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Who's with me on the 2WW?

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Hello all,
I am new here. Getting straight to the point. I am now 10 dpo. Hoping this is my month as I had a new symptom at 7 dpo. Came down with a sore/itchy throat for that one day only. Don't know where that came from. Also CP was high with a soft cervix that day as well. Now it's back to medium high and medium soft. Sore boobs. dull cramps.
Hoping for bfp. AF due in 1-2 days.

1084 Replies • 10 years ago



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Yaaay!!!! @2frsty, let the baby making commence!!!!

9 years ago

My period has been God Awful. Feel as if I'm dying. Cramping like I have never cramped. I'm on CD4 and O is either the 5th or 6th. I received my opks and Hpt in the mail today. My cycle I thought was 28 days, but this month it was 26 or 27 so my opk paper says 26 days start cd9, 27 cd 10, and 28 cd11. Idk when to start. So ladies, what do y'all think?? And when I do get a positive opk, when do I BD? I want a girl so I don't want to BD to close to O, b/c thats boys. 3 to 4 days b4 O is best for a girl.
Hoping this is my month and a

9 years ago

3dpo!!! It's gunn be a long TWW

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9 years ago

Well, I'm still spotting, but it's barely enough to make the tp pink and about every other time I go to the restroom. I'm barely cramping, and I can't tell if the cramps are because I'm so gassy or from the spotting! LOL I've been slightly nauseous, but there's a stomach bug floating around at work, so that could be why.

I told my boyfriend I would test today, but I think I'm going to wait a couple more days to see if AF shows up.

We are going to an amusement park this weekend! It's our annual family "staycation" lol. I'm so excited to go and have fun with the kiddos!

Good luck ladies!

9 years ago

beaglish omg i hope its not AF! and i hope u enjoy ur weekend too!

2frsty well good to know u did O maybe just maybe you timed everything right!

iammichelle sorry that is being a total biotch this month! hope u feel better soon

brandypandyxxx WELCOME and good luck!

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9 years ago

I caved this morning and did a HPT! Not to my surprise it was

Im only 9dpo and due for AF in 4 days, so im keeping everything crossedAnd I think il test in about 6 days if AF does show up by then!

Hows everyone else going and what CD is everyone?

9 years ago

Ok... The spotting has stopped completely. I went all day yesterday without any even when I wiped. My period is due Monday, but I'm getting nervous and may test tomorrow, but I worry it will be too early.

I'm so anxious right now. We have sooooo many things coming up in the next year, I'm starting school, working 2 jobs, the boyfriend is in his final semester of nursing school and will be quitting his full time job to complete it, we aren't even engaged, the house is too small... Oh my.

A baby is a wonderful, wonderful thing. I know this. I lost a baby between my DS and DD, and it still gets to me nearly 8 years later. I know that if I am, this baby will be a blessing, and I will be forever grateful if I am. I keep reminding myself that no one, nooooo one, is ever 100% prepared for a baby, and we'll be fine. A small part of me IS going to be disappointed if I am not pregnant, but there will be some relief there as well.

This wait and not knowing is what's seriously stressing me out.

Should I test tomorrow? I started spotting on the 24th. What do you think?

9 years ago

Don't Stress Bea-
If you are pregnant, everything will work itself out. Just take it one day at a time.

And don't feel guilty if you are happy if you find out you are NOT pregnant. Many have been in your shoes.

I say, if u can't wait take the test tomorrow....if you CAN wait, then wait until AF is due...either way the decision is yours to test or NOT to test.

You'll be alright. Things have a way of working themselves out.

9 years ago • Post starter

Just wanted to check in on everybody, from what I've been reading sounds like all good news. Well AF finished her visit and Thank God! I don't think I have had it that bad in a long time. I started on CD 26 or 27 so as I've told yall I ordered some opks this cycle and according to the directions 26 days opk starts on CD 9, but I always put my cycle length 28. And that says start on CD 11. Just to be on the safe side I am going to start on CD 9. I only have 15 opks, but that should be plenty for this month. I've heard some test twice a day and don't use fmu. So I figured I'd test around 4pm every day. That way my husband gets off work at 5. I read sperm is best between the hours of 3pm and 7pm. So we'll have 2hrs to BD. I also have a calendar that tells me when it's best time to BD if you're trying for a girl, as I am!
for a


9 years ago

Well, showed up this morning, right on schedule. That's AFTER I had about 10 faintly positive Wondfos; even my Mom's was faintly positive. I'm NEVER using them again! It was heartbreaking to wake up to the witch! Counted it up, and DH is supposed to be in the field when I'm supposed to O yet AGAIN! I can't seem to catch a break with the timing. AND, I only have 2 more months of Clomid, and then I'm on my own. I think since he's supposed to be gone that I'll try the soy iso this cycle to see if I ovulate on it. Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll either speed up or slow down my O. I have to admit ... I'm beginning to lose hope.


9 years ago

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