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New Year's Kick Off!

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In order to keep myself sane during my TWW (12/21-01/04) I'm starting this list for ladies who will be testing or starting a new cycle in the new year!

Let me start off by confessing that I am a POAS addict and my name is Lyn. I live in Italy and my husband is in the military so our TTC months can be quite varied... So far over the last yer we've only really had 4 good chances since he was gone. I'm really hoping that this is my cycle but if not we'll keep trying right up until DH gets on the plane to deploy!

We're TTC #2 after a MC in October of 2010 and I'm now 25 years old... I have PCOS and weight issues.

Let's spread the !

Hoping for my Janury 4th!! (But I know I'll be testing on the 1st)

Here's to keeping AF away!!

285 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hello ladies!

I'm happy to keep seeing all the BFP. It's keeping me going and I'm kinda ready for the tww this cycle. My O date is fastly approaching and should be between Tuesday and Thursday so DH and I are trying to do the BD every other night just hoping to finally get our BFP this month.

I will keep everyone update and hoping to hear of more BFP!!

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12 years ago

LOL I love that you ladies are saying it's great timing for a girl, coz I want another girl (I'm scared that boys have bits LOL)...DH wants a boy. So IF we get lucky this month and it is a girl, he'll just have to make do as this is our second and last.

Going to keep doing OPK's and seeing if it's a long surge or not.

EEEEEEEE! First pregnancies and only days apart!!! Sometimes it goes slow, sometimes it goes by fast...

If I remember correctly, this is how pregnancy went for me.....

Found out at 7 weeks so I can't really tell you how it was before that....

7-16 weeks was slow.

12 weeks nuchal fold ultrasound which was awesome (but scary for us as they said she might have a kidney defect, but another scan two weeks later confirmed all was fine)

I started feeling flutters in my belly at about 14-16 weeks. No one believed me and kept saying it was gas, but when it's YOUR baby inside of YOU, then you know, coz you just KNOW. You know? ;)

I think most women feel 'the quickening' between 16-24 weeks.

I felt my first big kick around 20 weeks. (She was a long girl, measuring 3 weeks longer in length at her first US)

16-30 (or more) weeks time just flies by. But you're showing and you're busy preparing, or talking to baby, or other mommy/baby things ;)

36-40 weeks feels like ten years.

I'm not even joking. I literally wanted to just cut her out. I was a beached whale. I was ten degrees hotter than everyone else. I could sleep only on my side with a pillow between my legs (so not as beautiful as the ladies on the mother/baby pillow adds make it look). I groaned at every opportunity and I did everything possible to get her out, including star jumps (my neighbors suspected an earth quake.) clary sage oil (smells of poo) and a whole host of other things.

My fave parts would be ultrasound pics (I got a 3D one when I was in preterm labor that was super cool) and feeling baby move.

I want time to kinda hurry, coz I want to enjoy each and every bit of YOUR pregnancy stories! I can't wait to hear you guys talk about the first pictures, the first movements, when you first feel baby has the hiccups etc. It's truly magical and I just can't wait!!

My new motto User Image

12 years ago

Blondy- GL girl! and fingers crossed!

Chazzy- I am so excited about all the firsts!!! just reading your comments made me tear up! soo emotional these days! I am most excited to feel the first kicks and movements and the ultrasounds! it feels like even 8 weeks is far away though.. it feels like time is at a stand still. ugh!! In my last pregnancy it was not planned at all so I did not find out either until about close to 7 weeks. I didn't have many symptoms either except for fatigue ..not much nausea until week 8 ..def remember this bloating! I am SOOOO gassy and bloated tonight its not even funny! gahhh... Thank you for sharing your pregnancy experience with us! very much appreciated! :) Totally not really looking forward to the end of that last trimester as I already have hip bursitis on my right side and so not looking forward to all the pain i will be enduring because there will be no other way to lay down! but.. its worth it. Today I felt pretty good and symptom free and it made me freak out for a lil bit.. the symptoms remind me I am pregnant with a wonderful miracle!

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12 years ago

FX for you this cycle Blondy.

Knicole - I had bursitis too!!! On my left hip. I had a dose of cortisone at about 11 weeks pregnant because the pain was so debilitating, the doctor that did the ultrasound couldn't believe how bad it was. They refused to do anymore cortisone treatments though and I suffered through the rest of the pregnancy with SPD which acupuncture helped with. Best of luck! And if you haven't already, try acupuncture! That stuff is magic!

My new motto User Image

12 years ago

@ knicole27- Thank you and no my cycles are on average 32 days, give or take a day. My last 2 cycles were exactly 32 days. So idk about this. Last yr just this time I was pregnant, found our Jan. 4th 2011. I m/c but I was thinking that (weird as it may seem) it might be because I m/c last yr this time that I missed af now. Lol Weird and unlikely, although I have heard that wanting it so bad your body does crazy things. About the Soy Isoflavones and progesterone cream, I don't know what those are. I haven't tried anything outside the "natural" way of things. Bding and cm lol What does that stuff do to your body and how do you do it?

@Chazzy- Thank you, I never got a blood test. I got a urine test when I went. I don't have actual insurance to just go to any Dr. I have a insurance just for going to the clinic for women. So idk if they would do a blood test. I suppose I can ask, but I doubt. I also wonder, once I get a positive, since I m/c my last time would I get in sooner and have my beta levels checked early on to make sure it's progressing? I sure hope so. Also about a little over a yr ago I kept getting severe shooting pains in my lower abdomen and sorry tmi but vagina, I think it might be my cervix, but I charted my cycles and when the pain occurred trying to see if it was "Mittleschmertz" or whatever it is called. It just happened whenever so they gave my an US looking for cysts, fibroid's, endometriosis, etc... All they found was my left ovary was slightly larger than my right. Nothing conclusive. I also had the pain in my abdomen on my left side. Well when I went in last week and she did the manual exam of my lady bits and she asked me if I have been having pain on my right side as she is pushing down on my lower abdomen. So I am guessing my ovaries are what are bothering me. It felt like I had appendicitis around when af was due from the pain on my right side. It lasted a day and went away.

@Btrflyluv- Thank you. I have also skipped cycles before. Twice when I was a teen (i was not sexually active at the time) and when I got pregnant with my 6 yr old, when I went off bc in July of 09', and when I got pregnant last yr. I am sure skipping is going to happen again to me, I am just SO confused, WHY now?!? Uhhh lol... August was a BAD month and I stressed SO much I thought I was going to die and I got my af 2 days early. Spotted the whole time. So now here I am and all my friends say I am pg, I feel nausea and pressure in my lower abdomen. I am tired all the time, been taking naps when I slept all the night before. With all that and NO AF!!!! I am still getting negatives on the sticks. Dh is telling me now to calm down, I either am pg or not, and if I am not that I will be soon enough. It was so comforting for him to tell me that. I just can't stop thinking about it now. Something has better happen before I am writing you guys in an insane asylum lol!!!!!

Well, It is 1:44 am my time and I am tired. Ha I am now 12 days late according to my app on my phone and cycle day 45 according to my last af... Maybe I will have an insightful dream :) We need to invent a scanner that women can have in their homes that is safe and can look into our uterus' and see bby in there, like an electronic pregnancy test. A woman can suspect she is in fact pg and find out by placing something similar to an ipad on her abdomen and seeing if she is or isn't. Brilliant I say!!! Lol well I am off to sleep.

Sorry for the long post :)

12 years ago

I'm in Australia so I'm not used to having to have insurance to go to a doctor, it's a weird concept to me.

If you can I would request a blood test and have you had a papsmear lately? I had shooting pains up there (I've always had pain of some form down there so it wasn't like anything new for me but my ex's mother dragged me to a gyno) and the doctor did a pap just to be sure. He found some odd cells and called me straight back in for a biopsy. I had CIN2/3. Had I not gone for my pap it could have very well turned malignant within months.

Thinking of you xx keep us updated

My new motto User Image

12 years ago

Lucky!! Australia!!! And the insurance thing, super lucky!! I spent many yrs of my life w/o insurance till I got pg with my 6 yr old. And now I am back to nothing, just a card that allows me to get checked out. I got a pap done 5 days ago, no word back yet. (my cervix burned after too for about a day, I checked it tonight and it is hurting again from checking. Idk what that's about) I have had 2 abnormal paps before, they were followed by normal ones so they wrote them off. I have had normal ones since as well. I just looked up what you said you had and I am very glad you caught it in time. Scary. I am also not sure the clinic will listen to me. I can't go to an OB-GYN till I find out I am pg. Ugh!! lol I just remembered I said last post that I was going to sleep but I am driven to search out the answer to my prob until af comes of my bfp!! I know I can only google or bing something so many times before the search engines are annoyed with me lol...

12 years ago

I had appendicitis type pain when pregnant with DD and no BFP until I was something around 35DPO.

It all does sound promising but you need bloods and a check up to make sure it's not anything else. It's unfair that you guys have to do the whole insurance thing.

Here they bulk bill (the government pays it)

Your cervix can get sore after a pap if they've been a bit rough, but sometimes pregnancy makes it more sensitive. How strange that your abnormal ones turned normal without help...I'm glad they did!

I feel very lucky to live here, the medical system is in need of some major changes, but we're lucky we have the medicare system.

what's your cervix doing? Is it high and hard? Or???

My new motto User Image

12 years ago

You ladies are getting me excited about conceiving.... I have a 14 year old son now (I was 15 yrs old :-() but he is fun... I just got married this past july and dh is 38, I'm 29... we can't wait to have another baby... I'm loading up on the b6, fertilaide and prenatals... I'm 10 cd, I should be o'ing in a week or so... I have my progesterine cream on handto start usng at 3 dpo.... I can't wait to get my bfp so I can join in on the conversation about being pregnant.... love hearing all your symptoms :-)

12 years ago

Good luck Jess!

My new motto User Image

12 years ago

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