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TTC #1 with CLOMID!!! Looking for Cycle Buddies!!

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Hey ya'll my name is Stacey and I am 30 years old and have been married to the love of my life for almost 6 years!! I have PCOS and we have never conceived. I also recently lost 60 lbs which you could find on my youtube channel (it follows both my weight loss and TTC journey)! . I am so excited that this is our first time TTC with clomid! I am on Cycle day 3 and just took my first 50mg clomid!!! Let's all be friends and share our experiences this month!!!!

282 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi guys :) hope everyone is well.
Just a quick update from me. Had my 12w ultrasound today and baby is perfect baby is measuring 12w 5d which I am today. Got a dvd of the ultrasound and a photo. The technician said that the baby had its hand in front of its face like it's sucking its thumb which is adorable!
My foetal doppler arrived yesterday yay!

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

Yay! That is excellent!!! We have another two and a half weeks before we will have our next scan. I will be 12 weeks 5 days then too :) Hopefully it goes as well as yours! There are more expectations on us to produce a baby now that half the family knows! We had to tell my siblings earlier than intended as they will all be at the funeral next week and the cat is already out of the bag with the aunties down there.

10 years ago

I am just so stoked for you ladies! I have complete confidence that you'll do just fine, Shelob!

DH made it out of the field in time for Father's Day, and AFTER he showered (OMG he smelled AWFUL) I nailed him! The sex was awesome! I used a soft cup, so hopefully we kept as many spermies as possible up there! Still no +OPK but they're getting darker. Hopefully he came home just in time to catch Ms Egg!


10 years ago

Its been pretty quiet on here lately, i hope everyone is well.
The last two weeks ive been troubled by pins and needles and horrible back pain which seems a bit early to me.
We finally told all our family on the weekend but some were already suspicious lol.

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

bella83 I am not surprised they were suspicious! You are further along than I am and I am finding it REALLY hard to hide things now!!

I have just been muddling along. Trying to continue coping with work while not feeling great. The biggest thing is tiredness at the moment. Nausea is definitely dissipating. It gets better each day. I will be 12 weeks tomorrow! My wardrobe might give me away as it has changed entirely overnight. My tummy is now too obvious for tight fitting clothing. I had been getting away with that the week before last, but now...not at all!! So baggy tops it is! Even dresses are too tight to hide it. I never realised how form fitting all my clothing is!!! I got another huge bag of maternity stuff from my sister yesterday and got a few compliments on the first top I selected from it to wear today. I am really looking forward to wearing the lovely knitwear she gave me, but it is all beautifully snug and shows off a pronounced tummy. Just have to wait a couple of weeks...

So I have my next ultrasound in 6 days. I REALLY hope it is all okay. i assume it will be with all I have been experiencing. Still, can't help but worry after a miscarriage. We have told lots of family and will tell more this weekend. We wanted to wait until after the ultrasound but we have to time it right so family finds out before friends which is tricky.

10 years ago

Shelob how did your ultrasound go?

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

Just had the scan this afternoon. All is well!!!!! We saw baby moving around a bit, kicking legs, waving arms :) The spine astounds me because you can see every piece! It is now a real baby, not just a blob. Measuring 13 weeks, so a couple of days ahead which is excellent!!! So relieved. I knew I was still pregnant, but they checked out all the things and could even tell that stomach and bladder were the right sizes and in the right place etc. I just wanted to know it was still alive! So the risk of miscarriage is now greatly reduced. Phew! We can start telling friends now. I still feel a bit odd about telling people though. I will still wait a few weeks before telling work.

10 years ago

Thats great Shelob!

I think i felt a little kick yesterday!!

But ive been troubled the last few weeks with carpal tunnel which sucks but my ob said that my bp is perfect and i have no oedema, so unfortunately there is nothing they can do :(
Ive fashioned up some tubigrip wear at night which will provide some compression so hopefully it helps!

Any news 2frsty or firsttime?

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

I too am on medicated cycle with Clomid. I have 2angel babies Aug 2013 @ 7 wks and Jan 2014 @ 18wks..... It's been 5 months since our loss so we are currently trying again. Today I'm 11dpo will test in the morning!! Had low abdominal pain today, pinching pain, fatigue, diarrhea,and I chart my temps and they have remained high since O day.... Fingers crossed will update on test results.... And BABY DUST to us all!!!!

10 years ago

Its been a long time, how is everyone?

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

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