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Provera, Clomid Metformin TTC9months (join this forum ladys)

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Hi ladys i think we all need a forum were we can talk about are journey. Fertilty Meds and such.
My story im going to make it short.
I have PCOS, and DH and I TTC for 9 months now, Doc started me on 10mg of provera or metroxypro... rather same thing. For 5days, I ended on sat, its been four days and know period yet, I realy want my period iv never wanted it so bad lol, that way i can start my clomid days 5-9, and start BD with DH lol Thats the best part after all!! did anyone have any luck yet, I hope this works, We desperatly want a child :)

PRAYING4aneeding some

131 Replies • 12 years ago



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TY I pray you get yours to :) Im feeling better now, Had some bad side effects from the clomid today was my last day but also the first day of any side effects :( Headach and throwing up TMI. Im already haveing some egg white cm :) CD 9-10

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

I Just realized we would be buddies but my doc only had me on a 5day supply of clomid!

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Well my PD was only spotting for about 4hrs and im still waiting to start then my 5 days of clomid! Thats what im worried about the most are the side effects of the clomid!

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

My doctor prescribed me Clomid and told me to start it on day #2 - #6. I keep seeing different days on here where women are starting their pills. Does anyone know why she would want to start me on the 2nd day? This is our 7th month TTC. I am starting Clomid on my next cycle. Good luck to everyone!!

12 years ago

CD11 ended the clomid on the 1st, i was tired on it, but after that last pill i had headachs, and nausea :( but that only lasted 2 days i feel lots better just really tired its all that estrogen i guess lol. BD starts today fingures crossed :) So (swift) dont worry. And lengle222 Hun i was told day 5 but really i started on day 3 because they say day five when counting spotting as day 1 but day 3 was my actual day of flow, so ether way it doesnt matter, just means youll ovulate early wont have to wait as long, they try to time it just right so that you will be able to test the next month when you miss your period. :) hope this helps. I heard it takes between 5-10 days after your last pill to ovulate good luck, baby dust to all you ladys, we need this one to stick lord, so please bless all of us with little healthy miracles :)

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Cass every thing was very helpful! Well it has been 4 days sense my last dose of provera and still no AF but I am getting almost positive ovulation test ?? So I have no idea what that is about!

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

hmm well maybe your about to ovulate, are you getting dark or light positives, if there dark then yes you are ov, but if there light count that as a big no ov.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

I have pcos and my ob is treatin it with clomid, this is my 1st round of 50mgs, I'm 8 dpo right now :) I'm having higher temps than I ever have and LOTS of symptoms, but I don't know if thats the clomid or not :( just praying my temp stays up!

Proud Army Wife since 2009 MC at 12.5 wks 11/16/2011 User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hey Cass sorry I have been AWAL for a little while, I have just had the worst week and a half of my life! First my dog got out of my yard and got tazed in the eye by the police then I had to pay a 200$ vet bill to get it removed, Then on the 7th my Aunt passed away and 2 min after she passed my brother and sister-n-law gave birth via C-section to my nephew! On the 11th was my birthday and also my aunts funeral and while this is all going on my mother-n-law was in town and staying wit DH and I. Clomid kicked my A&$ I was so emotional already but it took me over board I really just wanted to walk in front of a bus It made me so depressed, gave me severe headachs, and i was super tired! I am now on CD 10! Sorry for rambling !

April 24= Provera 10 days 1st round Clomid 50 mg Cd 5-9 June 6 CD 1 2 nd round Clomid 100 mg CD 5-9

12 years ago

Hi ladies. I guess i am close in cycles with you guys. I am 9dpo. I was originally put in metformin/glucophage to help start my period, I have a period about once a year, sometimes longer. I was taking metformin for 6 weeks to enduce my period. No sign of period so they (I thought) took me off the metformin to put me on provera To start my period. So I started and took clomid cd5-9 just got my blood results back(cd23) and they said no sign of ovulation. And then said I should have been taking the metformin This whole time! Now I have to begin building up a tolerance again. I am so confused as to why they would have me take metformin( which is suppose to promote ovulation) to make me start my period, and then tell me that I need to take that with clomid ( a known treatment for pcos) when they have never told me I have pcos. Sorry for the rambling, but I would just like to know other peoples history with these meds.

12 years ago

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