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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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Rebecca73 - is due 10/24 if my temps are still up then I'll test on that day. I hate testing early and seeing the blank space where the line should be.

Jgroves - sorry about your chemical. I understand you not wanting to test early. that you get a BFP and a sticky bean this cycle.

GVMDL7003 - Sorry the witch got you. Hope next cycle is normal for you.

Wifey1985 - Thank you. Happy BD.

Genie82 - I agree with what Bammom said.

Bammom - Welcome to the TWW. What is the pineapple core for? LOL at the thought of snorting pineapple core

1stTTCMommy - I hope everything gets back on track for you.

Kotikd - Thank you. I hope the one time is enough to catch the egg

Jennavee - Congratulations

Blushingtc - I'm glad you had a good session with the accupuncturist and pray that you will be able to sort out your emotions.

10 years ago

Blushing: I think you already know what you need to do with all that emotion. You need to go through it. Accept it, feel it, experience it, listen to what comes out of it, and then let it go. Emotions get bottled up when we avoid them. Whether good or bad, they need to be dealt with. You are not inadequate. None of us are. We all need to realize this. We are all perfect just the way we are. We are all here for a reason and in each others lives for a reason. You will figure it out and you will be stronger for it. And then you can teach your little bean everything that you've learned through this journey *hugs*

10 years ago

Wifey - so glad your dh was able to get in the mood last night! I'm sure he's going through a lot at med school - that's got to be tough. But I totally understand your not wanting to wait! I we had listened to everyone who had an opinion on our having kids, we'd probably never have had any. Just block them out!

1st - I hope your hormone levels are coming down, but don't let it bother you if it takes awhile. I've had miscarriages where my hormones were right in a few days, and ones where it took almost a month for them to even out. You just have to let your body do what it needs to. (But you should have seen me the time it took a month - I was a mess! SO impatient!) Big hugs to you.

GVMDL - I'm thinking your cycle being so short has GOT to be the reason for that crazy test result. You know our bodies like to throw us curve balls - just roll with it as best you can, and I'll bet you get back on track and if you get another test it will be just fine. I'm keeping and for you!

jennavee - YAY for a good first visit! So happy for you.

Blushing - sometimes we really have to deal with long suppressed emotions. You'd be surprised how much stress and havoc they cause on our bodies. Praying for you!

Carla - I hate testing early too. I've NEVER had a positive when I've done that, and it just messes me up something terrible. So I try to wait until AF is due, then test. I'm keeping my for us.

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10 years ago

Just heard from the dr. I start progesterone tonight, andgo back Tuesday to get blood work done to see if im pregnant. Very, very nervous and excited.

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10 years ago

Rebecca - this is your BFP cycle!

Blushing - I'm sure you realize it but those emotions will need to be dealt with somehow. It's never easy, but it sounds like you've crossed the hurdle and are on the home stretch. for you as well.

Question about some of the natural fertility aids. Just received my Maca root, fertiliaid men and women, and l-carnitine (I think I spelled that wrong). Obviously DH can take the Maca, fertiliaid and l-carnitine whenever. But given that I am presumably 1DPO, should I be taking the Maca and fertiliaid, or should I wait to see if AF arrives? My assumption is to wait. For those of you who take some of these, do you take throughout your cycle or just until suspected O?

TTC #1 DH: 37 Me: 31 CP July 2009 Diagnosed with PCOS December 2013. My Ovulation Chart

10 years ago

Jennavee!! Yay!! Glad to hear bean is well!!

Blushing - thanks for sharing! <3

AFM- CD7. Nothing else to report yet. We're busy moving into the new house and working at the same time. Feeling positive about the new home. <3

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Blushing: I am so happy for you that you feel this cleanse. I felt the same way after my EMDR treatments, but it took a while to get rid of all the traumas.
I am considering doing acupuncture, maybe acupressure first since I really hate needles.
I really admire your belief, and so happy you found a great husband to balance the work for you, I know how hard it is and how easy it is to start doubting yourself and feel like everyone is winning because they beat you to the pregnancy train or other things in life. It is hard to remember that this is not a race, and everyone's time comes when it is right .
But you seem to be doing just great .
So you're CD14, ovulation any day now and !

Carla: Admire your strength not testing until AF is due, how do you do that?

rebecca: Wow this is great news!!! for you and tons of and for a .
Must be so exciting to be able to be proactive about it.

Genie: FerilAid looks like the EstroSmartPlus I am taking with Vitex, there are no proven risks with pregnancy, and it is needed to regulate your hormones so it is taken full cycle. If you find out you are pregnant than you should stop taking it.
Maca is safe for pregnancy. But again, if you find out you are pregnant than you should stop taking it.
L-carnitine has no evidence for being unsafe for pregnancy, but same if you find out you are pregnant than you should stop taking it.
So you should take all until you find out you are pregnant and then stop. Because you will get little benefit from all these if you stop taking them mid cycle and arrives.

Myluckyduck: Change place, change luck, praying this is your month!

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10 years ago


Kizzy- you are so right! The thing is, I thought I had dealt with all this craziness! But, I always come back to it. I'm working on it though. I'm grateful for my journey because not many of us get to discover ourselves before we become moms.

Rebecca- Thanks for the prayers! Yay for getting on the progesterone and for you BFP!

Genie- I am definitely on the homestretch and I'm so excited! I'm so over it I can't even begin to explain! When I took fertilaid, I took it my entire cycle. I never got a BFP though. I would look on the website to see if you can get a clear answer. As far as the Maca I believe it aids in progesterone production so you should be fine there. Again, I would consult Dr. Google for that answer.

Mylucky- Sometimes change is the best thing for us

kotikd- Thank you! You are so right, we have to remind ourselves its not a race. Everything is in its own timing.

I forgot to tell you girls that yesterday, I was in such a slump after finding out my one and only follicle was 11.8mm that I had completely cancelled BDing in my head. I decided that I would take some Royal Jelly to try to enhance my follicle. Low and behold, the urge to BD came over me like no other! I made DH attack me LOL! Come to find out RJ is not only good for enhancing egg quality, its also good for enhancing libido, Who Knew?

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10 years ago

Carla- pineapple core is said to have high concentrations of bromelain. It is supposed to help with/ or be essential for implantation. It is supposed to break up proteins that inhibit implantation. Since I had such an early miscarriage last month, I figure that implantation may have been an issue. Really, it could have been a hundred things, but just in case it was implantation I will eat the pineapple core to help things out. You are supposed to eat 1 whole core divided into 5 parts. You eat one piece a day for the 5 days following ovulation.

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10 years ago

Where might I find this pineapple core? Do I just buy a pineapple and eat the core? Is the core the "piney" part?

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10 years ago

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