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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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We've been ttc since July and I have pcos so it is making conceiving impossible. Or so it seems. I can't imagine how people ttc for five years feel because the past 5 months have not been easy especially not having a cycle between aug and November.

I am cramping like af is coming still. I have had a little bleeding, and i have had sharp pains in my breast. my cervix is still high.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

im starting to undertsand how my mum felt when ttc me and my brother and she ended up on clomid for 10yrs

im on cycle 11 now

*please dont take what im about to say the wrong way as its not ment like that *

i have been talking to some friends and they have both said they had a few chemical pregnancys when trying for thier 1st and everyone does and im like im on cycle 11 and never had one i cant even get a chemical when ttc . im feeling very broken atm not getting told my results didnt help as now i just think there is something wrong thats why they didnt tell me

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11 years ago

I know what you mean Lammy. I'm on month 6 and I feel broken. I know a lot of people that got pregnant quickly and it's so frustrating. I just want it to be my turn already. It just feels like its supposed to be so easy and then it's not and it hurts.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

i thought it would be easy too and know one told me about how emotional it would be

i know people that got preg 1st time having sex and im like wth how just how .
when we started ttc i was worried about being 5months preg when we got married we now been married 6 months and still trying

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11 years ago

We've been married going on 3 years and I had waited over 2 years for him to be ready and I thought it would be quick. Then I stopped having cycles completely, found out I had pcos and my last to cycles have been forced by provera. My dh doesn't understand how hard it is on me. I tell him how I feel and all he says is just give it time. I'm like I want it to happen now. I don't want to have to wait another 6 months it just takes so much out of me.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

dh was ready a fe years ago and i said no i wanted to live together and get married 1st then when we moved
in together we booked out wedding with in 2 weeks so we could get married the year after and i was like ok lets
try for a baby and he said no lets wait till close to the wedding i said ok but i was getting every 2 weeks
for over a year and docs just said it was birth control bill messing about and i couldnt take it anymore
and just said to dh its 7months will the wedding there is no harm coming off it now we wont get preg 1st month anyways
didnt think we would be here 12months later lol been off birth control 12month this month im worried that 10yrs on
itand on so many diffrent types has messed me up i got alot of questions for the doc

i one of the people that has 100's of questions and other people get annoyed with

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11 years ago

Me too lol I went off my bc over two years ago because I was having 2af and it was making me crazy, so just used condoms from then on. My dh is a year and a half younger than me so he was only just starting his career when we got married and I'm glad we waited. We went to playa del Carmen Mexico In 2011 then the Dominican this past summer. He is a Spanish teacher so he has picked the last 2 vacations and we wouldn't have been able to travel if we had had a baby. But now it's time for the baby. We were both so disappointed when I missed the second cycle and it turned out I had pcos and not that i was pregnant. So the hardest thing was that I had had normal cycles always til we started trying.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

i dont know if i have pcos as the hospital messed up my report

about 4yrs ago i had a laparoscopy as was having painful sex and lots of cramps and lots of other stuff i cant remeber but they was 99% i had endometriosis i had scans but they could see so booked for the laparoscopy when i was in the recovery room the doc came up to me and said it wasnt endometriosis it was pcos and would talk more about it tomorrow . so on the next day when getting ready to go home the doc just said i need to change my birth control and that will help the symptoms and i asked would i have problems having kids later on in life they said no . then few weeks pasted and i ask my doc about the pcos and he said the report back from the hospital said everything was clear/normal nothing wrong . so im as to why ive been told one thing and report says another .

im going to see what the progesterone test out come is before i ask if they can check my insulin which can tell if i have pcos

oops sorry for the long posts

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11 years ago

My insulin and sugar levels were fine. I have other symptoms though, higher than normal testosterone, irregular hair growth, and I'm not ovulating regularly. My uterus an ovaries were fine in the ultrasound but the hormonal imbalance is messing me up. I need to lose weight too so that isn't helping.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

My insulin and sugar levels were fine. I have other symptoms though, higher than normal testosterone, irregular hair growth, and I'm not ovulating regularly. My uterus an ovaries were fine in the ultrasound but the hormonal imbalance is messing me up. I need to lose weight too so that isn't helping.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

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