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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm not going to get excited till it gets dark and I miss af

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11 years ago

mandy- yay! have fun Bd'ing like crazy! Catch the egg!!!

Lammy - omgoodness! I hope this is a sticky one for you! Yes, at least one BFP a month is what we need here.

pisces- oh gosh i hate that b*tch.

hkellerman - i'm going to be honest with you here, and some people will more than likely disagree with me. I was a HARDCORE pot smoker for most of my life. I have never had a baby daddy (well, only have one so far actually!) that DIDN'T smoke. I got pregnant 3 times while smoking heavily every single day for all of my first 3 pregnancies. My first child i smoked from time to time while pregnant after TONS of research. My oldest son was born with NO HEALTH PROBLEMS whatsoever and he is in 2nd grade reading at a 5th grade level. On the other hand, with my 2nd baby the states started doing mandatory drug testing and with my progesterone issues and how many times i was goin gto the doctor i decided NOT to smoke with him. Not saying that this caused anything because what happened was a natural unknown thing that happens to 1% of babies, but my youngest son was born with an ASD and a VSD (2 holes in his heart) and underwent open heart surgery at 4 months old and was on a feeding tube for 2 months before that, i was having to supplement breastmilk with a calorie builder because he wasn't gaining any weight and he was 8 pounds at 4 months when they took him back to surgery. Just saying, i've never had a problem with conceiving due to marijuana use. There are several studies that say pot doesn't affect the reproductive system and several that say it does. Now, in this research that says it DOES affect fertility, it was talking about HEAVY use. Not sporadic use. I know i'm ranting but i believe very seriously in what i'm saying and i've experienced these things myself, they are not statistics coming from a lab. It has only been 6 months that you've been trying and there is only a 20% chance each month. I don't think your age has anything to do with it. I think you are just waiting for the right time. yes it's frustrating and i wish you the best!!!

11 years ago

@Keller, if you have a REGULAR monthly cycle, DO NOT BUY FERTILIAID! Well that would be my recommendation! It seems great and all but after you do more research on ity from people with regular cycles just trying to boost their chances, it has in fact hurt it! It messes up your "regular" cycle and makes it longer and causes severe cramping. Don't get me wrong, I had the BEST damn attitude and was always in a good mood while I was taking it but I cramped every single day which was not normal for me. I mean, hurt cramps.. Like my husband wanted me to call the Dr hurt. I am not saying that is the case for everyone but I have read thousands of reviews where it has ruined regular cycles and it does contain Vitex and everywhere I have read it also stated that if you have a regular cycle do not take Vitex. I ordered my FertiliTea and my second bottle of Fertiliaid before finding all this out! Again, just my opinion and experience! I should ovulate today, CD17 like I have for the past 3 months and I pray that the 30 days I did take the Fertiliaid that it didn't screw up this cycle.

11 years ago

@mem my sisters best friend was a HEAVY HEAVY SMOKER. She was diagnosed with pre-ovarian failure. I said it probably from all the weed you smoke. Anywho...she just had her 3rd baby yesterday. Lol

11 years ago

pisces- i think a lot of EVERYTHING is blamed on POT for no good reason actually. There is no scientific research that it is harmful to your health. It doesn't cause cancer, reproductive harm etc.... what DOES cause all of these fertility problems are things like PLASTICS that excrete estrogen simulating hormones that are in LIPSTICK, BLUSH, MASCARA, water bottles and an array of other items. The black smoke you see pumping out of plastic plants? laced with estrogen. If your body is estrogen dominant, we all knwo what happens. THere are also babies being born with either malformed or double uteri and other reproductive abnormalities due to pollutants and estrogen simulating plastic residue and chemicals from make-up that women use every day. This estrogen-like compound is even found in BABY BOTTLES!!! We are around plastic from birth, and we wonder why all of the sudden miscarriage rates are up and infertility rates have reached an all-time high! it's crazy!

11 years ago

LOL sorry for ranting, This is just one of my platforms in my activism. Plastic use reform and awareness. :)

11 years ago

@lammy- I'm not seeing anything on your tests yet but it could be because the pics are blurry. Because your countertop has a pattern, the camera focuses on that instead of the test (I had this issue a lot). Instead, put the test on a piece of paper (solid color) and then take the pic. It should look a lot more focused .

@pisces- remember hun, I didnt get my bfp til 14dpo. Dont give up hope yet...although I know it's hard.

@hkellerman- Let me put it this way....I wish I would have been diagnosed with PCOS a long time ago! If I would have been, I would have made sure I was at a much healthier weight (I'm down to 148 now). If I weighed less, my cycles would be more normal and I wouldnt need meds to make me ovulate now. I not saying anything is wrong with you! I'm just saying that if by chance their is something a dr can tell you to do to boost your chances, it doesnt hurt to find out now. But most drs will tell you to come back in 6 more months anyways. When was the last time you had a normal women's exam???


Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you for the advice Tara I will go do that now

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11 years ago

Well ladies its cd19 and I am still bleeding., I am going to the dr tomorrow to figure this out especially since I'm cramping now.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

I'm just sitting watching tv and dh randomly said to me I know ur preg u have a different smell I was like huh he said my body Oder is different I'm not sure if that's a sign or not I just thought it was strange . I also had very bad nausea I was dry heaving and today dh dinner just the smell also make me sick . I'm starting to get shooting pains in my bbs . Signs are starting to get stronger hopefully my line will get darker

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11 years ago

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