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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Wow so much going on since I logged in last!! I hope everybody is in better spirits! I hope we all ovulate soon!!! Oh I just read something super interesting. Apparently grapefruit juice will increase your EWCM!! Here is the page they had listed with it!

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11 years ago

hey just wondering... has anyone thought about what type of birth you want to have..? and where?

I would love to have a home birth but they might not let me do my next favorite option would be a water birth, if i just had to be at the hospital... the doc i used before delivers at a hospital that offers water birth so i want to go back to her whenever i conceive, she was really awesome. very motherly and amazing bedside manner... the sweetie, doesn't care what i want.. he is game and willing to help me to do the research. long as we have a healthy baby, lol

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11 years ago

I will have the same doc as I did for my first. Will be at a different hospital because of ins. My doc got the hospital to waive what the ins didn't cover since it was an out of network hospital but my doc wanted me there because that's where my other doc went in case I had problems becaus ei had gall stones with my first bad that resulted in my gall bladder out a month after delivery exactly.
I was induced last time but I want to just go with the flow this time and have that experience of "oh no I'm having contractions, UHF was that my water breaking? Lol. Sounds funny but this next one will be our last so I want the experience. Epi again. Deff not going natural.
That's my thoughts on what I want to do :)

11 years ago

I will have the same doc as I did for my first. Will be at a different hospital because of ins. My doc got the hospital to waive what the ins didn't cover since it was an out of network hospital but my doc wanted me there because that's where my other doc went in case I had problems becaus ei had gall stones with my first bad that resulted in my gall bladder out a month after delivery exactly.
I was induced last time but I want to just go with the flow this time and have that experience of "oh no I'm having contractions, UHF was that my water breaking? Lol. Sounds funny but this next one will be our last so I want the experience. Epi again. Deff not going natural.
That's my thoughts on what I want to do :)

11 years ago

is late ive been one day late before so will see if she comes today

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11 years ago

I will never have a water birth after watching the one on the kardashians. It was horrible. I will have an average with an epidural, both of my nieces were born just fine with them.

is definitely going on now.
I just hope I am able to get pregnant.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

I will never have a water birth after watching the one on the kardashians. It was horrible. I will have an average with an epidural, both of my nieces were born just fine with them.

is definitely going on now.
I just hope I am able to get pregnant.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

cramps have stared scared to go to the loo

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11 years ago

oh no lammy! Did she show?

I went into labor last time around 2 am so when I got to the hospital they gave me demerol (?) I was out of my mind messed up. HATED IT. I think it may have affected DS because I had lots of complications with DS. He was too big and wouldnt turn his head the right way and kept pinching his cord. Epi numbed everything from my shoulders down at first and then it did not work on my abdomen at all!! Very painful 22 hours with raging nausea. Actually through up while pushing!!! However it was worth it!! Next time I plan to do it naturally. Then maybe I will at least be able to move around!!

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11 years ago

oh wow... don't much care for the kardashians so didn't know one of them had a water birth. I don't have anything against medicated birth. but after much research and thinking about it I want to go as natural as. Luckily I have a doctor who awesome and will support it too. Yaaay, lol!

Well heading out to speak at a funeral. Have a beautiful day ladies!! ;) rxcuse any typos. On my phone.

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11 years ago

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