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MARCH CONCEPTION (Maybe) OVULATING Today - Any Cycle Buddies

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Hey lovely TTC Sisters!

Today is my ovulation day! Whoohooo!!! DH and I lastnight and admittedly it was great!! ((blushing)) I'm totally excited that lastnight's BD might have been just in time to catch my ever so elusive egg! Not to take any chances however I hope to ambush him tonight when he gets in! Praying of course he won't be too tired.

Anyway AF is due on 26th March, and I'm looking to group up with anyone due around then to the end of March. Or anyone ovulating today or due over the next few days.

Hook me up! Would love to trade symptoms and chart the next TWW together! Happy BD all!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

537 Replies • 12 years ago



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Never tried pre seed sorry. its just sperm friendly lube right? I dont really need lube I did hear about a girl that put some preseed in a soft cup and stuck it in right after BD and got pregnant tho. I hate paying that much to go to the hospital but she was having such a hard time breathing I didnt want to chance it. They made everything sooo much better. I just hope that everything is ok with the new baby and we wont have to stay for any reason.

11 years ago

hey girlie

9days since af so I'm looking forward to a good OV and cycle. Haven't bd yet saving it all up for OV as we often start right after af then run out of steam by OV so staying away from dh till weekend. So I say!:-) I've read up on preseed and was impressed with all the success stories out there. Of course it doesn't make anyone get pregnant, but it help the sperm in their journey to the egg. whilst I have no probs with cm/moisture I'm thinking it can't be bad to have extra lub ad one that helps the sperm. So I don't know, may order and give it a try. Read up on soft cups and that also got positive reviews, but def not for me. I'm really hoping this is my cycle, I was a Christmas conception, so praying for the same.

Wilson what's happening your side? Has af been and left yet?

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

I used the softcups when ttc for Scarlett. I have to admit the first time I used it I couldnt figure out how to get it out!! Totally helped tho. They are good for af too I was even thinking about getting a diva cup they are expensive and I'm not sure what size I need I dont want to spend the money and it not fit right. Scarlett has become quite the streaker lately. She keeps taking off her pants and diaper and running around the house. I'm not sure if I should step up the potty training or duct tape her pamper on. lol She even took her little friends diaper off yesterday. She turns 2 on the 7th but we are getting her a cake and celebrating with family on the 27th then we are going whale watching on the 6th. I hope you make it till the weekend steph. Wilson hasn't been on much I think she said something about taking a break from hard core ttc. If you do get on wilson I hope you have a great Christmas!!!! Steph you haven't really mentioned the holidays do you celebrate ? I feel pregnant everywhere!!! my hips butt arms face stomach everything feels plump. Scarlett was all tummy but I was able to get more exercise with her.

11 years ago

hello ladies
sorry havent been on much been very busy have a lot going on at the minute dont think ill be trying as much this month af came on sunday and just finished last nite but have a bad uti the last 2 weeks so i doubt much will be done this cycle not using any opks or that this much just going to take a little step back over the xmas and will resume in the new year think the last couples of is catching up on me not myself at all hopefully over xmas it will get better
steph i taught about buying pre seed but cant get it in ireland so will have to do witout so ill just stick with my soft cups i find them really good and defo kepps in the swimmers
bauer i lol.d when u said about scarlett taking of her dippers my niece would always do tat it was so funny but my sis started her on potty training when she was doing it and she took to the potty like a duck would to water hope u have a fabulous xmas and get loads

11 years ago

I wish she would take to the potty like a duck to water!!! our timing is all off I even tried taking her every half hour and wouldn't you know she peed in between the 30 mins. I got her some training pants last night and she really liked them but peed in them shortly after. I am driving up to Ohio tonight so I wont be back till after Christmas. I hope you 2 have a great holiday and get your first thing next year.I am not looking forward to driving 9 hours at night in the snow with 2 little girls by myself at ALL! wish me luck. The bright side is that they will probably fall asleep on the way there. I hope I don't . my arrival time will be around 2am. Maybe the baby wouldn't mind just a little coffee so we don't drive off the mountains in Pennsylvania Maybe you will get a really unexpected wilson.

11 years ago

Hey ladies

I'm doing great this side. Kick started BD friday morning and has done it now two days in a row. Hope to get a 3rd time in before fertile window closes, so wish me well.

Wilson great to hear from you chica. Sorry you're not feeling up to your usual perky self, your grit and determinatin has really been a tower of strength to me. I totally understand where your at though, I did the same last cycle after my very convincing yet disappointing cycle in Oct. So last cycle I pretty much hopped off the wagon and didn't pay much attention to it, even though i was still very hopeful. It helped, as I wasn't too disappointed when it when I got a BFN. My friend called and tell me earlier in the week that see dreamt saw me heavily pregnant and that I was expecting a boy. I myself keep have recently dreamt dreams that confirm that (not to mention those dating back to few years ago) so I've hopped back on the wagon and is praying I'll get a miracle this cycle. I would try the soft cups, but reviews have indicated that it can be uncomfortable and a tad messy. Which the mess is not the biggy it's the comfort I think I might struggle with. Ordered the preseed will see if it works!

Bauer you're little Scarlett is a mess! You cracked me up about her new found streaking tendency. Seems to me she's inherited a few traits from either parents. Is there anything you'd like to tell us Bauer?? She's turning in Jan huh? Well that's the stage where they go on a wild discovery of everything they didn't know existed like ripping and tearing down everything they see in sight! But not worry, you'll be all the wiser for when your new little one arrives. I'm guessing you're having a boy from difference of symptoms between pregnancies. My friend has a 3yr daughter and is now preg with a boy. The differences between pregnancies she said are huge! ie getting sick often hence having more time off from work this time. Her daughter's pregnancy was soo much better she was able to hide it from friends and family for 5months! This time round all this sickness means she had to spill the beans alot sooner than she planned. Safe journey to Ohio and back. Who do you have there?

As for Christmas yes my dh and I do celebrate it. I MISS the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping in London though. Oh I miss it soo much! I would be out buying so much groceries and stuff to prepare. New bed linen, shower curtain and bathroom set, new clothes and a few other bits and pieces. I have a number of God children, so I'd be purchasing gifts for them also. I would be BUSY! Here it's a few days before Christmas and I haven't done zilch! I will go out and buy groceries and will probably cook up a storm as I usually do but nowhere near the excitement I usually get from Christmas festivities. I'm hoping to have dh brothers and their wives and kids over for dinner Christmas day. Not sure how I'd manage cooking for 10 intead of 2 but I guess that will bring some thrill to my Christmas will wait and see. What are your Christmas plans ladies?

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

hello steph feeling much better thank you im on cycle day 9 started last nite and going to follow smep again this month glad to hear u have ordered pre seed id luv to give it a shot as for the soft cups id recommend them so comfy wouldnt even notice u have it in well i dont anyway going to try have a laid back this cycle and just not worry about any of it try de stress a little see will i be blessed next month with a but at this this ive kinda givien up waitin for a bfop each month cause it always the same result bfn so this cycle i will not be testing early just let see what happens
as for xmas i would do everything u would do in london have it all done now just to give the house a nice cleaning and prepare the dinner for 2moro and im all set have my bf,s family over looking forward to it hope ye ladies have an absolute fanastic xmas and a even better new year

11 years ago

Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Sorry I haven't been on in so long but it was due to school and then the holiday...BUT...I have been keeping up with all of you guys.

I'm in the tww right now, and I'm going through the specialist again. A new one, I didn't like the first specialist I went to. This cycle, he started me on Follistim injections, Crinone, and a baby aspirin. I go for a blood test Wednesday to see if I'm pregnant. Although, I'm not having any symptoms so I'm not getting my hopes up. I just keep praying about it and telling myself that its in God's hands. If I am pregnant, I pray that it sticks because if it doesn't, it will be my fifth miscarriage. But positive thinking and if its negative, there's always the next cycle right!?!?

Bauer congrats on being pregnant!! I hope the nasty side effects finally left you alone!

I pray for everyone on here that you all get blessed with little babies soon! I'm so glad I joined this almost a year ago, you guys have been so much support and give me hope for the future. I hope to hear from all of you guys soon!!!

11 years ago

finally back from ohio. I dont think thats a trip I want to take with 2 little girls alone again. The ride back wasn't bad tho because the girls slept for like 4 hours straight. The dvd player in the car defiantly helped. I was pretty grateful that Scarlett is still in diapers and Mackenzie can hold her bladder a little longer now it made for less stops. My whole family lives there I grew up there and moved here to be with DH. I have a really bad relationship with my father we dont talk at all and never really have and out of the blue he sent me a christmas card with $100 so thats pretty cool and unexpected. Did you end up cooking for all those people steph? how did your American christmas go? was it a lot different than the way they celebrate in uk? I am getting big I seriously wore sweatpants to a christmas party. All my maternity clothes from scarlett are way too big but all my normal clothes are too small my hips are not as wide as they got with scarlett. I felt the baby turn over Christmas morning I cant wait till he/she moves all the time. I hope you all get some sticky soon. Lots of
Oh and Steph the soft cups aren't uncomfortable, I can feel it but I can also feel a tampon so I would say the 2 are about the same. They are awkward to put in and remove tho especially for ick. Oh god Scarlett is naked again!

11 years ago

hello baby please good t hear from you how have you been keeping have my fingers crossed for u this month i ov.d 2day so been busy since yesterday so hoping ill be blessed this month
bauer how are u keeping did u have a lovely xmas had a nice quiet 1 was lovely and relaxing
steph how are you have u ov,d yet were in ur cycle are u

11 years ago

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