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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 5

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This is for all the ladies out there who are using clomid to help conceive. Feel free to express your every emotions and remember you can never give TMI, we are all on the same page and have heard it all! So welcome to the group!

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309 Replies • 11 years ago



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Sorry RH,FX!
Update: Monday appointment the first step on getting my first round ever of clomid...will have to be postponed due to lack of finances. (3 time was no charm for me) :-(
I posted more detail in my journal,welcome to read it.
I am CD 11 (Sept.14,2012)
Checked cervical position I figured it High,soft,possibly open :-? ((Still not sure of cervical stuff)) Husband studied the cervical graphing and said same thing with out me telling him my "guess". Still no Positive OPK,Still no very fertile CM,but we BD'ed anyways...I started spotting after..Hoping and just about in the believable stage that it was cause Cervix was opened or so and SEX roughed it up a tad...IF THIS IS POSSIBLE! Anyways Spotting stopped mid-day today(which is still CD11) Hubby works grave so most BD'ing will be done between 12-midnight to 7am..and possible one time before he has to leave for work blah blah blah.
Keep in mind,Even though most times and just learned where and what that finger pointy thing was lol at age 25....I have shallow cervix. Sometimes I think DH and I weren't meant to be Sexually active LOL! Very petite chicka here up against a 6'4 guy! I know TMI..EW...Bad picture. But I've had Nurses tell me you bleed after sex because you may have a STD or some other weird off the wall reason! I even told them well I thought it was b/c of so and so reason!. Please do not judge me...I am not bragging WHAT SO EVER! I wouldn't brag feeling kicked in stomach,pain,and nausea after sex sessions with my husband. But then again!!! It's not always like this,only certain times of the month,depends on position of my cervix.You would think with cervix LOW (touchable and hard) that would hurt worse,right)Well,I thought so. Anyways,Before all of this TMI stuff!!! All DAY CD 10 I was dizzy/lightheaded ,bloated,gassy ;-/,cramping,ovaries too and sore belly around. So I figured O was soon ...But I have yet still to have a even close to positive OPK except CD2&3 possible CD78&1. ((SIGH))
Once again please don't think lowly of me.I am just a PCOS,TTC#1,researching queen,POSA, Symptom tracking,low funded,natural seeking cure for PCOS,Hormonal,open minded when it comes to this subject,praying,26 yr old lady/woman. LOL
I don't just help myself,I have a PCOS/TTC/hormone/when no one else listens group on FB. What knowledge I receive or find out for myself I also share with my PCOS Cysters when they have same questions. Some of us women are housewives(which I'm praying my situation of a housewife will change into having a job soon,to help my husband & myself with our desire) Many of us seek others like us to talk to,share with,we listen to each other.When others are to busy,or telling us to be patient,and ect.Believe me TTC with PCOS your very first born..It takes many patience,right...right. We do try harder as in temping,charting,and OPK's but sometimes We cannot rely on OPK's alone.Says so right on store bought boxes.
Anyways.More than what I wanted to share but I hope I send out encouraging words,hope,love,and positive vibes. If you also have questions on Cervical positions I post a forum on it. God bless you all,hope to hear more from you all,FX,Stickie baby dust.Be strong don't give up. Remember advice goes a long way in the TTC world. your knowledge helps many..So share!

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11 years ago

genni25 - sorry to read you have to postpone your next cycle of clomid :(

rkn oh mom - fingers crossed!

felurian - good luck!

kethryes - hugs

babylove09 - it's my birthday and it's sunny so my weekend is pretty good so far!

afm - CD28 today just waiting for my period to show up. If it doesn't my doctor is going to put me on Provera to start it off. I haven't POAS, I am not that hopeful with this being my 1st Clomid cycle.

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

hi everyone...just spent a while reading the last 5 weeks of your post's and i'm excited to see how you all keep chatting with each other and supporting the whole ttc journey! I have been trying with DH for 9 months now and had 2 early mc's /chemical pregnancies! I have talked to my dr. about trying clomid bc for one my mom had to have it to conceive me & my brother and so i have always thought i would need it. Second my cycles are really long 32-35 days and i think i ovulate really late around day 21 or so .... plus progestrone with last bloodwork when i had a was only 1.8 when it should be at least 10 for viable pregnancy. My pregnancies have always had low hcg levels(13 for 1st one & 20 -23 for 2nd one). I am SO EXCITED to start clomid and hope it works for me....Good luck to everyone and hope to chat with u all along this journey

11 years ago

kmison - welcome! i'm sorry to hear you've had a rough start but i'm glad you are staying so positive! Does the doctor know what's causing the low HCGs? When do you start the clomid?

ellekj - did you get a positive OPK this cycle of clomid? bc even if you don't get prego, ovulation is one step closer to pregnancy! i hope AF comes so you don't have to take makes me pretty miserable...btw happy birthday!

genni25 - that is a total bummer about postponing...i will pray that things will get in order for next cycle!

Rkn_OH_Mum - sorry about the BFN :( what DPO are you?

felurian - i hope you Od! i will pray for a sticky bean!!

kethreys - i'm so excited that you are so positive! the closer the better right?

to all the other ladies i missed &

AFM - camping was a TOTAL fail :( it started raining which is no big deal but our tent started leaking and our sleeping bags got soaked so we left two days early :( so we are vacationing at home which isn't to shabby! second day of clomid and i feel okay! i've been taking it at night like suggested by you lovelies! i'll keep you posted on how the next few days go and what my OPKs say!

Good night!

TTC Phytotherapy 10/12 Clomid 9/12 Met 5/12, 3/08 MC 6/08 DX w PCOS "For nothing is impossible with God" - Sarah, mother of John the Baptist, said to be barren

11 years ago

Genni25: I hope the best for you! You are young and all the good things will come soon!

ellekayejaye: Happy Birthday!!!!!! I hope you had great weekend!!!!

kmison: Good luck with clomid!!!!

hbarrios: I am sorry to hear that camping was not so good! Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

AFM: I still have my AF and also some cold! My temp rose because of it!

11 years ago

hbarrios- I didn't use opks as I have been getting the progesterone blood tests done. my 21 day result was 63. they say you ovulated did you get over 15-20. I am now wondering why mine is in the 60s lol!

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

thanks for the welcome ! i hope everyone gets good news soon no matter if its a (which we all want the most) or even coming which means we r one step closer to being regulated in order to conceive the healthy baby! im very excited to start clomid next cycle and a part of me wishes for twins, but one would be just fine !

11 years ago

Well, AF came outta no where! Here's to another month!

11 years ago

Rkn_OH_Mum: bummer showed her face! But there is always next month.... i noticed u are taking clomid on days 3-7 , have u tried days 5-9 yet? just wondering bc my dr is starting me on it next month on 5-9, never have understood the difference in the days we take the clomid?

and by the way my dr said to keep trying this month after my mc, but a part of me just wants to wait until next month when i start the clomid, we have only tried 1 time and i am on day 16 of cycle already, but usually don't O until day 21 maybe , if it happens....

11 years ago

Welcome, kmison. Good luck with your Clomid :)

RknOHmum- So sorry about AF! How rotten! Do you think it was a chemical? I swear that I saw those positive lines on your tests in the pictures.

hbarrios- That stinks about camping! I hope the side effects continue to stay away and that you see pos OPK soon.

AFM, had a really hard day today. I was holding my sleeping nephew at church and just started breaking down. Those kind of emotions just tend to pop up, don't they? So I am scouring the internet trying to find today's new episode of Downton Abbey to help cheer me up. So far, I haven't been able to find it. Stupid US not showing season 3 on cable until January. You UK ladies are mighty lucky having BBC!

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

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