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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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As if this weekend didn't start out with enough of an emotional roller coaster, hubby decided to inform me this morning that he still thinks I'm probably preg. I was like, where was this revelation yesterday when I needed it??? Anyway, I've decided to just leave it alone, for & & just keep on going. I'll let y'all know more when there's more to tell. Until then

& Shell

11 years ago

waitingonmymiracle - thank you so much, will post an update on Monday. I seen u sayin about those painful cramps, I had them too on wednesday. They actually nearly took my breath away, was at my sisters graduation and had to grab the person in front of me's chair.... Got some funny looks!

11 years ago

Soooo, ok, seriously.....lets just go off statistics here and say that the tube tying will not have a effect......Here is a more solid list of symptoms that I have been experieincing since Sunday
Weird bubbly feelings
Heartbeat like feeling when lying on back can actually feel a stead heartbeat (probably y own) but I dont even have to touch to feel it
Bad back pain, lower and upper, depending on standing or sitting
Milk when squeezed
Breast are tender
Irriatable defintaly, very mad very quick and get very annoyed really quickly, and very moody.
Some contipation, but stomach flutters are there after using the bathroom
Moddswings, can be happy, and then pissed off in a blink
not hungry, Im not one o throw up and never had morning sickness....but I dont want to eat anything until later in the day, and If I do eat, I end up looking at the food like its going to attack me, and get a little quesy
Very tired....could sleep all day
Cant sit up straight for long periods of time
Cant focus....
and if that isnt enough, I have almost passsed out twice since Sunday....and laid down last night and even though I was laying down the room felt liek it was moving and felt like I was dizzy or not there
Now....problem is that Im not really sure when the last period started but I know it was early and it only last at thee most 3 days and I think thats even pushing it, and we had intercourse during which normally doesnt happen.
Blood and urine tests at this point are negative, however, I am early to check.....and I also have a very faint slight pain in the pelvic aread ????

11 years ago

aprincessa - Just try not to obsess too much if possible. I have lactated since I was about 14 or 15 and been tested for everything that can cause it, and there is no medical explanation for mine. The only time I didn't lactate was during my pregnancies. If you don't get a positive result soon, go to the doctor, and approach them about the milk production instead of about a possible pregnancy. As long as they don't propose testing that could cause harm if you are pregnant, do the testing. Also remember your mind can influence your body, and some of the symptoms of an imagined or deeply wished for pregnancy are very real. Everyone writing posts on here has been convinced of a pregnancy that wasn't there at some point or another. You may or may not be pregnant. I would caution you not get too attached to the idea of being pregnant until you get some validation of your pregnancy - for your mental health. Lots of people who have had tubal ligation do end up getting pregnant, so you might be. If you haven't yet, you should read up on other causes of lactation to see if your symptoms are similar to those, and get in to see the doc again once you review them. Ectopic pregnancies are more common with the type of birth control you chose, too, so don't let it go too long before you get checked out. Good luck!

11 years ago

It seems as though I may have been off when judging when AF should be flying in...or was I??? Not sure but if so she should be arriving tomorrow which happens to be my birthday So my day could either be very happy or the extreme opposite. I have to say i'm very nervous for tomorrow to get here, first instinct is to get up and take a test but i'm going to try and wait it out at least until the morning of the 10th. We shall see ladies.........

11 years ago

aprincessa--I don't mean to scare you or anything, but if you suspect you may be pregnant, I would get in to a doctor ASAP. IIRC, having had your tubes tied means it's more likely that any pregnancy to occur afterward would be ectopic. Again, I don't mean to scare you, but I think it's worth a call to your doctor just to be sure. There have been post-tubal pregnancies that were just fine, but if it were me I'd want to get checked out just to be safe. :)

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11 years ago

aprincesa - you said you went for a blood test, right? Did they do an exam or sonogram to make sure you don't have a tubal r other form of ectopic?

11 years ago

Good evening girls!!!!! Sunday has come and gone and still ! Hmm? Should I be happy or disappointed? lol Sheesh! So tomorrow I'm going to test with fmu and no matter what the answer is I'm going to call the doctor and stand firm! I know that they want me to do the progesterone challenge but if I wanted withdrawal bleeding I'd go back on my birth control. They can figure everything out with a blood test anyways. I'm going to stress that my sister has PCOS so they may be more willing to exam me for that. Are you ladies becoming bored with hearing my blabbing with no BFP? LOL.

@aprincessa17-I'm still holding out hope that your pregnant but like the other ladies...I'm worried if you have something else going on. Please call the doctor.

@jasmine-I get sharp pains from time to time. My family doesnt know we're trying so I try to hide the looks of pain LOL! My mom gets nervous if I have a headache so I have to really hide pain around her. Otherwise she'll bug me til I give in and tell her! LOL

Happy Early Birthday Alisha!!! Praying for your on Tuesday!!!!

Good night ladies. I'll talk to you in the morning!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Well Ladies, thank you for the advice, wishes and thoughts !!! They are well needed....I was having chest pains this after noon along with some minor pelvic pain when sitting, and my back has been killing severely all day, soooo we called a couple doctors, and they said I would have to go to Hospital....( that is a whole other story) You ahve to remember I ahevent been pregnant in 9 years, nor have I seen a OBGYN, as I really dont like Doctors...
soo I went fr anxiety, told them I took pregnancy test and they came out negative, Doctor has told me to try to go to ER to get ultrasound or sonorgram to confirm since its too early to test.....sooo Im in MD, and not sure where you laides are but ....I went to a hospital to get diagnosed and got sent home with the same answer I went in with the test is negative for now, but I have to wait a week or two.......needless to say 6 hours at the ER, to find out what I already knew really blew me away, expecially since I have a heart murmor and with chest pains and the anxiety I was worried more about me than anything else....:( Sooo keep pryaing for me and keeping your fingers crossed, but I think for now Im gonna sit back and go with my instinct as it appears they seem to think its impossiblee. The nurse even said to me, that ohh you have a tubal, you can't get pregnant, who told you that it was possible??? I mean really......this forum and thousads of others are out there, with girls twice my age conceviing after tublas, yes man are eptopic however, how can you rely on hospitals that tell you what statistics have proven wrong ??? Im sooo upset tonight :(...
But anywyas....luck and dust your way....I hope you all have better luck than me !!! :)

11 years ago

Aprincessa - I'm sorry that things didn't go the way you hoped. Almost all OB offices have sonogram equip, so if you can get into one that would be my suggestion. Talk to them about the milk production, tell them you have had your tubes tied but you feel pregnant and are worried it could be ectopic. I can't believe the hospital wouldn't do a sonogram. If it's ectopic & ends up being in your tubes it could rupture, and the faster they catch it the better. Maybe because of how early along you would be they wouldn't be able to see anything on a sonogram. Anyway, good luck with it. I sincerely hope things turn out well.

Alishakaye - you know I'm a POAS addict, so I wouldn't be able to wait. I'd have to test today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!

11 years ago

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