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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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hey yall,

13dpo today, did not test, got a BFN yesterday. AF is due tomorrow, Im not sure If i feel her coming or not. We have been "banging it out" all month, so if I o'd late we are covered there lol. The soft cups sound interesting, i tried to explain them to the man last night and he was like "ughh your gonna make me throw up" lol. As for the ring, we found a nice one, but it is pricey. I hate to have him spend that much. I would be happy with whatever. Talked to my mom about getting married/babies etc, I am 30 btw, and she did the typical mom deal, are you sure? Is he the one? What about day care? She was supportive just being a mom and making me think.....
Anyways planned on staying in bed all day but woke up to pee ( and not on a stick GO ME!) Cleaning the house, and waiting on man to get home from work so we can go see twilight tonight:)
Here is another Q: At this time i do not have health insurance. I am have two part time jobs. I can get blue cross blue shield through one of them, I am skeptical the coverage doesn't seem great and says nothing about maternity. Its 21 a week vs 37 a week max on both is like 3000, except the 37 a week gives you 10k for inpatient hospital. I myself do not go to the doc, I have a cold a year and thats it. Any advice opinions on health insurance, I know baby care and maternity care is not cheap. If AF no shows tomorrow, maybe taking a test Thursday.

11 years ago

Hi Ladies!!

Softcups are great. I use them for my cycle since I HATE tampons. They are a little intimidating since you have to push them in but once you get used to them it is SOOOOOOOO much better than a tampon. Its almost like not having an AF. PLUS you can BD during AF with zero nastiness. You don't need lube after BDing to put it in and it keeps all his little swimmers in place. You don't even feel it!

Anyone here BBT chart? I need someone to look at my temps!! I thought I had O'd on CD14 but last night during BD I was WET like to the EXTREME sorry for the TMI but I have never been like that before!! and my temps spiked up again! Oh and the temp on CD14 may not be accurate since I had to get up to get my thermometer from the other side of the bed.

Good luck Shay, Mooney, and Butler!! FX you'll have that BFP soon!!

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11 years ago answer your question, I had a Sonohistogram last month and they discovered I had polyps. I had them removed and they Doc also did a D&C. I was cleared to BD the same day I was possibly O'ing. I traveled to Europe for work again about a week after O and hoped I'd return with a nice for hubby, but it was a no-go.

Anywho, I'm back on the grind. I've decided to take some supplements to help me out this time. I'm taking Soy Isoflavones, Evening Primrose Oil, Baby Aspirin, Prenatal Vitamins, Royal Jelly, and we are using preseed to boot! If I don't get knocked up after all of this, I'm going back to my doctor and asking for some more tests to see if my egg reserves seem good (I think I am ovulating (at least some of the time) becauase of the CP in August and my temp spike to confirm O this month.

@Phat - please guard my squirrel hole! I'm ordering my new stash of tests for this cycle today! I plan to get them by the weekend to start testing for O. I heard soy can sometimes move it up or down, so I want to be ready.

@Waiting...hang in there girl. I know it is tough, but we are here for you! We love you girl! After all, you started this crazy freak show. . ALso, I say talk to your physician about whether there is anythng you can do to improve your chances of ovulation. I probably wouldn't mention a specific drug given they think we are trying to diagnose ourselves. Let him/her come to the conclusion whether Clomid or another drug will help. I'm diagnosing myself and using Soy Isoflavones and Royall to hopefully bring on a stonger O and better egg quality. I have bee pollen too, but frankly...I feel like I'm popping enough pills right now!

@Mooney...welcome back girl! Hoping you had IB and will get your soon!

@Hkellerman... hope stays away!

@EnButler...sounds promising. Baby dust to you!

Ladies, there is so much going on in this thread. Having a blast reading everything, so much to say, but I will stop now before I take up the whole dang page!

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11 years ago

i got a docs appointment on the 4th dec to talk about everything since i have been on birth control so i have 2 weeks to try loose some more weight as they weight question is going to come up it always does so to be able to go in a say ive lost ... amount will be good

im excited to try and sort things out once and for all

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11 years ago

@Lammy, good point about weight loss. I have been under so much stress since the CP that I have gained 20 lbs. I already have a 'thick" build to begin with, so the extra 20 lbs is probably not doing me any TTC favors. DH and I decided to start working out again. I am going to the gym with him this afternoon after he gets off work. I need to get back to my normal weight!

I really need to keep my weight under control so I don't get out of control if I do get pregnant...all while I'm typing this I'm thinking...I would love some fried fish for lunch and sweet potato fries.

Why does everything have to be such a struggle!

Lord...please knock me up already!

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11 years ago

I'm trying to lose some weight too. I've put on quite a bit over the past couple of years and I'm sure that isn't helping.

I've been sort of in a negative nancy, debbie downer type mood lately. The pressure of conceiving is part of it, but I have this horrible thought in the back of my head of what if I can't have a baby. It wouldn't just affect me. My husband's brother died suddenly, not quite unexpectedly cause of the life he was living. We always prayed that he would turn his life around and it was especially hard on my in-laws because they have a very strong faith (my F-I-L is a pastor) and didn't raise him to do the things he was doing. Now it's just my husband and I to have their grandkids and it adds an extra concern to the what if we can't list and what it would mean to his family. The problems that I have been having with my cycles and finding out it is pcos and what that means and everything else just is getting to me. I also think about the happiness that a baby could bring to our family right now and pray about it a lot. I know that God will bless me because he has in so many other ways.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

It's just her YAZ causing the funky symptoms! I am so relieved right now I could pass out! WOOOO!!!

On to other matters...
@enbutler- I hope your symptoms just get stronger and stronger. I know what you mean though. I've been feeling cramping, soreness in my boobs, queeziness but I've had so many experiences with imaginary symptoms that I feel like I'm probably just imagining it. And since I didnt see a positive opk I just feel about it.

@hkellerman- I had blue cross/blue shield a few years back but I feel like I have better coverage with my husband's United Health Care. Maternity is one copay with 1st appointment and the rest is covered. And according to his female coworkers...they paid maybe a $2000-5000 out of pocket for hospital care depending on vaginal/csection. I love having insurance but it's like reading spanfrengermglish! But when I had bluecross/blueshield thru my work, I couldnt get maturnity as part of the package . My sister just had her baby with blue+ and said that all she paid for was prescriptions and her first dr's visit, everything else was covered including hospital (but that was her)! And my friend had medicaid and said they covered everything too. It just depends on the package.

@holly- thank you sweetie . Well the dr was the one that diagnosed me with the pcos and she knows I havent OV in 7 months. But she wanted me to lose 5-10% of my weight before helping me with meds. I'm down 22lbs today (12%) but last month she told me to wait it out and that I may OV this cycle or next cycle (FYI-my cycles are about 60+days long until I take provera to move to next cycle). I'm CD28 and havent OV yet so I think I'm out this cycle. But she wants me to wait til at least 60 days before giving me provera meaning I wouldnt have a another chance to OV til January!!!!! So she knows I'm not OV on my own.

@Lammy- I agree. It will be nice to shove it in their face when they tell you to start losing weight.."I already have, so bite me!"

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Athena I hope your day gets better. I know it is hard. Praying for you now!

Waiting. wow that is a long cycle down 22# is something to be proud of!! YAY you!!! FX they will give you clomid soon so you can get to Oing!!

Anyone else tired of this UNO ROBOTO ad??

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11 years ago

You know you are a POAS Addict when you are still POASing on HPTs after because you keep convincing yourself that everything is a sign and maybe wasn't really .

I think I am going to ask Walmart to stop selling me HPTs! At least I can use my flexible spending account through my job to get reimbursed for them since they are a healthcare expense! But they are going to wonder...why did she buy so many! LOL. They might think I have some black market business selling HPTs! ....still

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11 years ago

@kcordell- YES....I'm not going to buy Uno roboto. TAKE IT OFF!!!
I never had an AF on my own when I was younger so I had to go on the pill at 19, wasnt diagnosed with PCOS then! Wish I was so I wouldnt be in this mess now! But, the doctor likes for me to go 60+ days before giving me round of provera. So it's a long wait. I'm going to demand it sooner. Too long of a wait.

@holly- You might be a redneck if you go to your family reunion to find a girlfriend!! You might be a POAS addict if you run out of peecups and have to squat over a paper plate!!!!! Yep, that's me yesterday!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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