last babe. I am looking for other ladies to share my journey with in TTC this month for late September/early October babes.

My little guy is only 13 months old and I breast feed him till I went back to work last year, since then my cycles have been so wonky, so I am not certain when my ovulation will be, but I started ovulation testing yesterday and got a low fertility result and tested again today and got a high fertility result both in the morning and night.

Crossing my fingers for all the ladies trying to conceive this cycle

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419 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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@bugttc - i'm right there with you girl. Everyone i talk to on here ends up getting a BFP too! Maybe if we talk to each other it will rub off on us! I actually DID get a BFP last month, but it ended in CP . I'm going to my doctor today to get a blood test and hopefully she will talk to me about options. I'm 40 (almost 41) and DH is 53. He has two older children from a previous marriage but i have none. This is our fifth month trying after having my IUD removed in September. I frequently find myself getting down in the dumps about the whole thing, but the lovely ladies on this site have really been a god-send because they are so supportive. We will be cycle buddies this month (almost) -- i'm CD 6 and usually ovulate around CD15-17 (although last month i was delayed about a week). I'm hoping for a normal cycle this month and maybe some good news from my doctor today about things we can try to improve our chances. I track my BBT to confirm O and track CM to decide when to start testing with my OPK. I use the advanced one that also detects estrogen surge which is a few days before LH surge. I usually ovulate on the same day as my positive LH surge test so i have to be super vigilant with the testing to catch it! Hang in there girl, it WILL happen for you!

5 years ago

Hey ladies TTC our second baby its been 8 long months with no success. This month we tried using the clearblue ovulation digital ovulation test and I'm really sorry I did. When using wondfo test I always get a clear postivie but with the clearblue I never got a solid smiley face. Anyone ever have experience with those? My dh and I are making an appointment with a fertility specialist today and I'm super nervous. With my DD it only took 2 months so this has been super hard for him and I. Before my daughter my cycles were 28d now they range from 28-31 days. I really don't know what is going on with my body ????

5 years ago • Edited

@lovenlight sorry to hear about you journey. Improving my relationship with God is what I need to do.

@lissa sorry to hear about your CP. Glad to have a Cycle Buddy. I go to my yearly checkup today and not sure what they can do today since I started. Hoping we do catch that eggie.

@SMAC bodies change with age my cycles have changed so much. It normally is 27 to 29 this last cycle it was 34 and last 30. My LP is typically short but I'm taking Vitex and I'm on my 3rd cycle of taking it I can see a difference already in lengthening my LP.

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5 years ago

Good morning! I’m on CD11, and only a few days away from expected ovulation (usually CD14 for me). Only BD yesterday so far, but we had a wild weekend and with us working separate shifts I hope we can BD at least once or twice more through the week! Good luck, ladies! Let’s catch some eggs this week ????

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

Ladies, doc wants me to do an HSG on Thursday. He also wants me to lose weight and my SO to get his spermies check. So, back when I was 19 my ex who i wasnt really dating since he was in the Airforce but still madly in love we would meet up when he came home for time off. Well in May of 2003 I found out I had chalamydia. Had it for 6 months since I hadnt had sex with anyone other than my ex. I called him up and fussed him out of course he was like I told you I had in February which was BS. So, in the back of my mind I have always been worried about tube blockage due to that incident. Now on Thursday I will get an answer to that deep thought in my mind. I feel at piece knowing I'm finally getting it answered

Good luck to all you for a pumpkin baby!!!.

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5 years ago

@Bug I hope the tests come back good for you guys. I imagine the wondering has to be super stressful. Good luck!

5 years ago

@sigkap thanks!

Just woke up CD2 AF felt like she was leaking out of my divacup, sure enough, I had a 2am mess to clean up, even had overnight pad for back up but it was full. Such a pain.

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5 years ago • Edited

@sigkap Good luck to you! I have my fingers crossed. My temps looks very very promising to either have an estimated O date of today, tomorrow, or Thursday. I had a significant dip and now just waiting for the rise. I’m just praying my appt goes well today. I had a groin injury in October and the pain is spreading and getting worse, and I’m having signs of another blood clot. That would definitely put a halt on baby plans.

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

And...hubby is sick Obviously I feel for him, but I can't help but be bummed about the timing also.

5 years ago

@bug on no that is no fun. I am sorry
@Momma yay! So very exciting. My fingers are definitely crossed for you this cycle
@sigkap I feel ya on the sickness. My youngest has croup as of yesterday and my niece also infected my house with lice...ugh, so we did not BD yesterday, but I think the 5 days prior should be good, if not then we will wait till next cycle.

Today I am 1DPO. Nothing exciting to report other than lots of abdominal cramps (not af cramps) the last 3 days. I have noticed a change in food aversions and normal habits, so we shall see. I am unsure if I will test or not. I got my BFP on 14DPO on my last pregnancy, which would put me on January 21st to test for this cycle, which is the same day as my annual pap, so I was thinking about just waiting till then anyways. If we don't conceive this cycle that is totally fine, there has been so much chasos the last couple weeks after the holidays, so I am fine with waiting till February to conceive too

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5 years ago • Edited • Post starter

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