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Who's with me on the 2WW?

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Hello all,
I am new here. Getting straight to the point. I am now 10 dpo. Hoping this is my month as I had a new symptom at 7 dpo. Came down with a sore/itchy throat for that one day only. Don't know where that came from. Also CP was high with a soft cervix that day as well. Now it's back to medium high and medium soft. Sore boobs. dull cramps.
Hoping for bfp. AF due in 1-2 days.

1084 Replies • 10 years ago



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2Frsty - So glad you get some family time together! All those symptoms sound like its still a possibility

AFM, can't tell what's going on with me. Still trying not to over analyze every symptom, but I almost never have sore boobs before AF and the past 2 days they have been sore. AF would normally be here on Monday or Tuesday but last night I started to feel some minor cramping. And this morning I felt a bit as well while walking into the office. Still trying my best to wait and see. I'm not really wanting to POAS this time around. I really don't want to see a negative again. that all the above symptoms and the fact that I have been crazy tired even while taking the prenatal vitamins (I don't normally have an issue as long as I am taking a vitamin with iron) will result in a this month!

Update to add: I had to leave work early today because my stomach got really upset out of nowhere. that it means good news is coming soon!!

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9 years ago

Thanks ladies!! Today was the 25th, and still ! I couldn't resist POAS when we got home from Sea World, and I got a few of what "could" be the faintest bfp's of all time. But I have had "line eye" for days now, and considering it was like 9:00 at night, I'm not putting much stock in it. I'll POAS again tomorrow morning. I've had some twingy cramps off and on all day since yesterday; I loaded up the bag I took with me with tampons just in case. I can prove the Dr wrong; they said my progesterone didn't indicate O this cycle. I'd love to wake up to a beautiful but I can't say I'm really hopeful...

Danielle--> for you, lady!! When is AF due??


9 years ago

eeeekk !!!
You ladies are getting me all excited over here.

AFM: AF due in about 2 days. Still nothing to report...only tender boobies....happens every month.

9 years ago • Post starter

AF would normally be due Monday. Yesterday and today I've been nauseous. But today I started spotting. It started out really really light pink earlier. But this evening it was more red than pink. Still not a lot but I'm a little worried I'm out. Trying to stay positive that it's implantation bleeding and will be gone by morning. Normally with AF I have lots of painful cramps and major pms symptoms the day I start. But just still tired, nauseous, weepy, and moody today. It is 12 dpo so there is still a chance.

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9 years ago

Hello! I am 11dpo (I think). I haven't been temping- many reasons and excuses, but I'm trying to get on track.

My cycles are CRAZY- my last was 200 days - period in dec and then not gain until end of June! It's impossible to know when AF is due and it's driving me nuts. I was taking hpt once a week just to make sure I wasn't preg, but no luck.

This cycle feels different and I am hopeful. I had sore breasts, but that's gone away some. I've heard crampy feeling too, but I don't know if it's cramps or gas!!! :)

Best of luck to all- I'm holding out on testing. I think ill use a cheapie test tomorrow and see and then wait another week if neg.

9 years ago

Sneha--> Sounds like PCOS to me! Have you been diagnosed with it? I was diagnosed with it in 2007, but I'm one of the lucky ones that has AF once a month. I just don't ovulate on my own. You might talk to your Dr about starting Metformin. It's a medication to control diabetes, but it's made all the difference in the world to me! I didn't know what a regular AF was until I started it! and to you my friend!

AFM: Still but my tests were stark white today. I POAS with FMU and again this afternoon - nada. So I'm guessing that I'm out yet again this month, and that they were right about no O. Why does my body hate me??


9 years ago

got me today. Not heavy yet, but definitely there. Gonna try the Soy Iso + Clomid this month to see how the results come out.


9 years ago

Well showed bad today!! Definitely out this month. Now to get through the major cramping and onto trying again.

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9 years ago

Danielle and 2frsty, Blah! Sorry that witch came to town...I'll be holding a boycott for you next month

Lady, what's going on with you?!?

AFM: CD AF...because I could have ovulated on one of three possible days i'm just twiddling my thumbs...2 out of the 3 days have passed...4 more days to see if the 3rd day passes...

9 years ago

You know...I repsonded but somehow thougth that I clicked the submit button..I guess not..

Anyhoo...sorry to hear that ladies...

I am here awaiting for AF to show like you Neisa...let the twindling of the thumbs begin.

AF was due yesterday..but I could have ovulated later than I just waiting her out... Took a test 2 days ago and .

I am having those pre AF cramps....feels like she is about to show anytime.

9 years ago • Post starter

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