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April 2017 Babies

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Figured I'd start the April round. Hopefully we get lots of Bfps this month!

I'm on CD2 and deep in shark week. I can't wait to start this month's Clomid. ????

244 Replies • 7 years ago



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Approaching O time, I don't temp or anything so it's just a guesstimate. We went on a last minute halibut fishing trip this weekend with some friends, so no bd. Hoping I didn't miss it this go round.

Congrats those that got their BFPs!
Sorry those that got the witch.
Good luck to those in or approaching TWW :)

7 years ago

@calvin - praying for you girl!!! :) :) <3 <3

I feel off - the last few days I have been feeling not myself. I don't know if its a good sign for pregnancy or if I am just experiencing residual effects from the decrease in breastfeeding my daughter!?!? Either way - I doubt anything to really report in the next few days. Sigh.. Waiting....

7 years ago

Temp 97.07 2 DPO temp same as yesterday. I think I may need new thermometer

Calvin. Have you tested yet

7 years ago

Sorry guys. got me early this morning. Temp plunged again too. I'm out.

Yesterday I did get a faint positive on a Frer, which could be false or this is another chemical pregnancy (cp). I've had a couple before. Very painful af and 3 days late. I had to take today off work because I can't get out of bed, the cramping is so bad. This is highly unusual for me.

So ON to the next month. I'm kinda hoping it was a CP in a weird way. They say you are extra fertile the next month, and that's what happened when I got pregnant with my Oscar. I had A CP the month before. So looking at the bright side.

Thanks for rooting for me. Now is my turn to root for you! Let's see some bfps!

7 years ago • Post starter

Chicks - I always take my temp twice and use the second number. Also, getting a good thermometer was a blessing. Smartest investment I've made. I have the pink Sure Success digital bbt thermometer. I got it on Amazon. Stores like 30 numbers and the mouth part is kinda flat so easy to hold under your tongue even when you are half asleep. I still do it twice.

7 years ago • Post starter

I am so sorry Calvingirl!!

I hope everyone else is doing good.

AFM- 4dpo not too much going on I have been having pressure/cramps and pinching sensation on my uterus area. I know its too early for implantation but hope that's a good sign. I have been tired the last two days not sure if its from the TTW or its because its the beginning of the week.

Question for you ladies sorry if TMI but there has been a few times I fell wet/moist down there but when I go to the restroom there is nothing really there. Do you count that as wet or dry? I know that sounds really stupid


Praying for baby number 3!

7 years ago

So sorry about AF to all those she came to.

I've been quietly following along. My sister in law had a miscarriage and I have been heartbroken for her, 2nd one in a year. Totally heartbroken for her.

AFM- CD 10 and tons of ewcm. What? Totally strange for me. I did notice yesterday DH was looking extra hot but I thought maybe I had developed a thing for a scruffy beard, he hadn't shaved in a few days, lol. Maybe I'm O early???? Normally a CD 16 girl. Thoughts? I didn't do any opks, ran out.

Edited to add I did have a strange af this time, spotted for several days before and a few days after and if was lighter than usual.

Wife, nurse, & mom to 12 yo and 4 yo, & TTC #3 since 12/2014.

7 years ago

Temp is up today 97.88 I held my thermometer in my hand for a few seconds. We keep the house at 64 so it's pretty chilly in here plus I use a fan in my bedroom. Just wasn't thinking about the thermometer being cold. I knew I had been getting low temps last few cycles. Fake blonde moment. Or old age kicking in. Not getting my hopes up this time. It's a long shot since we missed 2 days of bd. Feel less stress about the tww.

7 years ago

Calvin - sorry about AF. :(

Miam - I've had this happen before too where you feel like there si going to be CM and when you go to the toilet there really isn't anything there. It doesn't happen often, but I have had it happen. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had this and what the cause might be?

Chicks - fx! We missed a couple of BD days right at the crutial time I'm not hopeful for this cycle. I know sperm can live for up to 5 days and we were off by about 2 days at least. It's possible, but the chances aren't super high.

I don't talk to DH about when I'm ovulating etc. I don't want him to think it's the only reason I want to BD. And I don't want it to be like a chore. I keep track of things (sort of...I don't temp, and this is the only month I've done OPKs). I'm worried that if I stress about it too much, that it'll be more of a hinderance than a help in TTC.

I'm roughly 3dpo so I have another week or so before I start testing. you guys usually feel flushed during your TWW??

7 years ago

Another question for you guys.....

Do you usually feel crampy after O? I'm crampy today and I'm 4dpo. (I thought I was 3 dpo, but I used the wrong date and I'm 4dpo).

7 years ago

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