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December 2017 Babies

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Hi Ladies,

I can't seem to find a board for December 2017 babies so I said I'd set one up

I hope there will be many Christmas miracles coming home with us this year. One last push for a 2017 baby.

Let me know how you're all getting on. I think this will be a very lucky month.


TTC#1 MC <img src=

194 Replies • 7 years ago



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Anyone hear of getting lots of pimples before a BFP? My face is normal very clear but as of today- I totally broke out in numerous pimples! Ugh !

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7 years ago

Hello everyone! Just popping in to see how everyone's doing!
I've been snooping around every once in while to see if i'll see some new faces on cmp. I'm happy see that a lot haven't given up and i'm keeping fingers crossed for another lucky thread like the September one.

@BrownSugar- I'm sorry to hear about your chemical, i believe you were one of the members that was going have a similar DD as me. I really hope you get your Bfp soon!

@Amarah Believe it or not a bad break out was an early symptom for me! Unfortunately it stuck around and made this weird 'V' pattern from my chin up to my cheeks lol Pregnancy hormones are really wierd!

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7 years ago

Hey Ladies,

sorry for taking so long to reply to you all. I had no internet this weekend.

Amarah YES!! Not this last pregnancy but the one before I did break out and I even had pimples on my boobs! I think it's a great sign! How are you feeling today? Can't believe you're more than half way through TWW already! I know it's prob dragging for you, but I feel like it flew. How you're feeling positive still. I'm so so excited to see your

BrownSugar I'm so sorry you're back here and having experienced loss But as you said, I hope this is the month we both head back over to CMP, we just need to hang on in there. Will you let us know how you get on with the ulstrasound on Wednesday? and best of luck with hormones today. Praying there is nothing going on out of the ordinary and that your BFP and take home baby is on its way to you.

Goth Welcome!!!!!!! So glad to have you join us, this journey can be really really tough and I have personally found that the girls on here are SO supportive and so helpful with any questions you might have. for you that you get your and take home baby. I saw on your page that you have experienced two losses recently. I'm so so sorry to hear that. I too watch One Born Every Minute all the time, and cry every time a baby is born. it's an addiction.

For1118 Welcome!! So so glad you're part of this board! It promises to being hope, excitement and entertainment for the duration of your cycle.

Felichica92 Hey girl! I totally get the predicament you're in about trying to decide to relax or to chart for information sake. I can only talk from my own experience but I can tell you that the one month that I didn't chart, didn't use OPK's, didn't stress it too much (we were on holidays) I got my BFP. Now, that said, I did know when I was ovulating , kind of, and I did take mucinex. So it wasn't completely natural. On the other hand, I have found having data to show doctor quite helpful but a month break in that isn't going to hinder you at all. Keeping everything crossed for you

AFM I'm drinking raspberry Leaf Tea this cycle, doing castor oil packs and will take a form of mucinex starting today/tomorrow. I might try to hold off on the OPKs and I'm not temping. I also might start maca root.... But I'm not sure. It's overwhelming at times but hey, I'm trusting that things are going to come right.

Much love to you all,
em x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago • Post starter

Em - I actually feel like it's going by quicker this time too... maybe not "flying" by haha but faster than normal. I am going to wait and test at 10 DPO (2 days from now).

I really hope this break out on my face is because of pregnancy and not because I had too many treats this weekend LOL

I am still not feeling any nothing different! Who knows!


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7 years ago

Hey ladies! Thanks for all of the advice. I decided to not do bbt this month. I think I'm still going to do opk but just around my fertile week just to make sure that I see a surge for this cycle. We're going to try and just bd when we feel like it. Atleast every other day. We usually are an "every day couple" (probably tmi but oh well we're all big girls ) or just whenever we feel like it. Maybe we've just been going overkill on the fertile week and then when ovulation comes around his little fish are just all tuckered out? lol The thought process we all go through with ttc is pretty overwhelming!

So far I think I've been pretty good with the whole calming down thing. I just keep telling myself it'll happen when it's supposed to, you know? I haven't brought up ttc at all this cycle to my hubs. I don't want him to start getting stressed out about it or anything. I know he knows how I feel about all this.

But anyways, how is everybody else doing? Anything new or exciting?

to us all!!

7 years ago

Amarah YAY for this cycle feeling like it's going faster than usual. How are you feeling? Testing tomorrow, eh? That's so exciting. any symptoms crop up since your last post? I hope your pimples are pregnancy related too That would just be such great news.

Felichica Glad to hear you're great at keeping calm! That's invaluable. I'm very jealous because I'm not the greatest at it! That sounds like a great plan, to use OPK's around fertile time and not BBT, I'm hoping it helps you relax and enjoy the ride

AFM No news from me, just checking in on you ladies until I get a positive OPK or something exciting like that. haha I started my castor oil packs again last night and I am pooped today, soooo tired. They really do work! I also started Maca and managed to find a cough bottle that might work better than the one I've been using in Ireland previously. When I was in the states I used mucinex and that was the cycle we got our BFP, so I'm hoping this cough bottle will make a difference. I am not taking EPO this month, no reason why , I just didn't want to. I am drinking raspberry leaf tea tho.

to us all

Em x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago • Post starter

Em right there with you - waiting to ovulate, which for me probably isn’t for another 12 days. I think I’ll be the last of us to O or get a this month

mommastrange thank you for checking in, hope you are well

amarah at cd4, I’m so jealous that you’ll have your so soon! I can’t wait for you to test; I hope acne =baby

FeliChica good for you on taking the pressure off! I don’t talk to hubs about TTC, I keep all this crazy monitoring to myself, In a cubby cube in my home office.

Goth My heart goes out to you for your two losses, I hope this cycle brings you a christmas miracle. I had never heard of One Born Every Minute until I peeked at your profile, so I blame you if I get addicted!

For1118 welcome! I saw you’re ttc#3? What has worked for you getting pregnant previously?

AFM bloodwork came back normal: FSH 5.6mIU/mL, LH 6.5mIU/mL, E2 47.2pg/mL, Prolactin 8.89ng/mL, TSH 0.970uIU/mL. Ultrasound tomorrow to check in on an old cyst, so I'll update again then. I have a feeling everything is going to check out, which is both stressful and a relief. Being perfectly healthy means that I should be able to keep a sticky bean, but also means I have no clue as to why the past two cycles went the way they did or how to fix it going forward.

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7 years ago

Hi Ladies, just quickly touching base when I should be working ...haha

I am 9DPO - tomorrow is testing day for me...cross all your fingers and toes ! 10 DPO is still early, so I am keeping that in mind to guard my heart a bit.

still not feeling any real symptoms...face is still a mess lol been feeling a pressure in my pelvic area...but I swear I feel that every cycle.

I hope everyone is having a good day. It's pi day (3.14) in Canada lol So I will be picking up a key lime pie for me and my step son to share!

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7 years ago

Hey Girls!

Amarah YAY for testing today so excited for you! praying you get your and take home baby! How are you today? I think no symptoms is most often the most common symptom let us know how testing goes? It is early so don't be disheartened if it's not a BFP yet but I'm super hopeful for you.

Brownsugar That's GREAT news about the bloods. I'm delighted for you that they're normal. I know you want an answer for the losses but hopefully they were just chromosomally abnormal and your next BFP will be your take home! Let us know how the US goes today? I'm praying it's all clear. If it is, be happy, you're going to get there. Keep your chin up. You will get there.

No news from me, castor oil packs have me so exhausted but I'm hoping that means they're doing something good. I'm leaving town for a wedding tomorrow evening , my cousin is getting married on Friday so I'm hoping that will speed time up a little bit. Thankfully my DH is not working away next week so we will be able to give it our best shot. I'm trying desperately to remain calm about it all and not think too much on it, but as you are all aware, it's next to impossible.

Much love to all, and loads of

Em x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! I tested this morning and it looks like a BFN... I posted a picture on my main page if you want to take a look. Could be a squinter ...but I don't really trust these cheap tests anymore. In person you can see a shadow of a line (for real) but it's definitely not a BFP.... yet! My AF is supposed to start on Sunday... I'll use my FRER test if I haven't got it by then.

Good luck everyone !

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7 years ago

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