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Moms-to-be with more than a year under our belts...

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Hi Ladies,

I recently joined a moms-to-be thread and that didn't work... too general, looooooots of people started following and I couldn't keep up. Are there a few of you who have been trying for around a year or a little more that want to start our own?

If so, respond with the following:

Cycles TTC:
What you look forward to most about being pregnant?:

Thanks gals,
Hope to see responses back soon! : )

53 Replies • 12 years ago



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79 Girl,

Hey thanks! : ) My friend gave me this book, it's called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". I started reading it today and it has tons of information I think will help me.

I just started charting my BBT this week... Do you do that? Did your temp rise the day after you ovulated?

I think I ovulated yest. we'll see...

Good Luck! : ) You're my new buddy, I added you as my friend on here too...

12 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Sunny and Momsheart!! Hoping that this is a lucky thread for you both, and at least we won't feel quite so alone in this process!

Momsheart, yes, I did read Taking Charge of Your Fertility-great book! I charted for a few months and it was really interesting, but my cycle was the same each month so after I charted for a few months I didn't really need to chart to know when I ovulate. It would be really helpful for cycles that are more irregular though. I found that it was really good for me to chart for a while and then take a break so I didn't obsess about the number each morning ;) I also did acupuncture for three months and she recommended that I chart to see the effects of acupuncture, which was also interesting. Regardless, I found that my temp usually went up the day of ovulation or slowly rose over a few days. The anxiety-provoking part was that I had a triphasic pattern each month, which, in the book, is a sign of pregnancy. So I got my hopes up prematurely a few times :(

Anyways, let me know what you think about charting and the book! Lots of great info. I also read "Making Babies" which was interesting.

Wishing everyone lots of luck as it seems like multiple people are close to ovulation right now-maybe our cycles are syncing up! :)

I have my apt with a new RE this afternoon, so we'll see how that goes...Have a great day everyone!


12 years ago

Hello Everyone:

I guess I'm a bit out of place :( My dr doesn't want to send me to a FS yet because he says we are still young and have lots of time. He wants me to ttc for 2 years. Its a complete bummer!

Also it seems everyone here is close to the big O and I am 12dpo today :S

Oh well, Hope everyone has a lucky month and fun doing the baby dance!

TTC #2 for 17 months DD: 5 DH:25 Me:25 User Image User Image

12 years ago

hey Quirkmom,

I wonder if you might want to get a second opinion, unless you are ok with waiting another year? There are some tests and maybe some low-tech treatments that may be helpful to try if you want to start moving forward. I had so many doctors tell me just to relax and keep trying, "It just takes the right sperm and egg to meet," until I finally reached a year, and I knew there was a problem long before that. I know that there is probably a very small chance that I can conceive naturally during the next year, and that would be great! But I just don't feel that the chances are that big for me, so I want to at least try some treatments. Also, it could be a really simple solution, such as blocked tubes, that an HSG could fix. Not sure if you have had that yet? Wishing you the best-it's a tough process, especially if you feel that you are just waiting.

12 years ago

79 girl,
I have actually gone to see a few drs, all of which dont feel it necessary to move forward. I have a daughter already, so they say they know I can concieve. I need to have a dr request i see a FS or our health care wont cover it. So really there isnt much I can do, even tho I want to.

TTC #2 for 17 months DD: 5 DH:25 Me:25 User Image User Image

12 years ago

so if you don't remember me heres is a break down been 2 yrs to the day today we have been ttcing, finally got refered to f.s. in may and found out both tubes are blocked. well tomorrow morning im having surgery to see if they can do anything about it kmfx they can.. and go from there. i know the frustration,depression,anger,hurt and the whole emotional rollercoaster that everyone of you is experiencing. its hard i know,but i wanted to let you guys know where i am in this whole thing and will keep you posted in the days to come. i just can't give up my dream yet so its on wards and up wards.

12 years ago

oh my gosh aroma! that's great news you are finally having surgery. I'm keeping my FX and saying a prayer that things go well

12 years ago

Quirkmom, that sounds SO frustrating!! Did they give you their reasoning for why they want you to wait? It seems like they could give you options to try while you wait, but that's just me. Maybe they're just confident that you will get pregnant naturally soon? Really hoping that your wait is not too long.

Aroma, on your surgery!! I'll be thinking about you and sending you good vibes! My mother in law actually tried to get pregnant for two years before finding out that her tubes were blocked, then she conceived the very next cycle and ended up having five kids with no other trouble. Wishing you lots of luck that your surgery will go well and you'll get pregnant soon after.

Afm, my appointment with the new RE went amazing! So much different from my last dr. He spent so much time answering all of our questions, empathizing, and outlined his treatment recommendations (which were completely different from my previous doctor's). He acknowledged that it's harder to know how to treat us since we are completely unexplained, but he recommended doing Clomid plus insemination three times and then moving on to IVF. He even said that, with our ages and histories, he is about 90% sure that we will get pregnant if we do everything we can, including IVF, if necessary. It was such a relief to meet with him and feel that he was the right doctor for us and the plan felt right, too. Just knowing that we have pretty good chances makes me much more relaxed about when it will actually happen. And if it doesn't happen for us, it was at least worth a shot and we'll know that we did everything we could.


12 years ago

Name: Melina
TTC#: 2nd
Cycles TTC: 17
(months) but this is the 2nd proper cy Cycles
What you look forward to most about being pregnant?: The feeling of feeling the baby move inside me.

Hi Hi

I thought I would post in this topic as ive been trying for so long and it would be nice to talk to other people in my boat. Im lucky that I already have my DS who is 3 but we really want a sibling for him and because of the stupid Depo injection its caused massive issues.

I hope to talk to other people in my boat.


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12 years ago

Melina- Welcome! : ) I'm so sorry to hear about the problem with the depo shot! Way too often I hear horror stories about what birth control does to our wonderful mommy bodies... I have friends who had difficulty getting pregnant for years or at all because of their birth control... But that will not be you!

Fruitfulness to you so you and your husband can give your child siblings! I heard a cool phrase before that I think you would like,"The greatest gift parents can give their children is brothers and sisters."
As my brother and I are very very close, I totally agree with this statement. He was my companion through all of my childhood and we were best friends. I am so grateful my parents had him and I wish they had more! : )
That's why I want a big family, lots of love!

To everyone else on this thread:
I was just thinking how we should def announce on here that when we are finally pregnant, isn't it exciting to have one another group you get to tell!?

Baby dust to us all... I'm hoping for this month to be mine, however I did just start charting and would like to try charting a couple months so I can really get to know my body... But as you all can predict I'd be way happier to have a baby then more time charting... I can chart later, after my baby comes : )

12 years ago • Post starter

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