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TTC #1 with CLOMID!!! Looking for Cycle Buddies!!

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Hey ya'll my name is Stacey and I am 30 years old and have been married to the love of my life for almost 6 years!! I have PCOS and we have never conceived. I also recently lost 60 lbs which you could find on my youtube channel (it follows both my weight loss and TTC journey)! . I am so excited that this is our first time TTC with clomid! I am on Cycle day 3 and just took my first 50mg clomid!!! Let's all be friends and share our experiences this month!!!!

282 Replies • 10 years ago



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shelob - thanks!! some cycles i had ewcm a couple days before my opk+, so i hope it comes soon and i'm still praying for you to have a miracle baby!!!

bella83 - my bbs were huge a few days a couple days ago and have settled down now. that's why i didn't think much of it since that seems to happen every cycle, but usually only huge 1 day. i figured i had higher progesterone this cycle. luckily my cats stay far away from my bbs at sleepy time ;) you still doing beta testing? when's your first scan?

2Frsty - yeah DH used to very rarely say 'you're pregnant' and suddenly much more this cycle. did he know something this time???? lol. so sorry about the clomid headaches :(

AFM, 10DPO and trying to stay calm. i feel like such a dink not noticing the very faint positive from yesterday. quite the surprise then today!!! DH came home for lunch during all of this and i didn't let out a peep. His 30th bday is the 25th and i need to figure out what to do! i want to make sure it's somewhat sticky before telling him! I had the idea of getting a bday cake for him and writing on it 'Happy Birthday Dad' and wait until he gets it. I definitely can't last until the 25th, so do it early? but when do i tell him? so my goal of testing early was to see if we were even capable of a positive test (since we've never had a BFP), but of course could detect a CP. need lots of prayers and sticky vibes!!!! talked to the doctor, the plan is to have labs this friday with recheck labs next monday. now to stay calm.... LOL

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

OMG congrats firttimemummy!!!! yay we are due a week apart! Wouldnt it be awesome if we all got our bfps and all get our christmas miracles!!

Shelob- what day do you normally ovulate?

AFM- im having another blood test today and have an appointment with my gp so i can get an extended referral to the obstretrician and also a request to have an ultrasound. Im going to be a nervous wreck until i hear the heartbeat .

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

Firsttime--> on your lady!! Sending lots and lots of your way! So that's 2 of us that have had our ...time for the rest!

Bella--> How'd your blood draw go? Try and relax, Mumma! (Easier said than done, I know!) You'll hear that pitter patter soon enough!

AFM: Terrible, shitty day! Went to see the fertility specialist, which was a waste of time. She had nothing but terrible things to say. DH and I are too fat (evidently all she cares about is our BMI), we don't eat right, etc, etc. She told me that since I've been taking Clomid without getting my progesterone checked that I'd wasted 3 months. She also told me that charting my BBT was a waste of time. She ordered a semen analysis for DH (who wants to wait another 2 months before doing it) and told me to come in on the 30th to have my progesterone checked. She then ordered an HSG (where they place dye in your uterus to check your tubes.) I went in this afternoon and got the blood HcG test and was in the room waiting for my procedure. The doctor came in and said he'd already discussed it with the doc who ordered it and they agreed; I didn't need the test. SO WHY THE HELL ORDER THE DAMN THING?! Evidently because I already have a son, there's nothing wrong with my tubes! DH wants me to find a civilian doctor and see what they have to say. Then I find out that I've had a lapse in dental insurance so I'm going to have to pay for tomorrow's appointment out of pocket. I'm ready for this day to be over...


10 years ago

2Frsty--> hcg is up to 603 from 240 ive booked in to have a dating ultrasound and check heartbeat on 29/4 which would put me at 6w4days. Unfortunately the friday prior is a public holiday then its the weekend So knowing my hcg levels are rising well i feel a bit more relaxed

So sorry you had a shitty day 2frsty Your dr sounds like a bitch! wouldnt she be the one who should be monitoring your progesterone levels? I wouldnt think it needs to be strictly monitored if you temp and have reliable CM? And what was hats the only way i can track when i ovulate, clomid makes CM nonexistent And to say that you and dh are too fat? There is heaps of women here and in the us whos bmi is well over 30 and they have no medical issues during pregnancy. It might be a good idea to find another dr at least for a 2nd opinion. Damn i wanna bitch slap her, i can only imagine how you would be feeling

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

Oh no 2Frsty that sounds like a horrible day :( So sorry it all went wrong for you. It doesn't make all the fertility stuff any easier to deal with.

Bella83 I have an irregular cycle in which since I have been charting (over 2 years) I have ovulated anywhere from CD9 to CD31. My average is CD17/18. I am CD 12 today but based on my current signs I think I might be going to ovulate a bit earlier - like around CD15. I have been using subtler changes in CM to predict ovulation for about 6 months and it seems to work! We shall see if it does this time. The earlier EWCM is not usual though. I just hope I don't ovulate earlier than expected. We don't like to BD too often so I want to time it so we can do the most possible within my fertile time!

So girls, I got some great results from some blood tests the other day. I had FSH and AMH done on day two of my cycle just after my latest fertility appointment. Both were great, exactly what they expect for someone my age! That means that I have good egg stores which is great for IVF. They will use those results to help them determine what protocol to use for the IVF. I am hoping for the long cycle which means an extra month of injections (argh!!!!) but would give me a better chance of producing more eggs. I want every chance to have a baby so if that is a reasonably option I will go for it!

10 years ago

bella83 - thanks!!!! so exciting!!!! i hope we have great sticky beans and we'll see who gets closer to xmas ;) if all goes well i likely won't have an U/S until close to 7 weeks and i'm not sure if i can mentally make it!!! and great hcg numbers!!

2Frsty - thanks, need all the sticky vibes!! we have lots of baby dust in here i think, we gotta spread it around! i'm so sorry your appt went so shitty, how depressing!!! i wouldn't say being on clomid and not checking progesterone is a waste of time. if your LP is close to 14 days i don't see the issue? (mine was only 10 or 11, thus we checked). and how is BBT a waste since it confirms O?? can DH do his SA at home and drive it in or has to do in hospital? i had the sonoHSG done, which is the same, except they use saline instead of dye and use the ultrasound transvaginally. but they cancelled the HSG since you've had a baby?? oh wow so confusing. not sure i'd like that office.... oh GL to you guys!!!

shelob - i'm so glad you have plenty of eggs!!! but no date yet for this fall set yet, right?? does DH need any testing also? i still am hoping for a miracle baby so you don't need IVF ;)

AFM, 11DPO. TWW symptoms are pretty typical. the bbs tenderness is dropping off like normal, nipples still sensitive. occasional shooting pains in the bbs which are new this cycle. also the last couple days i've actually felt full appetite-wise. i'm always hungry!!! and not craving chocolate as much. weird. anyhoo bloodwork scheduled this friday and next monday, hope they look good!!! i ordered a bday cake for my husband that i'll pick up tomorrow that says 'happy bday dad' on it, his bday is next friday and i just can't wait that long!!!! here's an updated FRER shot for anyone interested:

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Firsttime--> Such great progression (in my opinion!) And what a great surprise for DH!

I'm not going to stop charting, and DH wants me to find a civilian doctor off post! He also wants to wait another 2 months before giving a semen sample; wants to wait until we've been TTC for a full 6 months. I think that's fair enough. We also got definite good news, definite bad news, and 2 possibilities today from the Army (this is all hush hush, but I have to tell someone!) The good news: DH doesn't have 24 hour duty this weekend, and will get a 4-day weekend for Easter! Which is when I'm "supposed" to O so there's gonna be a bunch of going on even though my aunt will be in town! Bad news: DH's "gunnery" (3 weeks gone in the field training) has been pushed up and he's leaving Tuesday instead of in May--pray for me to O this weekend while he's still here! The two possibilities: 1) his Korea trip planned for October may get moved up and changed to the Ukraine and 2) his unit may be getting permanently moved to Germany as soon as May 6th. So this may be a whirlwind year for us, considering we just got to Texas in January, and now they're talking about sending us to Germany (which I think would be so neat!) So who knows! Still getting - opks.


10 years ago

Firsttimemommy30 we still don't have a definite date set yet. I am not worried about that as we jsut need to wait until closer to the time. My husband just had a semen analysis done a couple of months ago which was really bad. We are going to retest it in another month to give the supplements time to work. Those results will be interesting!!!

So, today I got a positive OPK!!!!! Crazy. So I should ovulate tomorrow. We BD'd tonight after I finally got home from work at 8:30 pm. Late night... tomorrow is my last day of work before a bit of a holiday so we will hopefully get another BD in which would make me happy! Give the poor sperm the best chance! I am so proud of my ovulation symptom spotting :)

10 years ago

Firsttime- what are you hcg numbers?, I couldnâ??t remember when you were going. Actually ive found today that ive been finding it hard to concentrate and forgetting things! Also im getting really tired about 6pm Im struggling mentally as well, the worry makes it hard to relax and enjoy this journey, but I told my sister today, it was great to be able to tell someone! Great progession on your frer!!

2frsty- Thatâ??s great that you get a 4 day weekend! Im working all weekend, and after work on Saturday (3.30pm) driving an hour and a half to see family, staying the night and driving back home on the Sunday to start work at 1.30 So im guessing that its going to be a long and tiring 4 day weekend for me . How exciting the possibility of moving to another country! Do you prefer one over the other?
I donâ??t know how id cope with dh being in the army. How do you get used to being apart so much? Donâ??t get me wrong its nice to have time apart occasionally

Shelob- Yay for +ve opk! I love the rush of knowing your super fertile Hope you are keeping your dh plenty of attention Fingers crossed this is your month! Or at least dh goods have improved

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

2Frsty - thanks, i was hoping so!! sounds reasonable to wait til the 6 month mark, since 'normal' couples take 6-12 months. i'm so glad DH is around on Easter and O time and i hope you guys catch that egg!!! i so hope you O before he leaves! wow that is some crazy plans in store for you guys! would you rather being stationed to germany or for DH to be deployed for a few months? my DH was in the guard for 7 years and after 2 deployments i said no more. hope you get a + opk shortly!

shelob - i forgot about his SA. well i hope the next looks much better! i've heard of clomid being used in males to increase numbers?? glad you got the + opk, catch that egg :)

bella83 - the original plan is i wasn't supposed to test until saturday. i told them at my follicle scan oh i will test early :) and told her fully aware i could expose myself to a CP heartache, but honestly, i was so worried i wasn't even capable of a positive i would feel like it was a step forward for us. so they wanted a hcg on saturday, well i work during lab time, so we're doing a hcg on friday when i'm on lunch. the repeat will be on monday. i also have to skip progesterone sunday night and that will be tested on monday to see how i am on my own. i also feel very forgetful!! and i'm not sleeping well!!! trying to not worry and wondering how many beans are there... up to 4... OMG!! I'm so glad i could tell you guys because i was just bursting needing to tell someone! not sure when we'll tell family... want to get past the period due date at least.

AFM, 12DPO. POAS and there's still 2 lines, yay! when i took the FRER my test line appeared the same time as the control line, that's new! yesterday i ordered a cake for DH (red velvet with cream cheese frosting and said 'happy birthday dad'). tonight i call him and tell him i'm heading to the store, want anything else, and he says yeah, something sweet (i giggled in my mind). i set up the camera and did video when i had him open the box. he's like 'WHAAAAAAT?!?! oh i'm light headed' and sat down :) i got him good :) now we need lots of sticky vibes!!

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

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