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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Going on day 33 tomorrow and no sign of AF and the preg test blood had come out neg on tues. doc office said if nothing by next week to call and get in. Blah I just want it to come already or something to happen. So then we can start trying again. My hubby is pissed off at me because I was forced into from school to drop my classes and start my doctorate back up in February. Is bad because we were hoping on my school refund check for some things. So needless to say he's pissed. I had to drop because I was behind in my classes due to medical and such. Can't start back up till feb. hoping that lack of this stress, and trying to ignore the lack of my AF and let it just come and try to get rid of my other stressors. Just hoping this is all due to stress and this will all work out some how ok rant done :)

11 years ago

@ waiting- by using the applesauce and such do u omit the eggs? My daughter is allergic to eggs whites and yolks so I'm trying to find yummy alternatives so I can bake cookies cupcakes and cakes.

I would love to work from home. I have a bachelors in marketing, dual masters: project management and IT management and restarting my Business administration doctorate in Feb. all these degrees and stuck at a min wage job :(.
Congrats to all the bfp's and sending baby dust to the rest :)

11 years ago

Sowell82... oh wow so sorry to hear what you are dealing with... sounds like that definitely is a lot of stress and emotional heaviness...

I know how you feel, somewhat... I am finishing my first yr in doctorate... had to shut my business down seven yrs ago due to health issues & just now coming back to work... definitely not the easiest thing to do to start a business from the ground up again with no help... I will keep you in my prayers for better opportunities with using your degrees and experience. And I def know a thing or two about depending on school monies, lol!

Had a thought...have you thought about maybe offering your services online, maybe working with start up businesses & entrepreneurs to help market their businesses & building a niche for yourself..? And as you do that you could get the testimonials and gain more clientele that way & turn it into a full-fledged business from home as you made more money to eventually replace your other income... just brainstorming...
LOL, I am truly an advocate for people following their dreams!

Hope everyone has a great day today!!!!

Today is an EXTREMELY emotional day for me for some reason... just all out crazy and certifiable! whooo I think I need to get out & go to a movie or something just to redirect my mind...

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11 years ago

@Cutie- I tried doing that with one person but she ended up burning me in the end. I would love to do something like that and work from home but no clue where, how, or who to start with. Something I will need to deff look into.
Thankfully hubby is getting less angry and we are just ignoring the convo so we don't argue about it. It's better that way lol. Hoping now that's on hold and I can get some other things caught up my stress goes down more.
I was looking at my calander and I had two pos opk's. around the 20/21 and again on the 1st wondering if I didn't o the first time but I did the second. It so then I shouldn't start my AF till next Friday. So who knows but stress could have just thrown my cycle into a twist from all the stress I was putting myself to concieve. I think I'm gonna call the doc next week and see if they want me to wait one more week to see if I start or not on this possibly new cycle time and if not then see them. Just trying to stay positive :).

11 years ago

Sowell82... I have an idea. i will inbox you... ;)

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11 years ago

Well I think it is official I think the evil has reared her ugly face. We shall see cause I though it started before and stopped bleeding. I'm going to guess that it will be a bad one after 82 days without a period. I feel like I need a stiff drink along with lots of chocolate. So maybe my doctor can do something that will help me get pregnant.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@Cutiepie-It's funny you offered me the advice you did cause I'm actually a Licensed Massage Therapist . Deal with clients with same issues I'm having all the time. Therapeutic massage and heat is out right now. Massage is contraindicated with acute injuries due to the inflammation. Massage provides controlled inflammation that aides in healing but if the area is already inflammed it will just add to the inflam. and make things worse. I know right now the best bet is rest and ice til I'm able to get some experienced glut work done, probably next week. Just wish I had some pain killers in the mean time . Slept with body pillow to support my back but inflammation increased thru out the night with no ice so my hips felt like someone poured quick dry cement over my butt this morning. But my butt is numb from ice right now so I'm in less pain. Just have to be patient. Hate just laying down all day. Feel useless.

But despite the pain, I'm having a lot of uterine cramps lately. Cramping, sharp pulls, heavy feeling. Strong enough to feel them thru the back pain. I'm going to be so ticked if I ovulate now and cant . Poor dh is going thru withdraw, havent done it in 3 days. Also having a lot of nausea and I dont think it's from the back pain. Hmm...great now I get to lay here and over think things!

@athena-I say call your dr now! She should have the results. Enjoy sex now....have some fun with it. Do it in places you havent yet. You may have normal AF length but with the extended cycle, you may bleed longer. Stock up on the tampons and pads. I had such a heavy flow and bled thru a supersized tampon in a few hours and onto my inlaws' new car's leather seat .

@sowell- the applesauce just takes the place of the oil. You can do it with almost anything with oil...cupcakes, pancakes, etc. If you're looking for an eggless cake...mix a box of cake mix and a soda of your choice (chocolate cake/ cherry coke, lemon cake/sprite). The soda takes place of ALL the add in ingredients. Bake it per instructions and done. Super moist yummy cake. For a healthier version, I'd google it . I wouldnt be surprised if the stress cause you to O late. You may have had a failed surge back on the 20/21st and finally triumphed with the most recent opk. Praying for your sanity . Not sure you believe in God or not but I'll share anyways. It's my favorite verse, "Lead not onto your own understanding, in all ways acknowlege Him and He will make your path straight". I know it sucks right now being a place you dont like and feeling stuck, I've been there. But God puts us in places we dont like sometimes for certain reasons. Like a caterpillar, we get stuck in a cocoon. We want out, we fight, we struggle so that we can get out and fly. It's hard, but it's the struggle that strengthens the butterfly's wings to enable them to fly. Sometimes God makes us endure the struggle so we're stronger when we come out the other side. As my pastor says, "You'll be like a freakin Lunesta butterfly!!"

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

YESSSS!!!!! My doctor is prescribing me Flexiril! A muscle relaxant that's safe incase I already ovulated or if I ovulate soon! YAAAAA! I could kiss her!!!!!

dancing from my couch

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

- waiting- woo hoo dancing for u too!!! I figure if I just take it easy and focus on everything I needed to get done while I was overloaded with my classes that will help take the stress off and get a lot of things acomplished. Plus who knows maybe we did still hit the target ith the late o :) no hopes up and just figuring I have to wait till late next week for the witch to show her face and well be back on track again. No more testing for me opk or hpt wise until I miss my next period, and with the opk's not until we have been trying for 6 mo this then ill get opk's again. I knows stressed myself out too much before with all the testing. And now with school out for me till jan/feb I will get caught back up on my coupons, small cleaning tasks I've been wanting to do and I still have the assignments for the two courses so I will start working on them between now and then so I'm anead of the game when class starts back up and will save me stress then too :) so fingers still crossed but I'm not expecting anything besides the witch possible next weekend

11 years ago

waiting.... WOW! That is too funny. guess what.. so am I, LOL! Well I used to be anyway,MT, Personal Trainer & Holistic Coaching... I no longer work as a MT or Trainer since my neck & back was injured in a bad car accident...

the only reason i recommended that is because I used to have HORRENDOUS muscle spasms, convulsions, etc after the accident and a friend of mine who was a MT as well used to have to work on me, the medicine wouldn't even work they were so bad. and he would literally have to work on me sometimes thruout an entire day to help my body reset & calm down... trigger point therapy as painful as it was became my best friend... and my body would be so inflamed inside & out from the constant convulsions that the chiropractor and the massage were literally my saving grace, as I used to have spasms in my throat too and that was one of the only ways they could get them to stop...

My friend knew so much from his previous military service and experience and having worked on vets as a paramedic in the field and in the VA... THAT was the one of the only reasons I trusted him to work on me when i was in soooooo much pain... now that's not to say i didnt want to fight him sometimes, lol!!!

got so bad at one point they literally would have to take me to the hospital and dope me with ativan or morphin to knock me out because nothing else would work... not fun at all...

And Im dancing with you, lol! I remember the flexeril and I also used to take baclofen... had to stop both of them because I was like the poster child for side effects... before ttc I had a standing prescription with the doc for ativan to keep it on hand if things got back to be really bad again...

Now that we are trying to conceive I will be reverting back to my more holistic and preferred methods with the chiropractor and massage and herbal supplements... i have also been thinking about trying acupuncture. heard really good things about it.

hmmm... its funny talking about all of this has made me nostalgic... i really used to love it, miss it a lot sometimes, being able to help people, relieve pain and help the body heal itself... truly a blessing.

OMGosh, I just looked at how much i just wrote, man it is easy to talk a long time when typing, LOLOLOLOL!!!!

Have a good night everybody!

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11 years ago

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