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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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341 - 350 of 1064 Replies | Last Page

rebecca: it sounds like you BD'd just fine, so much better than what we did these past few days... BD'd Friday and then Monday.... ... I a and .

wifey: on the future addition to the family. I know how horrible it feels, on one hand you are so happy for your sister, on the other hand it just hurts not to know when your time will come. hang in there, we're here for you, sharing your feelings.
on the smiley!!!! I know what you mean with the grumppy DH, been seeing that for a few days this last week, makes it hard but great job on the BD!!! Good luck with med school, and I understand you, we waited 7 years because I was in school, but I would not wait if he was and I wasn't, so !!!
Do you think there is a connection between the length of the blinking and you hormone levels? Do you think it affects anything? Sorry, I know you asked the question but you made me think and I alwsy have short periods where I get a surge and ovulate and then its back to negative.

pbc: on the break, I thought about it so many times, on one hand you don't want to miss tracking a cycle, on the other you know you can't relax and not think about it while you're tracking it. [fingerx] this is your month!!!

Bammom: and , hope you cought that egg! Happy 1DPO!!! And bon apetite on the pineapple core!

Myluckyduck: and .

Cristi: Thank you. [fingerx] for your ovulation to come soon, and bleeding to leave you alone already!

Kizzy: Did ovulation come yet?

Spartiechic: Happy 2DPO .

jgrove: your symtoms are looking promising so far, !!!

Blushing: Good luck at the Friday scan, hopefully by then you'll have a fertilized egg .

acrichton: I still have mt [fingerx] for you that this is your month!!! 9DPO is still early to test, please stay positive .
As for DH, I hope he will be around for all your 4-5 fertile days every month and you will get your stickey one before the end of the year.

Carla: and .

GVMDL: Sorry your cycle is crazy this month, sorry got you. That is a super short and crazy cycle. I hope this was your body's cleanse and prep for an awsome next cycle with a . So if this is CD1, and you are still officially on the July 2014 board!!! Go GVMDL egg!!!
You feel any effects from the wheatgrass?

Genie: Good job on the BD'ing! When it's after midnight for us, I mark it as the pm of the previous day since I did not go to sleep yet.
I looked at your chart, it looks like CD20 you had a temp dip and is likely your ovulation day. But then again, I never have +OPK twice in a row, it is almost positive and then it is positive, and the next day it is always negative so not sure, maybe Bammom is right about the CD21 if you ger 2 positives.

AFM: Been a little busy, taking some time to catch up here on the June/July boards. This is CD15, I think I am starting to feel ovulation pains and got a temp dip this morning, in the past 3 days only BD'd yesterday, afraid missed the two days before ovulation timing. It is what it is right? No matter what we do or how hard we try it will happen when it is supposed to happen. So just waiting to test OPK this evening and confirm.
to all you ladies here, !!!

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10 years ago

Kotikd: Nope not yet...I'm still blinking. I'm pretty sure it's coming soon though. My libido is seriously out the roof right now and that usually happens right before o but it's never been this bad. DH is in serious trouble when I get home from work...hahaha.

10 years ago

Kizzy: sounds like a great evening and a great way for your body to tell you it is time! that this is it!

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10 years ago

GVMDL - what a weird cycle! I'm sure that's why your levels were all weird! I second what Bammom said! I hope you get knocked up this cycle and can be like "what now!??!" FX'd and praying for you!!

Had my first appointment today, everything looks good so far! Bean is measuring a couple of days behind, but I know that even if you can pinpoint ovulation, you can't pinpoint implantation so it's impossible to know exactly the age.

Sending extra baby dust to you ladies for this month!!! Love ya'll!

10 years ago

@Kizzy, lol about DH being in serious trouble I'm sure he won't mind!

@jennavee, yay for a good checkup! Congrats again on a healthy bean . If I remember correctly, you weren't sure of your actual O date because CDTP and FF disagreed, is that right? That could explain why the measurement is a little late.

@kotikd, I can totally understand you guys waiting 7 years while you finished school! There is no way I was ready to have a baby in grad school. Hopefully it will be easier for DH to go through since he won't have to breast feed, etc. He still wants to be really involved in raising our kids, though, which I won't complain about!!

I have no idea if the length of the smiley corresponds with hormone levels, I just got to thinking about it because the box for the clear blue advanced ovulation predictor kit suggests that you'll have a blinking smiley for two days before you get a solid one. Since I've never had a blinking smiley for that long, it does make me wonder if my estrogen surge is shorter than it should be, and if so, whether that means anything. Always the worrier, I am!

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

jannavee: congrats on the first Dr. appointment!

wifey: Yeah I am a worrier too, always run to research everything and see if it applies to me... I don't use the smiley ones, I am mor ecomfortable with the little sticks and seeing the progress of the line myself. The first month I used the first response ovulation kit and I am 99% sure it showed my ovulation date 3-4 days before actual ovulation so I don't trust digital tests anymore.
I am curious though about the length of the blinking smiley, well, and BD BD BD . !

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10 years ago

wifey - you are totally right! I completely forgot about that!!! thank you for reminding me, it puts my mind at ease!! lol *hugs*

10 years ago

jennavee So glad to hear some good news from one of us! There was a lot of hope and a lot of heartbreak last month. Please keep me posted on all the good news and updates you have. I love love love hearing the good news!

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10 years ago

wifey: I can definitely say the length of the blinking smiley is in correlation to your hormone levels. I've been on this estrogen surge for 8 days now. I think I'll finally have my solid smiley either tonight or tomorrow.

10 years ago

Hi Ladies!
Thanks for the well wishes on my Friday scan.

Kizzy- catch that egg!!!

jennavee- Congrats on the sticky bean and its awesome that you found comfort in the baby measuring a few days off.

It seems like everyone here is on or near the same schedule waiting to O and/or TWW. That makes me happy!

AFM- Today was my first appointment with my new acupuncturist. This is my first time seeing a woman. For starters, she did an 1.5 hr consultation with me. She not only asked about my medical history, she asked about my emotional history. She asked how I felt about my body. If I was afraid, angry, sad or what? Needless to say, my answer was ALL OF THE ABOVE! She asked if I had experienced any trauma in my life. I told her that I was pretty messed up from my parents' divorce, my granny passing away, and losing my baby (ectopic) 4 years ago. She went on to explain some things about PCOS and infertility that I didn't know. Before she put me on the table, she explained that my session today was going to focus on my emotions because I need to let go of the pain associated with each of those traumas. She explained that I may feel the need to cry and I should go with that feeling.
Once she put the needles in, I asked her about having cold uterus and she said that she thinks that my treatment for it in the past has been successful. I didn't cry on the table but, I talked to my husband on his lunch break and told him about my experience today. I told him that the Dr. suggested that we not do any IUI's (after this one if I O) for a couple of months just to give my body a chance to be stress free. He mentioned to me that he thinks we need to stick to something in order to figure out if it actually works for us. He also said that he believes that my trying to avoid medicine is me subconsciously thinking that I am going against what God wants for me.

I just want to say THAT is when the water works started. He's so right and I'm so grateful to God for him. During the conversation with DH I also came to the revelation that its not the PCOS that makes me feel inadequate, its my past with my family. I've always felt that I was in competition with whoever my sister and mom were dating and my dad's wife and her daughter. My grandmother was the only person that made me feel loved no matter what. I guess that's apart of what the Dr. wanted me to understand. Now, I need to figure out what to do with all this emotion.

I know that this a lot to read and I'm grateful for any of you that are willing to read it. I pray that it helps at least one of you. I feel so cleansed! I know I've got more work to do but, I'm grateful for all that I have discovered today. :-)

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10 years ago

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