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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm obsessing over my temps. I didn't like the rise I got today. It went from 97.88 yesterday to 97.90 today. . When I got pregnant in December, my post O temps were a little higher at this stage. We'll see what happens tomorrow. I just started my progesterone last night, so I guess it takes a while to start working and start cooking my bun that is in the oven.

@Waiting - Does your doctor plan to do an HCG trigger this time to help you O?

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11 years ago

@holly I love a good game plan. Sound like you have a really good doctor. My doctor is all about the money...everything is IVF!!! We constantly argue. Took me two months to get clomid.

@waiting its back down this morning to 97.75 I dunno. I am very confused but only time will tell. Had a bunch of cramps the day and night of the first dip, none since. Yesterday, hot flashes all day and today a few more and mild pressure, no cramps. Anywho, glad you were able to reach out to your friend. It was very nice of you to open up and let her in so that she didnt feel isolated. God placed you in the path of that message she threw out to FB in desperation and I can't think of anyone who is a better friend to have as an ally than you. God will bless you for your kindness!

@how Athena and Mem today?

@xoxo what test are you waiting for? You aren't close to the blast are you?

11 years ago

No I am waiting on all my CD3 testing results :-) I go for my ultrasound to check follicles on the 29th then Progesterone on 7DPO. I am not due to ovulate till NEXT weekend! The two weeks before the witch and ovulation is a million times longer than the two weeks between ovulation and the witch or BFP!

11 years ago

@pisces- well that's just crazy! I've seen some crazy charts before though. Thank you honey

@holly- It may be different this time honey . What cd are you? My new dr doesnt know if she'll do a trigger yet. I've OV'd 2 out of 3 times on the clomid so she thinks I will OV again on my own. Depending on when AF comes (sunday or monday), the plan is....
-Take Clomid cd 3-7
-Ultrasound around cd 13 (May 3rd)
-If follies are good, then wait to OV
-If follies are still small, she'll give me some femara to give them a boost.
-I usually OV on cd 19 with the clomid but being on metformin now, I'm not sure if it'll change. If I dont OV by cd 20 and my eggs are good, she'll give me a trigger shot.

@xomandy- I agree...the wait til OV feels like longer, especially wondering if you even will OV. The TWW seems a bit easier because you have things to obsess over to keep you busy!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@xoxo its two weeks of something. It waiting **finger thump**no matter where you are in the cycle you are waiting on something or peeing on something, them more waiting and wondering. Although I agree that 2ww does have more busy work like checking for this, googling this twinge or the other. Lol...

@waiting is that chart bonkers! My friend said "maybe you were mouth breathing last night" ...she cracks me up. She's just trying to make me feel better.

My new past time is looking at the hpt image gallery. Although I don't vote on the ones that I don't see anything because I can't dash someone else's hope. I feel bad. So I just skip those and look for positive results so I can envision my own and it's a test for me because I used to be so negative about when others were pregnant and not me. I beat myself up and got sad n stuff. But God sent me a message that until I find joy for the miracle of both even if it isn't me, then my struggle will continue. I have found that I really get excited when I see others that are pregnant. I have come a long way.

11 years ago

I will scan through the gallery but it pisses me off sometimes! I am all for people posting a pick and asking "AM I PREGNANT?" If there is a light line or something but when I see chicks post a POSITIVE and very clear positive and say "What do you think? I don't know, am I really pregnant?" I wanna jump through the computer and say "IF YOU CAN'T READ A PREGNANCY TEST THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE HAVING KIDS!" Ugghhhhhh sorry but it's like for all of us who have been trying and get positives only to miscarry or to get very faint positives and truly want our friends opinions is one thing but seriously! I have seen it all, this morning a girl actually posted a pic and started a new forum and titled it "OMG, can this be?" Am I really pregnant, ladies please respond and look at the picture, this is our first month trying and I don't know what this means! It was a Clear Blue Easy Blue dye test and let me tell you, it was one of the clearest, darkest, and most obvious POSITIVES I have ever seen on a CBE test! The worst part is that in the pic she even had the print showing on the test that showed you a positive and negative!!!!

Sorry, vent over! that is why I try to stay away from the gallery unless it's one of our ladies posting! I LOVE to see our friends tests in there :-)

11 years ago

@xoxo ok it's ok for the stupid

11 years ago

Mandy I am pretty sure if you go back in this forum I have said the same thing. I feel like they are being assholes excuse my French, but you obviously know it is positive dont pretend like you aren't sure because you want attention. I have even voted negative on there tests l even though they are obviously not.

I'm ok. I think the bleeding has stopped, which I guess means I don't need the provera unless I don't start again. Since we aren't ttc right now I bought some stress tabs hoping they might take me out of this baby blues funk.and get me motivated to exercise again. I haven't gained back very much of the 12 that I had lost, maybe 2 lbs, but exercising will help things a lot.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

I used to love looking at the hpt gallery when I first started ttc but now....ugg . Every once in a while I take a peek and vote on the faint positives but the only time I ever really look at it is when one of us ladies is posting.

@xomandy- I'm glad I didnt find that first . I laughed so hard thinking of you yelling at the computer screen!

@athena- I have to hold back the urge to vote negative on some of those test pics .

I love you crazy ladies!

FYI- I have to be careful... sometimes I almost post the BDing emoticon , instead of the hug . Dont want anyone to get the wrong idea .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@waiting, I have almost done that a few times!!!! Lol

11 years ago

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