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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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HOLY COW PHAT!!! You go ahead and vent girl!!! If you dont..with the day you've had, you might blowup!!! I know you feel like white trash right me, my family isnt much better (weddings with confederate flag backdrops, family members spitting tobacco between their missing teeth [FEMALE famiy members], sister signing her children over to a friend cause she wants to live with a drunk and train dogs, rape charges, etc etc).
You're in my prayers sweetheart!

@Holly- I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!! I have to copy what I wrote from time to time cause I always lose what I wrote. Either hormones or you blew out your bladder sphincter while weight lifting !

Speaking of blowing out sphincters....lucky me has an anal fissure! OKAY, so I'm sure you all want to know what my doctor OH boy!...I am officially the crazy jacked up woman the doctor gossips about to other doctors and patients!!! I actually even got her to push her chair away from me, bug her eyes out and say "WOW..okay then!" OH lord help me! So...went in (dh by my side). We discussed my bloodwork and my color coded cycle chart I put together, basically the past 10 months in review. She then said, "So what now?".'re asking me this!? Told her I wanted to make a plan. She said with my bloodwork that she'd love to see what I could do in 3 more months. 3 MORE MONTHS!!!???? Told her, " I want to know how many more months I'll have to go of not ovulating before you'll help me."
She said she wasnt helping me and that I was helping myself with the weight loss. Told her I meant Clomid type help. She said I shouldnt be stressing cause that's making it worse. Hello, I'm stressing cause you are leaving me hanging...I want a plan of action to look forward to. This was where I freaked her out....
I said, "I'm a christian woman and I see what's happening in Israel and it makes me realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed." That's when she gave me the look. Yea, I'm a nut in a crackerjack box! I told her that I want to live everyday like it's the last so I'd rather take a shot at OVing sooner rather than later. She followed with, "Well if the earth is ending tomorrow, why bother trying". I laughed it off but truth be told...God doesnt guarantee that we'll still be here tomorrow. We should live each day to the fullest and dh and I are ready for a baby. If God wants us to have a baby on clomid then great, if not...we'll keep trying. She understood where I was coming from and said that with my improvement in bloodwork she'd be willing to give Clomid a shot (3 rounds to be exact). Sooooo.....I GOT CLOMID!!!

Sorry, this is a long post but I'm continuing anyways...So I get to take clomid days 3-7, temp, do opks etc and have my progesterone checked a week post OV (if I OV-but I'm having faith I will so..WHEN I OV). Umm...oh, and guess husband loves me so much....THAT HE'S GONNA JIZZ INTO A CUP FOR ME!!!!!! ROFL!!!! He's actually pretty excited about it. He gets to do it at home and then take it to the lab. He cant wait to find out how strong his little swimmers are! I even offered to hide the specimen cup in my purse while we walked thru the hospital. He said, "heck no, it's an orange cup, I'm proud of it!". LOL. He loves orange. The entire way home we kept coming up with ejaculation jokes to make eachother laugh! LOL. He goes, "it wouldnt be a story worth telling if I didnt have to jizz in a cup! " So no sex tonight and dh gets to cum in a cup tomorrow! Why am I excited about that?????

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@barbie i'm sorry girl

@waiting ROFL! That's some funny stuff. My bf sometimes talks and does things in his sleep and when i tell him in the morning, he doesn't remember. lol. St. Louis is only 4 hrs away from me!! That's cool!

11 years ago

@phat i wish you luck on your current situation.

11 years ago

Phatgurl- If you only saw my family. My grandma had 15 kids because her and my grandfather didn't believe in bc. The oldest is 21 yrs older than the youngest and has a son that is a year younger than him and the youngest is only 4 yrs older than my sister. I have every type of person in my family, drug addicts, cousin with 5 kids by 3 baby mamas, I do have some normal family, but boy are some of them out there. Redneck to gangsta to emo to goth to just plain weird. There is so much going on in my family that most people would turn and run lol. My dh and I have been together 5 yrs and he still asks me who people are and says there are new people in my family every time we get

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

wow, I needed all these laughs this am:) To you ST. Louis Girls, you may know my mommy:) I too have been accussed of using b/f for his sperm lol. That is his latest comment, you only want me for my sperm lol, and I said yeah.....just a little:) He is supportive and funny about it. I unwrap the softcup right before and hide it under a pillow. I gave him a break yesterday because I was working, but left him a note on a napkin saying wake me up I want some. lol, He didnt see it till he had to go to work this morning. I will get him tonight. Ok here comes the tmi: I had a soft cup in last night at work and felt something really warm. Went to br and creamy cm, (soft cup still in) When I got home the soft cup had a lot of creamy and EW CM. This am when I went potty glob of stretchy CM in panties.....cant wait till tonight, and gonna do an OPK in about an hour, still only 8:45 am here. At least this part is fun:)

11 years ago

haha wow!! Tara I am soooooo HAPPY for you!!!! Your husband sounds like your perfect match :) I am feeling really positive for you and I just KNOW you will get that BFP soon!!!!! And thanks for the info. Nips are still sensitive so I am thinking it may have been 2 things at once.

Phatgirl I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know how anyone could willingly walk away from their child. He doesn't deserve her or realize what he has done. I am glad you have a better father figure in place for her. She is too young and innocent to have to deal with such a thing.

AFM 12dpo and still no AF. Temps were still up this morning. So FX I may not be out. Kids will be here in a few hours :) going to be a fun toddler filled weekend!

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11 years ago

Kcordell- sounds like we are having a similar weekend. My two nieces are coming to stay the night with us tonight.

hkellerman- I usually have a lot of cm with the soft cup in, more than normal.

AFM- Oh how I hate the tww here I am 2dpo and can't wait to test. I'm sill ov testing to make sure it is getting lighter. but that only slightly sustains my poas addiction lmao . I will be cleaning the rest of the day so I hope everyone has a good day

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Athena sounds like fun :) I cleaned all day yesterday since we had company last night. Cleaned DS's room again this morning, took a shower and DH had let him dump out EVERY SINGLE BUCKET of toys. shheesshh. So I'm about to jump on that mess!! We'll be baking cookies and painting tootsies! DS wants to make snowmen out of his footprints!

My stomach is acting crazy today. I couldn't drink my coffee and I was very hungry but was busy so I didn't eat immediately. Well I got soooo nauseas because I was hungry. Weird right? The nausea didn't go away until after I ate some toast and then I felt fine!! I think I am looking way too into it since AF still isnt here. I usually start early in the morning when I first pee. But cervix is still HFC and I have watery-creamy CM. Here's to being Hopeful!!

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11 years ago

Thanks everyone for the support. I found out he's behind on child support for 3 of his other kids, and a little birdie let the sheriff's office know he's back in the state, so I'm hoping that warrant will be served shortly & he'll be sitting in a nice, cold cell tonight. Hopefully he gets the picture that he isn't wanted around here before he moves all of his stuff here. I hope that it's a deterrent.

12 do today. Neg FRER & CBE. Weird cm when I wiped earlier.

Love y'all!

11 years ago

Tara - I forgot to tell you I'm mentally doing the "O" dance for you while singing, "Go Tara, it's your 'O' day, get crazy like Shenanae, go, go, go Tara!"

11 years ago

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