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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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kotikd- I understand what you're going through. It has been hard for me for the past few years. I never shared with DH how hard it was but, I 'm sure he knew. He's never pressured me about DTD. I would do it around my suspected O but, other than that, he would have to initiate it for the most part. I would always be thinking about whether or not I would get pregnant that time. In the past few months I've climbed out of my funk. I really love my DH and he deserves the whole me no matter what I have going on personally. Its hard to even admit those type of feelings but, its my truth. Its been a long, hard road since my ectopic but, I know that all of it is a part of Gods plan that's my comfort. I know it could have been much worse and I'm grateful it wasn't. I pray that you can move past what it is that has you depressed. I have the confidence of the Lord that you will in due time.
I hope that I'm not too "preachy".

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10 years ago

You ladies are just wonderful!
God bless each and everyone of you!
You comfort me more than I can describe with words. A huge heartfelt thank you!
I will redo the fsh test. Amh my doc can't do, so I may f/up with fertility doc to do more tests.
I truly believe in my heart that this is just a very odd cycle. I may not have desirable fsh levels but they aren't necessarily so high every month . Otherwise I wouldn't be seeing the test lines progressively getting darker or absence n presence of smiley faces in the past year. I just know it. Now the trick is, not letting these messed up numbers mess with my head because this can potentially affect my numbers. Mind over matter.
I have a very good leveled head n I can do this.
But have to come to terms with my own things first. I need to come to terms with my miscarriage this year. The baby that I conceived with that special person after being apart for 12 years almost. It has a very bitter taste, all I wanted then was a family with him. Well, life had other plans. I became a mother of two wonderful girls. Something was missing, my ex wasn't involved, but I got my girls... Then divorce. Then that special man back in my life which seemed to be fate really. We got pregnant, then lost it.
I just can't understand it ... So, as I said I need to come to terms with my broken heart. Maybe if I relax who knows right?!? We are all blue in the face from hearing it over n over lol
I am good. Having our moments is normal and expected!
I'm not going anywhere!
Unless we are moving to another board :o)
I am crossing off this cycle, is my magical October cycle which to me is bringing more wisdom n knowledge of my body.
And our bodies are wonderful machines!
Annnnnnnd acupuncture n Chinese herbs are worth trying!
This wacky cycle happened for a reason. Perhaps is to change my doctor, dh asks me to see somebody else anyways but you know when u are attached ?!? I wish was for reasons like, they are do personable etc but my only reason is the fact that he did both of my births... I know bs reason but....
Soooooo, I'm just here enjoying ttc n tww n supporting my buddies! Not very hopeful this cycle as far as ttc but there is always the next month. And I will be writing in caps the results of my next fsh. I will do Chinese medicine first, relax, then I go for it . And I know it will be so much lower! N you all are going to love it!

Baby dust n sticky vibes everyone!!!

I will catch up on everyone's post soon.

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

GVMDL7003- You are so brave and so correct! We all have something we have to come to terms with AND everything is mind over matter. God bless you and this journey!!!

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10 years ago

I promise I will catch up on the forum tonight or tomorrow morning, I am just exhausted! Ha.

Quick update (left my folder in the car so I will give more exact details tomorrow)....

Everything was in normal ranges... they hadn't tested my prolactin so they did that today. They had already tested my immune system stuff (can't remember the name of the test) and it came back normal. But she did say that I could try the regimine that PBC posted, she said she hadn't heard of that one yet, but for me to give it a try! The Karyotyping (genetic testing) is $800 per person so it would be $1600 for both of us... and they won't do just one parent.... sigh! She doesn't think I need to go that far yet. So we are going to do Letrozole this cycle. If we are unsuccessful then next cycle gets really interesting really quickly. I will do Letrozole (CD 3-7), then Starting CD 8 I will give myself an injection daily (will get the name tomorrow). They will be looking for 3 mature follicles (with the Letrozole and the injection) and when they see them, then I will start a different injection to trigger O.... the success rate with this treatment for my team of dr's is 70%! The hope is that out of the 3 mature eggs, one will be viable. She also said there is a chance that 2 or all 3 can be perfect! Oh boy! Anyways that is where I am at. We will know more when my prolactin is back, but she said everything is normal. She did say that I can continue my workout and weightloss journey... she said the more I lose the better my chances are! FX this is what we needed! Not a lot of information but some.... I will get my notes tomorrow to let you know what she said about testing times etc.

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10 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm Carla and I'd like to rejoin the boards after a break. I recognize some of your names from before. I've been TTC since May 2012. We are now looking at doing an IUI but I can't do it on the island where I live. So it means waiting till next year when I can take time off work to travel to another island.

If i conceive this cycle my EDD is July 3.

Good luck to everyone..

10 years ago

out for June. doctor won't let me take Clomid again for a few months so fingers crossed I ovulate on my own this month and that one of my hubby`s little guys makes it. he is seeing the urologist this month but insurance doesn't cover infertility so not sure what to do. looking into IVF because without insurance in the long run it may cost the same excerpt with IVF the fee is all at once.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

10 years ago

cristi - 70% sounds great to me! Praying and keeping fingers crossed!!

acrichton - sending baby dust your way...hope the TWW is only two weeks goes by FAST!

gvmdl - sending a big hug your way girl!

10 years ago

I'm still here keeping my fingers crossed for everyone.

Cristi and GVMDL: I really hope that the both of you get everything figured out and will be well on your ways to your BFP's.

Everyone has been so very supportive of everyone on this board. I love it! Love it love it love it!

I haven't had anything to report since I'm only on cd8. I'm really hoping this is my month. My birthday is next week and it would really send me over the moon to know that I conceived on or around my birthday. I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason and there are signs everywhere. And on that note, I'm hoping that this is a sign and not just a cruel joke that the universe can play on you from time to time. I went to my usual place inside of the local walmart to get my biweekly mani/pedi. As I'm sitting there waiting for my toes to dry I keep hearing my name being paged to infants. Upon leaving the salon, there were a few things that I needed to get while I was there. Wouldn't you know it, every single aisle I went down contained a woman that was at various stages of her 9month journey. This is not even remotely an exaggeration. It was every single aisle. So like I said...this is either my month and the signs are being shoved down my throat. Or, the universe is being especially mean this month. For now, I'll take it as a sign

10 years ago

Hi Gals!! Morning! Thanks everyone for the baby dust and well wishes!! SUPER to you all!!!

GVMDL: I think its time for a second opinion. The FSH level has to be off for some reason if all other cycles have been normal up until this one. Let us know what happens, and keep temping and using opk. Might just be a wonky cycle.

AFM: Strange thing happened this AM. I had a temp rise the last couple days, so I thought I ovulated and was in the clear. This AM when I got up and took temp it was 96.9, but then I realized the room and thermometer were cold, so I took it again, 97.2. Which one do I use?? If it is 96.9, that is pre-O temps for sure. So confused :( > Also, should I go for progesterone blood test a little later since I O so late and have long cycles OR go CD 23-24 as instructed by the Dr??


~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Bammom: Missed you here. I take 3 capsules, 750ml each capsule. It might be the mix of the RRL tea, evening primrose oil and the maca all together but libido's gone wild, increased CM and overall it seems softer in there. Sorry if TMI. Although it takes a lot of will power to swallow all these pills everyday, it is worth it.
As for the cervix, mine seems to change its beghaviour every month, like now 8 DPO it is low very soft and open. Last month it was more like yours. I don't think it matter what it is doing now, it will matter what it will be doing when you ovulate and the 5 days leading up to it. If you ovulate in the next five days, it does makes sense that it took that position since it takes 10 hours for swimmers to reach the egg's place, and they can live up to 5 days in ideal conditions, so you might be starting your fertile days, BD BD BD!!!

rebecca: This is great news, congrats!!! And three doctors following you might be a great benefit and insight. I would hold off on the ultrasound until the next month, if you ovulate early you might have already ovulated. Thank you for sharing this information, now I know not to schedule my ultrasound for after ovulation. that you already concieved and this is a sticky one!

Blushing: Thank you, you're no preachy. I try to share with DH how I feel, he claims he wants to know, but he does not understand the obsession that starts once the biological clock starts ticking. I always wanted kinds, since I was a kid, and putting it off for 7 years was incredibly hard and I kept questioning if I was doing the right thing. But now that we are trying, and nothing is happening it has been so hard, especially since everyone around me is pregnant or just had a baby and all got pregnant when they wanted to within a couple of months or so, even one that was trying not to get pregnant is now 4 months pregnant... You are so right that it is god's plan and it will happen when it is supposed to and we will get the little angel that was meant for us and when it happens none of what we are going through right now will matter at all but it is hard to stay focused on that. As for depression, I am predisposed to it and been suffering from depression on and off since I was 5 years old. But you ladies here are helping me to stay sane, THANK YOU!!!!

GVMDL: You are truly amazing! But I support your DH, change a doctor. Maybe when you had your girls he/she was still a happy optimistic doctor, but it seems as it has changed, and you do not need negative doctors around your miracle, look for a new one, plus new DH new doctor for his babies .
LOL, I will never tell you to "relax and it will happen" I think this is our trigger phrase that sends us into kill mode. I found through that if you exercise and do some things you really enjoy during the day other things bother you less, maybe that is something to try... I truly believe that with maca, vitex and acupuncture you can stabilize your hormones. Plus who knows, maybe this is your months after all. Like you said our bodies are amazing, and incredible miracles happen! for you!

cristi: So glad your appointment went well and that everything is good with you. Wow you might end up with triplets, what do you think about that? I actually want triplets .

Carla: Welcome! and

SMC: Sorry to hear June is out. Welcome to July and and

Kizzy: Missed you, I am on CD8 as well, and my birthday is in 9 days and I should ovulate in about a week so hopefully this would be our bday gifts, wouldn't that be the most wonderful gift in the world? As for the pregnant ladies, it started happening to me a couple of months ago so I hate going anywhere public now, after few hours of seeing nothing but pregnant ladies and little kids I get pretty sad even if it starts as aaaawww...
I am praying this is a sign for you. that this is your month!

acrichton: That happens to me too when it is cold in the room for a while before I wake up, I would use the second one, or skip this morning altogether since it is not really indicative.

AFM: CD8, still a little sick but better already, BD marathon started yesterday. The RRL tea, EP Oil and maca do make a difference. Libido gone wild, more CM, everything there is softer. I am still waiting for preseed to come in the mail (they don't sell it in Canada) so hopefully that arrives before ovulation which should be in the next 7 days. Bday is in 9 days, and just like I was a gift concieved around my mom's bday, I hope I will have a little gift of my own this month and same to you ladies.

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10 years ago

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