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TTC #1 with CLOMID!!! Looking for Cycle Buddies!!

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Hey ya'll my name is Stacey and I am 30 years old and have been married to the love of my life for almost 6 years!! I have PCOS and we have never conceived. I also recently lost 60 lbs which you could find on my youtube channel (it follows both my weight loss and TTC journey)! . I am so excited that this is our first time TTC with clomid! I am on Cycle day 3 and just took my first 50mg clomid!!! Let's all be friends and share our experiences this month!!!!

282 Replies • 10 years ago



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I did! My sister-in-law (SIL) is a lab tech and the one who drew my blood and ran the test...I made her re-do it! When I went in for my dating scan I thought I was 6 weeks, but it turned out I had O'd a week later than I thought, so I was only 5 weeks. I was devastated! I went in there expecting to see a baby and a heartbeat, and all they could see was the gestational and yolk sacs. It didn't help that the bitch who did the scan didn't word things very nicely. Instead of saying, "The baby's still too small to see" she looked me in the face and said, "There's NO baby to see." I panicked! I just knew I was going to miscarry! They ran my levels to see if they were doubling, and needless to say...they were doing just fine! Went back for another scan in a week, and there he was--6 weeks along and 120 beats per minute!


10 years ago

What a bitch! Obviously she didn't learn people skills in kinder!! She should know that the woman is going to be beyond anxious that her baby is ok.
I keep doing pregnancy tests to make sure the test line is getting darker each day. But i have a blood test today so if the number are good then i should be able to relax for about a second

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

I know what you mean! I had been TTC for 12 years when I finally got my 1st with my son. I had spent so much time (and money) looking at each that once I was finally preggers I went to the dollar store and got a dozen tests, just so I'd be able to watch the line get darker. We weren't really TTC the month we conceived John; our lives were too busy that month! So the 1st test I took with him was a simply because I didn't think there was any point in testing, since we weren't trying! I kept POAS for about 2 weeks after my scan confirming his heartbeat! POAS away, lady! You deserve it! Have you set up a Countdown My Pregnancy profile? I have mine from my pregnancy with John there. My username is 2Frsty, same as it is here! You should check out my pictures!


10 years ago

I guess its true what they say that trying to relax and not stress that that is when it is most likely to happen!
I set up an account yesterday, i was kind of apprehensive about making it 'official' because it still seems too good to be true! And maybe somehow its like tempting fate. My bhcg is 240 (from 93 2 days ago) today so thats more reassuring than i poas

Just checked out your cdtp profile, your son is gorgeous!

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

sorry i've been MIA for a lil bit!

bella83 - those hcg values and time frame are sounding great!!!! congrats!!! sticky vibes to you! i heard recently that if you keep POAS the line will eventually get lighter because all the hcg 'overwhelms' the test, so just wanted to make sure you knew before you accidentally worry yourself! i'm also in the medical field but sadly i can't order my own labwork... which is probably a good thing!!!

2Frsty - sorry about AF, but at least you know. it's crazy how many people get pregnant a month they aren't trying at all. and just amazing you guys were lucky after 12 years! i can't even imagine. i can't believe the bitch you had for that scan... i would've done everything in my power to make sure she got a very very bad letter in her file to make sure she got some form of punishment. i am a passive aggressive master though ;) baby dust to your friend that just had an IUI!! GL at your appt on the 14th. we also discussed possibly trying femara, but we seem to have such a good response to the clomid and minimal side effects so far... so i can't bring myself to spend all that money on the femara when clomid is so much cheaper. our next step is likely adding in IUI.

shelob - lol thanks :) i really hope your sister and you have great IVF success and have some overlapping pregnancy time!! that is a difficult situation for your friend. at least she is also sensitive to your feelings. it's a difficult emotional tightrope to walk to genuinely be happy for her, and yet insanely jealous at the same time. i do hope both her and baby are healthy. it's interesting how your other friend just started using opk's!!! i feel our TTC journey has so far taught me how grateful i will be when i finally get pregnant. i feel women who just fall into pregnancy just don't have the appreciation for it that we will/do. i have a friend who had a hugely hard time TTC her first and luckily #2 & 3 were much easier. she admits she has a completely different bond with #1. (of course she loves them all) this journey though sadly makes me so jealous of everyone that can easily TTC to the point i want to hit them :) haha j/k the last part, kind of ;)

AFM, 9DPO. for a few days i had insanely painful bbs and they actually were quite large a couple days there. overall not too different from other cycles tho. DH and I quite enjoyed how impressive they looked, since i'm barely a B on a good day :p the pain got old tho, and since last night the pain has let up considerably. i feel not much is happening at all. not really any 'new' symptoms. started my crazy lady early testing last night, negative of course, but oh well :) My DH is strangely much more interested in this TWW than any other past cycle. He keeps asking if I know yet, when will I know, when will I test, says comments that i'm pregnant, etc. which is completely new for him....

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Firsttime--> My DH says the same thing; his answer for every little thing after I've O'd is "You're pregnant." It used to really frustrate me, but now I just have fun with me. I was a raging bitch with my pregnancy with DS, so I'm always threatening to get preggers and go postal on his ass!

Bella--> You got this! I couldn't wait to announce the news! I thought about it, but I just couldn't wait! After 12 years, it was such an awesome thing to see the responses! And thanks! John is a pill sometimes (like right now, when he won't go to bed because of the storm) but he's the apple of my eye! I can't WAIT to have my 2nd; I just pray the colic stays away this time! Have you joined a "Due Date" forum yet? Some of my best friends are mommies I met there! We text over 200 messages a day sometimes!

AFM: I'm 99.9% sure it's the Clomid causing these terrible headaches! I've had one for 2 days now. I'm starting to get excited about our appointment tomorrow! Went and met some of DH's Army friends and their wives today; it was so nice to spend some time with other Army wives! my son is pooping while he's in his jumperoo. Yay me.


10 years ago

aww thanks guys! ill tell my mum and my sister and dh parents as they know that we are ttc and the pregnancy losses.
This cycle had much the same symptoms bloating,backache, headache, swollen boobs but not overally sore (dh loves this one ) what is it with guys obsession with breasts??
But my boobs have consistently gotten more sore as time went on particularly the sides and my nipples. My cats like to sleep right near my chest which usually is fine except when he rolls over and hurts my nipple he is very skitterish so i try to keep my swearing to a minimum

firsttime- thats lovely that your dh is getting excited and is actively involved

2frsty- you made me laugh imagining your son with his poop face Where are you in your cycle? I get a headache from the clomid around the time ive finished the cycle till at least ovulation then usually a headache is a symptom which sucks.
Oh and good luck for your appointment!!

Have a lovely day ladies :)

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

Help ladies!!! Please look at this!!
In person I swear is a faint line, not a squinter! I have never seen this before! Please advise! When do I try a FRER?!?

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Ooo I can see a line! Looks like congrats may be in order!!! Wow! Starting to feel a little left out here...

I have been having EWCM yesterday and today which is odd because I am only on CD12 now which is very early for me to be getting ready to ovulate. Also, I took an OPK yesterday which was VERY negative. But, I will trust my body and assume I am going to ovulate soon. You never know, a miracle could happen! (I keep thinking that each month!).

2Frsty I hope the appointment goes well!!!

10 years ago

FRER on a only 3 hour hold


TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

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