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starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! part 3

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Welcome to all the ladies out there who have been riding the ttc roller coaster and have decided to give Clomid a try! We are a super group of ladies so feel free to share your every thought:)

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey Everybody! Just figured I'd give a quck update on my pregnancy. Everything is going well. I'm in the 2nd trimester now (wahoo!!). I just scheduled my anatomy scan for june 4th (about 3 more weeks) which is 2 days after my 28th birthday (we decided that that's my birthday present! lol). Everything has been going well, all my bloodwork has come back great.

I'm SOOOO EXCITED at the BFPs that I've been seeing!! I can't wait to see more!! :) Congrats to those that have gotten the BFPs and the pos. OPKs!

12 years ago

Happy for you LittleDebbie....keep us posted.

I am happy to hear all these BFPs they all give me hope.

Had my scan today and I ovulated....yay I am in my TWW now and can't believe it. Hoping for a BFP.....I really really want this. ( like we all do )

I am going to try not to obsess but come Memorial day I will be testing. Going in on Tuesday after memorial for a pregnancy and blood test.

GL everyone excited first ovulation with my hubby....YAY

Me 36 DH 30 New too TTC 01/01/2012 User Image

12 years ago

just checking in on you all wonderful ladies! my opk's are getting darker, not dark enough yet, but maybe tomorrow?!
happy for you agapelove- and everyone else getting bfp's and pos opk! I am going to try to enjoy and not make dh do or take anything weird. I promised him i would chill out, so this is me chilling out....

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12 years ago

let us know what happens babylove an! so good to hear from you littledebbie!

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12 years ago

Positive OPK today!!!! I guess something just postponed my O for a few days.

I'm feeling really positive right now. My good friend, who has been TTC for five years, did her first IVF this month. And it worked! She doesn't know if both embryos stuck, but at least one did! So it's making me feel like if she's finally seeing some happy news, maybe I can, too!

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

12 years ago

Yay Felurian! It's such a relief to finally see the positive opk! I hate seeing negatives day after day... You feel like its never going to happen. Have a fun few days and keep yourself busy during the TWW. This will be your cycle!
I'm excited to hear IVF worked for your friend. I have a friend doing her first round next month and I pray it works for her too!

Swimmom - any luck with the opk today?

AFM - got a blood positive on Friday and the nurse said my levels were 23,000! This seems very high to me, but I asked the doctor if I should worry and she said no. She said I can schedule another blood test any time if I am feeling nervous, so I think I will do that next Wednesday.

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12 years ago

Love that everyone is on a positive aspect...let's keep it going.

Ok so I know I said I wouldn't obsess but a couple of questions.

Is having a sore throat normal?
What about sticky CM?

Today I was not in the mood for anything...I don't think I slept well. I spend most of my day obsessing over websites with the DPO signs...Why am I doing this to myself?

Okay enough about me.....GL LADIES...

Me 36 DH 30 New too TTC 01/01/2012 User Image

12 years ago

Pos opk this afternoon at 2!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!!!!
Happy for you too Felurian!
On to the next obsession....Dr. put us on every other day and we last night! so with my pos opk I don't want to wait until tomorrow or it may be too late! Seriously when is the best time before, during, or after pos opk to ? I read somewhere that people having an iui usually have it the day after they get a positive opk. I also read that you can ovulate 12 hours after pos opk, and if i wait till tomorrow night i will miss it. So i have to set my alarm and get dh up at 2 am? He will not be happy, so maybe we just better get it's about 11:15 pm where I live.....

to everyone!

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12 years ago

Hi Ladies

Felurian and Swimmom~ on your pos opk's.
Good luck to both of you this cycle..

We had our appointment with our Fertility Specialist today. Thankfully my dh was able to join me instead of going to his conference. We reviewed my last 3 cycles. With the Clomid my Day 21 progesterone results were 22 and then 36 and this last Day 21 was down to a 15 and was a natural cycle-without Clomid. So clearly the Clomid was doing what it was supposed to do. The next step for us is going to be IUI but our doc and us agree that we will wait until September to give my body a little break before going into a more agressive treatment. I am blessed to have such a great fertility doc. He doesn't push us into anything and he's so clear with his explanations. So that's where we are at. We both had the intense blood work done in prep for the IUI in Sept. He said before IUI they check for ALL diseases-so they took 6 viles from me and 4 from dh! The nurse then showed us how to do the hcg injection, gave us the syringes and explained the entire procedure. She is also so wonderful. Tomorrow I need to do a Day 3 bloodwork and then a Day 21 again this cycle just to see where I'm at again without the Clomid. Then I get a break from all the poking and proding until September. So that's where I'm at ladies! I'm bummed that Clomid alone didn't work its wonders for me and my dh but we are going to stay optimistic and go into this next step with an open mind. I may not update as often over the summer but I get all the posts on my phone so I will continue to watch for more from all you wonderful women!

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12 years ago

Clearly my ticker is wrong! I'm on cd2 :) Have a great weekend

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12 years ago

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