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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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since no clomid i am going to try vitex again. i made a new years resolution to get pregnant in 2013..i am coming real close to that deadline. my dh and my anniversary is in august and i think it would be sweet if we got our miracle baby just in time to be born around our anniversary and that would also most likely mean conceiving in the last month of 2013. that timing would also mark 3 months from our unfortunate semen analysis and starting dh on mucus thinner and daily vitamins and supposedly it takes three months to see any changes in semen. i am just really hopeful still and it would be a blessing to conceive naturally without any extra help after all these months.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

10 years ago

Hi Girls

kot, bammom, acrichton, Rebecca, kizzy, jennavee, Christi, pbc90, blushing, myluckyduck, 1st, and all the other wonderful ladies that I cant remember the usernames (pls don't me mad at me I am horrible with names!!!), THANK YOU

Kot: you nailed it. I have an apt with a doctor I fell in love with 6 years ago when pregnant for a second opinion. His name is Eugene Louie-Ng, my dh's name is Louie.
I cant go wrong with that!
I always loved that doctor. My insurance covers a visit! I will go in this Friday for my annual with my old doctor and on Halloween (how cool hiuh?!?) I go see doctor Eugene Louie-Ng.

so, new dh new doc for his babies right?

Acrichton: I never had my levels tested before, just going by opk's results (the pee on a stick and the digitals), but NEVER had what I am having this month. Maybe a very wonky cycle as you said. It is very possible.

I have been super stressed out with blending two families into one with tons of baggage. I have a stepson who lives with me, I knew him since he was little, now he is a man, so, after being apart for so long we all need an adjustment period. So it is a mess. And obviously it takes a toll on you. Me obsessing over my rainbow baby doesn't help much either so I am trying to focus on other things... Easier said than done.
I am going to take my dogs for a walk, perhaps join the gym, do something positive, and with the Chinese medicine im sure my hormone levels will get back to normal. But again, fsh may not have been ideal to begin with but for sure never as high as this month, so there is definitely a stress factor messing up my levels.

So im sure I will be normal again :o)

I am here praying for each one of you and I am still positive we all will get our bfp's. I just know it in my heart!

As usual Im running like a crazy person! I am now volunteering at my girls school. Not sure who has more fun, the kids or I lol!
Now I need to catch up on work before I head out to pick girls up so I will catch up on everything after I put my princesses in bed!

Love everyone!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

@Kotikd: FX'd for you!! That would be an awesome bday present :)

10 years ago

@GVMDL: Hoping you get some stress relief soon!! FX'd for you!!!

10 years ago

KotKid Thank you! She couldn't give me a direct answer! She said that every doctor has a specific order and time frame for tests. She is not testing my FSH because they did an AFC (sorry can't remember the name just wrote down the initials) and mine is at 35 when around 15 is normal for my age, so she couldn't tell me when in my cycle they would do it. UGH! Wish I had more information to give you. My husband said "hey there is a chance we can get the 3 we lost back"... ummm I am prepared for twins, but will take whatever God gives us. I have a complete update on my appointment below if you want to read it. LOL! Hope you are feeling better! I haven't done many supplements so I can't advise anything but just make sure to drink a lot of water. FX this is your cycle!

Blushing, thank you!

GVMDL, Super big hugs! Don't give up, but I agree with Kotkid. Take some time to rest and regroup... miracles happen everyday!

Bammom, thank you for all of the support! We are strong and you are right, sadness and depression won't win! We will hold our miracles! I never check my cervix (way to high up there) so I can't offer any insight, but hope your body gets straight before you become fertile!

Rebecca, thank you! My appointment was good, I have an update below! Glad everything was normal for you and frustrating that the u/s didn't get scheduled! :( Hope the results yielded some good information!

Welcome back CarlaEL!

Thanks Jennavee and Kizzy!

SMC, FX and Baby Dust! I hope you make your new years resolution!

AFM, TSH 1.55, clotting is great, APS (auto-immune) is negative which is great, AFC is 35 when avg is around 15 for my age (this is my ovarian reserve) and she said was great, endometrial biopsy was good, not testing FSH or LH because of the AFC being good. The only thing they hadn't tested was Prolactin and they did that yesterday. Also, she recommended the Karyotyping (genetic testing) since I have had 3 consecutive m/c but it was going to cost us $1600... well, I found out this morning it is covered by insurance.... so we will be getting that done sooner than planned. So hopefully we can rule out any genetics. She did say I had ovaries that appeared a little polycystic, so we are doing the Metformin again to be cautious. The lining of my uterus is a little on the thick side but not too bad at this point. The shape of my uterus is perfect. I showed her the immune suppression regime and she told me to give it a shot! Also, I asked her about chiropractic and accupuncture and she recommends me trying it! :) I guess after the genetic testing we will either know a reason or be back in the unexplained again! I am honestly hoping to be in the unexplained! I hope everyone is having a good week.

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10 years ago

OMG Cristi that is fantastic that the testing is covered by insurance! Thank goodness the insurance companies got something right! I am praying that it at least brings you peace of mind that nothing is wrong genetically

SMC- Praying all works out naturally! Sorry you are on the July board, but we are happy to have your company Tons of !

Kotkid- I think maybe I am feeling the effects of Maca now. I increased to 1500mg yesterday. I took 1000mg in the morning and 500mg in the evening. Today I upped it to 2000mg, 1000 in the am and 1000 in the afternoon. I hope that gets the engine good and revved because we are starting the BD marathon tonight! I figure every other day until I see a surge begin then 3 nights in a row ought to do it.

Carla- Hi, welcome, and !!

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10 years ago

Bammom, thanks! I am excited that finally the insurance will cover something I NEED! LOL! GL with the BDing marathon... get it going girl!

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10 years ago

The RE called back about the last blood draw they did yesterday. My hormones are in line with my O taking place in the next 24-36 hours!! YAY!! My poor dh!

So next Tuesday I have to go have MORE blood taken, to check my hormones to prove I actually did O, and if I did, they'll give me the progesterone cream. I have to use it once a day for the following week, then take a HPT - since the cream can keep you from having AF even if you aren't pregnant. (I'm supposed to start the 24th or 25th) If I'm pregnant, then I start with sonograms, more blood work, and visits to see the high risk ob. I guess if the HPT is negative, I have to stop the cream, then use the fertility monitor to verify I O again, then the whole routine mentioned above begins all over.

ladies. I'm so excited! I've spent 6 months feeling like this was all behind me - and now having proof that I'm still ovulating and capable of getting pregnant has just made me feel so much better. I know even if I do get pregnant I may not stay that way, but I feel like right now it's half the battle.

If I conceived this cycle, my EDD is July 3rd...two days after my birthday and 2 days before my 2nd ds birthday. That would be neat!

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10 years ago

Sorry ladies, I didn't take time to read the posts before I wrote mine!

Cristi - that IS awesome that the tests are covered by insurance. And that your dr seems ok with you trying things you bring up. Some dr's are so opposed to anything they don't suggest. And I'm glad your tests came back so well. Still praying for you!

GVMLD - I know how stressful it can be with blending families. I have two stepsons (they're both grown now) and it wasn't always easy. Add that to all you're going through, and it's a lot. Hope you can find time to do some of the things you mentioned. Spend some time taking care of yourself. :)

SMC - hope things work out for you.

Kotikd - <hugs> It can be SO hard when it feels like everywhere you look you see pregnant women. we all get to join that group soon!

acrichton - hope everything works out with your temps. Don't you hate how crazy our bodies can be?!!

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10 years ago

Rebecca- fx'd for you this cycle! That would be an awesome due date!

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10 years ago

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