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Aaannnnd guess who's coming to town! Not fucking Santa Clause, that's for sure! Ok, so get this, I haven't seen MIL since November *insert heavenly sound*. She did something to her leg and can't sit or walk for long periods of time. Well, well, well...don't I live 3hrs away (5, with the way they joke!)! Awesommme! So Christmas rolls around and she can't make it, so FIL & BIL come. I'm still not a huge fan, but can tolerate them without needing to semi-amputate my tongue. :p

Fast forward to February, they called a cpl weeks ago and MIL was still in pain, sooooooo, they can't come to visit. Awwww! Well, fuck me, she's now drugged up and coming today. There's no fucking way in hell her high-as-kite ass is holding my baby. She can barely hold herself up on a good day, she's not putting a baby in her arms. Did I mention that Carston is 5 months on the 28th and no one has held him yet? Yeah, they're too scared to ask me. Mission accomplished!! I knew my resting bitch face would pay off one day!! =))

So yeah, we'll see how it goes...I'm not looking forward to it...but fuck yeah I'm looking forward to the "be nice" shopping trip I get for staying civil! Poor hubs!

Update on my ovulation. I'm pretty sure I did, on Monday. Later that evening everything started to change over then dry up. I'm still not able to say 100%, without temps, but 99% is good enough for me. I almost guaranty I won't get a bfp, we did bd 4.5x on the Saturday nite, but it was pullout. Altho he didn't pee in between sessions, I doubt there was enough to do anything. Geez, if i can't get a bfp easily with a full "load", 5 little stragglers chillin' in a tube, won't do shit lol! I'm ok with it. Now the wait for my 1st PPAF. Yay for prescription ibuprofen!! =))

On a side note, hubs picked up a cpl beers after work and brought home a new kind. It's a grapefruit beer. Sounds weird and gross, right? Omfg it is so yummy! Totally a summer beer! It's called Waterloo Grapefruit Radler. It's only like 3.1% alcohol too so u don't have to feel bad for having one. I def recommend trying it, if u like grapefruit.

Hope ur all well! Can't wait to see Tracy and Renae's bfp in the coming months. U got this, ladies!! =))

12 Comments • 7 years ago



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11 - 12 of 12 Comments

Ugghh...I feel you on the dread of visits from in-laws!!
Sadly, mine called on Sunday to tell my husband that they found a place (actually bought a house) just 20 mins from where we live. :'-( If only life with in-laws could be peaceful...

Best wishes to you!

7 years ago

Omfg I would cry! Mine have been talking about moving out here, even stopped at open houses on the way for a visit. The plan was to move here when FIL retired. He did that in January, so, so far the new plan is to live in their house for a cpl years then move here. I almost cry everytime it's brought up. They make me so miserable, and I only see them like 6x a year...moving here would drive a wedge between me and hubs. I can play nice for 3hrs every other month, I can't do it daily or weekly. It would definitely put a strain on our relationship.

I feel so bad for, so bad!!!

7 years ago • Post starter

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