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starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! part 3

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Welcome to all the ladies out there who have been riding the ttc roller coaster and have decided to give Clomid a try! We are a super group of ladies so feel free to share your every thought:)

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

288 Replies • 12 years ago



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281 - 288 of 288 Replies

Hey ladies! I hope all is well. Thanks for the warm wishes. I am feeling much better. I'm still taking antibiotics for the UTI. I only have one more day of taking those. The UTI seems to be mostly gone, although I think that I can still feel it a little bit (especially first thing in the morning). My doctor called on Monday to see how I was doing and said that the culture came back and was positive for the UTI being caused by Staph (not sure I completely understand everything about it though), so I may need to go in for another urine sample to make sure it is completely gone. My doctor said they may need to give me more antibiotics. On another note, I am currently 7dpo and am soooo anxious to test. I think I'm going to test Friday morning with a 6 day first response, early response test. I will be 10dpo then. Really hoping I finally get my BFP. Not really sure what my doctor plans to do if AF comes, whether it be further testing, round 4 of clomid, or a natural cycle. I haven't had any symptoms really. Infact my bbs are not sore at all, and normally they get really sore a few days after ovulation all the way up to AF. So hoping that is a good sign. TMI - Been a little gassy today and for the last few days I have thick and creamy cm. Anyway, I don't have much time to finish typing, so I'll keep you ladies updated. Hope everyone is doing well. Praying for the BFPs!!!

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12 years ago

Hey Ladies!

I haven't posted much lately, but just wanted to let you all know I read along the way. So exciting to hear about the BFPs that came through recently! Keeping my fingers crossed for super sticky beans!!

After DH's SA came back so poor, and IUI was highly recommended, we decided to give clomid a break. My last cycle was my first time off the clomid... I'm 7(ish) DPO.. not entirely sure - I didn't OPK at all this cycle.. and we didn't plan BDing around O time either. It's actually been a really nice change. I can say that we're "not trying" all I want, but it's impossible for me to NOT know when I'm ovulating at this point. So we didn't BD like crazy like we normally do around O time, but we still hit a few days (without trying) in my fertile/O time-frame - I know this cuz I'm a calendar hawk by nature, now. So, although we're not actively trying.. and although the odds are against us, I'm still a little curious if by some miracle - something happened for us this month. I'm sure I'll feel like that for a long time! It's just ingrained in me now. I keep thinking, "It only takes one good swimmer.. just one."

Anyway - first cycle without clomid, I have noticed a BIG adjustment in my moods/attitude. I know clomid stays in your system for some time after you stop taking it, but my mood swings were horrible on the stuff. My perspective and the way with I'm dealing with things (especially with DH) has improved amazingly. Hoping this continues to improve.. I'm embarrassed about my craziness with poor DH.. haha! Poor guy. I feel like clomid is still playing tricks with my head.. as I know I'm in the TWW time-frame at the moment, and I'm feeling those pregnancy symptoms that are likely just effects from clomid.

We can't afford IUI right now, and we've somewhat accepted that we may never have another child. It still stings at the core when I think too hard about it, but I'm trying to move forward with a positive attitude. We feel incredibly blessed to have the child we do have. We had high hopes of having another baby, and had fingers crossed for another boy - and because of this, I've been holding on to all of DS's baby clothes - I have bins and bins full of my favorite stuff from when DS was a baby... well, in my mini-mourning process, I gathered the strength to go through the clothes and hand them down to a girlfriend who just had a baby boy. This was a huge step for me... and at the time, I was so strong.. but as I type this, I'm shedding tears.

The TTC experience, the one we go through, anyway, is incredible. You ladies are so strong and beautiful.. and I have the highest respect and hopes for all of you! Thank you for always listening and being supportive. Of course, I will check in and read up, always.. I just can't help it :)

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12 years ago

Hey ladies, sorry I've been MIA for a while, just very busy, which is a good thing these days. Anyway, I thought it time to start a new thread as we are on page 15 alredy. So, feel free to migrate over to "starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! part 4"

See ya there!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

12 years ago • Post starter

Hopefulll ~ Can you please post the link to the new forum? I can't seem to find it. Thank you!

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12 years ago

Yes, link please. I can't find it either.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies i am new on here...
Just looking for some advice. I have PCOS I believe its a mild case as my only symptoms are no AF and Cysts on my ovaries i just had surgery to have a 8ml one removed from my left side. My HD just had a vasectomy reversal and his SA count was fantastic. 95 mil!! I just did provera then 50mg of clomid 5-9. My last day of clomid was yesterday I read to take robitussin starting today. So I did. And to BD every other day. I am also doing OPKS. Any other advice i can do to make my chances higher? If it does not work this month my doc wants me to wait to sept to do clomid again.

12 years ago

Hello everyone. I started Clomid yesterday. Has anyone got a yet on their first round.

12 years ago

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