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Been Feeling down :(

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Hi im quiet new to the forum , me n my oh have been ttc for over 2 years now
we are both hopefully getting help from our doctors within the next couple of weeks to do fertility tests
anyway for a while there i had been coping not to bad from month to month and having no joy conceiving bt now have found out 2 more ppl i knw are expecting i jst dnt know how to deal with this part that every time i hear abt someone i knw expecting i feel sorry for myself
jst had to get this of my chest as i dnt really have anyone to talk to abt this, my oh jst tells me it will be our turn one day bt i jst keep wondering when will that be coz it feels like its never going to happen :( n hoped maybe people on here could give me some advice to try help me pick myself back up again

287 Replies • 12 years ago



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MRSBAURS - *sigh* same boat. AF started Friday. But finally got in to see the infertility specialist! Start clomid today and a trigger shot next week! Don't lose hope. I'm waiting with ya.

Me: 27 PCOS DH: 25 Fine and dandy November 2011 First round of 50mg Clomid. December 22 !!! January 1 2012 m/c @7 weeks - Clomid 50mg round #2 Feb 2012. 21 day progesterone level at a 3 !!! Another m/c at 5 weeks - Clomid 100mg April - June epic fail - July Femara/Ovidril It worked!!! - Sept - .... lost a genetically healthy baby boy

12 years ago

Well AF showed up last Saturday. So she has come and gone and I have started temping again. I will keep you all posted on if I O on my own! I hope I do!!

Any news to share?

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12 years ago

AF showed up today but bang on day 28 this time which is more normal than day 39 last month
apart from that not alot going on with me just trying to keep busy and wait 23 days till my hospital appointment and then the day after that is my nephews 1st bday which im looking forward to he always puts me in a good mood :)

hope everyone else is doing ok

baby dust

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone, I so sorry to hear that your AFs have shown up!!

I am currently on 9 DPO and I trying really hard not to test. I think this is the hardest thing to do but, I just don't want to get the bad new again.

Anyway this weeks should be an interesting one because my new niece or nephew will be born on Wed. I am not sure if that will make this week easier or harder because of the emotions of wanting a child of our own.

Baby Dust to all!

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12 years ago

hi mela0054,

fingers crossed for u this month, i know must be hard not to test you kind of want to know but ur scared u get a bfn when like us all want a bfp
baby dust

i hope when your niece or nephew arrives it makes your week easier :)

afm im on for a little rant past few days havent been much fun im in alot of pain with af and i dont normally suffer this bad and on top of that my dh son living with us is starting to take its toll on our relationship i feel like we never get 5 mins together now and my dh feels like i dont want his son there living with us and its not like that atall i have tried speaking to him but he doesnt understand what im saying his boy is 17 and all i ask is that we get a little bit of privacy not him sitting in his room 24/7 and then my dh said what if we ever have a child am i going to kick them out i dont think he understands where im coming from atall jst feeling a bit alone in this house now
sorry laddies just had to get this of my chest

12 years ago • Post starter

Wilson, I hope you and hubby can get on the same page about his son :( That can't be easy.

Mela, how is your neice/nephew??? Everything go okay?

MrsBaurs I wish I understood temping so I could help you lol, however... I can't comprehend those lines lol.

As for me, I went in for another ultrasound today which shows my lining is a good thickness at 6mm. My right ovary has a buncha follicles but they're all 6mm or smaller (way to small) My left ovary has a few 8mm and one 11.5 mm (this is the one I'm pinning my hopes on). So I go back again Friday to see if that one on my left side matured or not! If it did, I take the trigger shot and we're off to the bed for the next few days! *sigh* why can't I have a nice short cycle so I don't have to wait so long for things lol.

Me: 27 PCOS DH: 25 Fine and dandy November 2011 First round of 50mg Clomid. December 22 !!! January 1 2012 m/c @7 weeks - Clomid 50mg round #2 Feb 2012. 21 day progesterone level at a 3 !!! Another m/c at 5 weeks - Clomid 100mg April - June epic fail - July Femara/Ovidril It worked!!! - Sept - .... lost a genetically healthy baby boy

12 years ago

I have been there redshadoe0. Keep you hopes up and positive thoughts going! Grow egg grow! BABY DUST!

Sorry for your troubles Wilson. I know it is sometimes hard to get across what you really mean and make it sound right. Hang in there and be extra patient! If that doesn't work remind him he should be patient also and be extra supportive!

mela0054 I hope that the new bundle in your family will bring you joy and hope! Miracles can and do happen!

AFM we are off for a long weekend starting tomorrow night. We have a wedding to attend and it is out of town where not a lot of people know us so they won't be asking the dreaded question! So have a great weekend ladies and I will check in next week!

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12 years ago

hey redshadoe0, hope everything goes ok for and u egg has grew baby dust :)

and yep my living situation isnt easy but i did manage to speak to hubby yesterday and think we have cleared the air a bit with eachother he knows he has to be more supportive to me and understands his son living with us is taking alot of getting used to for me when i have been so used to it just being the two of us most of the time

i am going to spend some time with my best friend and my nephew this wkend will help cheer me up after my rubbish wk my nephew is walking now so should b a fun wkend for me lol

hey dolphin1204
that will be good for you getting a long wkend away and nobody asking u any questions
i hope u have a good weekend speak to you soon

baby dust to all

12 years ago • Post starter

Trigger shot tomorrow!!! At the ultrasound today my left ovary has one follicle at 18mm. So doc says trigger shot in the morning! Hopefully it'll boost the folly up to 20+mm and it'll be my lucky month!!! 2 weeks from tomorrow I get betas drawn to see if it worked. *sigh* might be one of the longest 2WW's of my TTC life haha.

Me: 27 PCOS DH: 25 Fine and dandy November 2011 First round of 50mg Clomid. December 22 !!! January 1 2012 m/c @7 weeks - Clomid 50mg round #2 Feb 2012. 21 day progesterone level at a 3 !!! Another m/c at 5 weeks - Clomid 100mg April - June epic fail - July Femara/Ovidril It worked!!! - Sept - .... lost a genetically healthy baby boy

12 years ago

Good luck red. Keep us posted.

Im on CD 15 and I'm just waiting to ovulate. This is the last cycle that I am going to try myself. If it doesn't work this cycle, I will start Clomid.

How is everyone else doing?

12 years ago

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