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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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hahaha Waiting. Shoulda just set the candy bowl outside and gotten yours!!!

AFM I am seeing no signs of AF today. Cervix is super high. So FX . But the dang test this morning was unbelievably NEGATIVE. Not sure what is up but I am going to tell myself if the shows that is those test were really bad EVAPS.

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11 years ago

@kcordell- The kids actually forced themselves into my foyer! One pulled the bowl down and almost out of my hand. So I lifted the bowl up high and shouted, "hold up! I have just enough candy for everyone." Luckily the 3 kittycat mom's finally stepped in and told their kids to get out my house. I thought... 'wow, they needed to do a couple practice rounds before hitting the streets'. Dh just laughed as he watched me get run over ! One kid actually told me that he want something else, cause he didnt like any of the candy in the bowl. Really? If I were that kid's parent...I'd be embarrassed. Good luck today hun! Stay away !

Sowell- Praying the next few days fly by!

Took opk at 2:30. It was only a 1.5hr hold cause I thought I was going to pee down my leg! Urine was VERY diluted! And test line was very light! But I'm blaming it on short hold and diluted pee so I'm going to hold again...limit H2O...and test again at 5.
Feeling a bit sick today.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Wow...went to get my prenatal vitamins today (been taking them since we started TTC). Yea...I've been take them long enough to equal a pregnancy. 9 MONTHS !
When dh came home, I was going to tell him about the 9 month thing and I said 'guess what?'. He actually answered, "You're pregnant.". Really, I just finished my AF? Smiled to hide my anger . 15 more minutes and I get to pee again.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Kc...sorry about your test. I still have for you! I hope they weren't evaps or flukes.

@Waiting...girl you made me chuckle...about taking the kids on a dry run to practice before they actually go trick or treating. I thought...I might to have to do that when I have my kid(s).

@lammy try not to test. Give it a couple of more days. I know it is easier said than done...given I test at all times throughout the month. Go figure...

AFM - I received my pathology results from the polyps they removed. They were benign, so that is great. I also received my cromosome results and they were normal as well. I just have to wait 5 more days before we can ! This is torture. DH was looking super fine last night. I'm so horny and given I got a positive OPK yesterday and the day before, I'm probably ovulating. Needless to say, I think I need to sleep on the couch before I wake up with my legs in the air . Abstinence at this point is torture!

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11 years ago

I know your pain Holly! After a week with no sex, I'm getting ready to bust at the seams. I'm even starting to hear this voice in my head whispering....'penis'....'penis'....'PENIS'! Oh wait that's my husband sitting next to me on the couch pointing to his crotch, yelling 'PENIS'!
Apparently he's wanting it just as bad. He woke me up this morning telling me all the naughty things he wanted to do to me tonight. Havent done it yet...think we're waiting for other one to make the first move! RWAR!!! POUNCE!!! After watching Sherlock Holmes last night, he kept dreaming he had to rescue me and in each dream we jumped eachother! lol.

Ok, took an opk at 6! And it was much darker (both the opk and my pee lol). So LH is acting much different this cycle !

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

have you ever felt great , soo happy with a feeling something good is coming soon ??

i just cant explain it by now ( 7dpo) im having cramp and lots of signs but i dont i feel like nothing can stop me

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11 years ago

my mum is driving me mad lol today she asked me when i came off the pill as she knows i came off it as was having problems on it so i was like end of jan then she was like well mark ( my dh ) is 26 now he getting old and if u want as many as u do u better start soon . then said wouldnt it be funny is u has triplets then have 1 more to make 4 then say just one more and have twins i think she thinks im wounderwoman lol. im like we will start when we start we got to sory marks job out 1st shes like oh but im sitting there thinking ha ha we are trying and have been since march she cant wait to be a nanny lol every time i say i got something to tell u shes like ur preg im like no and she says good i hope u would tell me in a better way lol

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11 years ago

Omg I really need a POAS intervention!!!! I'm gonna try my dangest to not test again till Monday. I am supposed to start tomorrow or Sunday. I know all I'm doing is disappointing myself. I know it prolly won't happen this month since its the first real month ttc but I couldn't help but get my hopes up. I want to cry but I know I just have to relax and let things happen. But that's asker said than done ugh. Ok rant over

11 years ago

Rant all you want to Sowell!!! Better on the forum than ranting in your head...cause that will definitely get you committed! It's ok to cry...I've done plenty of that. You wont be able to relax til you get your built up emotions out. I wanted to cry last night. I was lying in bed listening to the heater kick on and a christmas commerical on the tv. It felt like christmas eve and I imagined the tree up and the smell of christmas potpourri. Then dh rolled over and put his arm around me. I follow my hand down his arm til our hands were touching and is so happened that our hands were on my stomach. It hit me that I was doing what 9 months earlier I thought I'd be doing at that point....lying in bed with dh, at christmas time, both feeling our baby moving inside me. Except, my tummy was flat and there was no life inside . I laid there for a few minutes wondering, hoping, and praying that on Christmas eve, I'll be able to experience that. Even though I'd only be 8 weeks, I'd still have a life inside me and a motherly smile on my face. Oh crap now I'm crying!

Shake it off Tara, shake it off!
@Lammy-your mum sounds like my mother and father in law. My own mom doesnt say much about the subject cause she doesnt want to push me. But boy howdy do my inlaws push. We get speeches about how dh is 33 and how he'll be in his 60s when our kids get married. And how life is short and they are getting old. My father in law has already used the death guilt trip saying he'll be 6 feet under when our kid is 6. Gets frustrating, especially now that we're trying with no luck. Dh and I just keep saying, "we'll try when we're ready!"...or "I'm not ready to be a mom yet!" They dont even know about the miscarriage cause I knew my FIL would say something buttheaded and I'd have to kill him .
I'm always trying to come up with some fun way of telling my family. For example, christmas...ornament with sonogram picture in it that both sets of parents open at same time? Honestly, I always wanted to say, "hey, guys we're sticking in It's a Wonderful Life, come sit down on the couch and watch it with us!". Then when it starts playing it's sonogram video.....
Oh.....I could sit here and day dream all day

On a funnier last night...I was lying there with my wash rag thong on and on my left side. After 5 minutes, I wondered if it was a good position, so I rolled onto my back. 5 minutes later, decided to roll onto my right side. Then onto my stomach and then back onto my left side. Like I was coating my vagina with semen. Then I realized.....HOLY CRAP...I'M A HUMAN CEMENT TRUCK!!! ROFL!!!!! Dh thought I lost it as I lied there laughing histerically!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Great news...well maybe. Spoke to my doctor today and he agreed to see me today...4 days early. They had to work me in, but I have been cleared to . I probably missed O, but there is a slim chance we didnt. He said everything looks great because my procedure was minor. It's CD 14, so I'm still in the game. It is a good thing I had the procedure at the beginning of my cycle or he I would not have been cleared. I think it is too late, but it's is nice to be able to dream!

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11 years ago

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