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New Year's Kick Off!

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In order to keep myself sane during my TWW (12/21-01/04) I'm starting this list for ladies who will be testing or starting a new cycle in the new year!

Let me start off by confessing that I am a POAS addict and my name is Lyn. I live in Italy and my husband is in the military so our TTC months can be quite varied... So far over the last yer we've only really had 4 good chances since he was gone. I'm really hoping that this is my cycle but if not we'll keep trying right up until DH gets on the plane to deploy!

We're TTC #2 after a MC in October of 2010 and I'm now 25 years old... I have PCOS and weight issues.

Let's spread the !

Hoping for my Janury 4th!! (But I know I'll be testing on the 1st)

Here's to keeping AF away!!

285 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thank you ladies! I tried not to track symptoms this past 2WW and I really wasn't expecting a BFP.

I am having some light spotting and cramping but I am hoping it is normal. Calling the OB tomorrow if it continues. I will keep POAS to make sure they are getting darker because they were pretty faint this morning.

Good luck everyone and thanks for the positive vibes!

Me: 34 DH: 34 TTC #2 DD: 7 & Can't wait to be a big sister User Image

12 years ago

@ameliasmom - and a to you!!! So happy to have broken our cherry on this thread!!! LOL

@mommybandy - so sorry to hear the news. However, with the next cycle! Hope is all works out before your DH heads out.

@lobe1026 - i am officially granting myself the title of VP in your " cramps but mysteriously no actual club" Mild cramping all night last night but nothin' this morning which is weird for me. Even went out to play tennis and sometimes being active makes me cramp at the beginning of my cycle but not today. Also, I like giving myself made-up titles. It's fun. Ha!

@stalkerchaz -

>~*~Lucky List~*~<

ChazzyK - January 30th
Btrflyluv - January 3rd! Tomorrow! no !!!!!!

@esperanza - you are so right! we have health and happiness and it will happen when it is meant to. Thanks for sharing those thoughts. I have to say...having you ladies has been awesome. Otherwise I might not reset myself that often even though I like to think I am pretty easy-going. Sorry you have to work today!

AFM - I am SO irritable off and on and it is so frustrating! The littlest things make me feel crazy but I am holding it together. Trying to be on my best behavior on this 4-day weekend with DH but I seriously have not been this irritable in a long time. I am pretty laid back but not this weekend. Not the way I wanted to start my new year. So that and some dull cramping is my story for now. Will see if pays me a visit today or tomorrow....

12 years ago

@Btrflyluv- Lol call yourself whatever you may, I am still wondering where the witch is!! I swear she was coming!! I am now 18 dpo and nothing!! Just cramps like af is coming. Idk Dh wants me to go get another test today. Last time I tested was b4 I went out for NYE- 16 dpo and bfn...

@ameliasmom- Yay!!! I am so happy for you!! Sticky dust to you :)

@Mommybandy- So sorry the witch showed, Fingers crossed that this month is your cycle for a BFP!!! This seems to be a lucky thread...

Sorry to anyone that I missed, this thread has taken off, I even had to jump on my laptop instead of on my phone as I couldn't recall who had said something to me lol, still didn't do a good job but I tried!!

>~*~Lucky List~*~<

ChazzyK - January 30th
Btrflyluv - January 3rd! Tomorrow
Lobe1026- Af is past due by 4 days, so any day!!

I am so glad I found this website and this thread!! I don't feel so alone. Thank you ladies and good luck!!! BABY DUST to ALL!!!

12 years ago

SQUEEEEEEE! We have a lucky list and now I know who to stalk and yell-whisper "TEST! TEST! TEST!" to!

Just updating with Amelia's BFP! WOOT!
I hope the bleeding stops soon and the doctors confirm all is okay xx I had bleeding with my daughter too and know how scary it can be.

>~*~Lucky List~*~<

Lobe1026- Af is past due by 4 days, so any day!!
Btrflyluv - January 3rd! Tomorrow
ChazzyK - January 30th


CD13 today for me and if I was a normal person I'd probably be Oing soon. I looked at my chart from previous months and (although I'm not doing BBT) all signs point to having a rather long LP. I made an appointment with Dr Google and he/she told me that although it's nothing to worry about, it does mean that progesterone stays around a while longer. Good for eggy, not so good for moi. It explains the weird pregnancy like symptoms I often get around a week after O and the weeks following. I have lost count of the times I thought I was pregnant over the last couple of years, even when I wasn't trying or looking for symptoms. It's not uncommon for me to feel so nauseous I vomit or get extremely sore bosoms, sleep for hours and then nap some more....
The sleeping I can handle, the rest kinda sucks. I'm going to start BBT charting so that I can check if my theory is right this month.

Anyone else have a long LP? I noticed quite a few of us have PCOS, how many exactly?

@Esperanza, I love your mantra! Very eye opening and so true. It puts things into perspective, that's for sure. Sucks you had to work.

I agree having this thread makes it all a little more fun and easy.

It's Tuesday here in Oz and I have a whole heap of cleaning to do and phone calls to make before a friend visits with her kidlets. I can't wait to get me some baby cuddles!!

My new motto User Image

12 years ago

Ameliasmom- This gives me hope as this cycle in the tww i have not been symptom tracking really either... so.. yay! and ...

I would like to be added to the lucky list pleeaaseee

>~*~Lucky List~*~<
knicole27- January 9th
Lobe1026- Af is past due by 4 days, so any day!!
Btrflyluv - January 3rd! Tomorrow
ChazzyK - January 30th


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12 years ago

Thanks Chazzy, good to know it is sort of normal. I think I will call the Dr tomorrow to see if I can get an appointment. Hoping they will get me in quick because I have the spotting!

Me: 34 DH: 34 TTC #2 DD: 7 & Can't wait to be a big sister User Image

12 years ago

>~*~Lucky List~*~<
knicole27- January 9th
esperanza - January 11th
Lobe1026- Af is past due by 4 days, so any day!!
Btrflyluv - January 3rd! Tomorrow
ChazzyK - January 30th


actually, I didn't mind going to work, it takes my mind away from wondering what will happen in 10 days - crying or jumping for joy...
I know I should not have been so if it hadn't work out but I also know that I would - one thing I promise myself that I will let myself to be as much sad as I want without being upset and mad at myself for being ..
I know it sounds like a riddle but whole ttc is one of the most mysterious puzzles under the sun...
ttc teaches me humility, thats for sure

happy tww for everyone

12 years ago

still not symptom track as i keep saying lol. but for the last week I have had the most vivid CRAZY dreams ever!!

This mornings dream? We could only travel through bath tub drains and they would expand allowing for easy travel from city to city or house to house. It was sooo weird but I ended up in the wrong house it was not mine and it was a huge mansion so I spent the entire time hiding from the owners trying to get back to the bathroom to travel by bathtub drain...... yep.... .doesn't get much weirder than THAT! LOL.

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12 years ago

LOL!!!!! @knicole27! I LOVE hearing people's dreams because they are always hilarious when repeated.

Just wanted to quick update that tonight I feel a yeast infection or something of the sort coming on maybe. Ran out to the store and got two bottles of cranberry juice. Read that it COULD be a sign of early pregnancy but at this point EVERYTHING seems to be so who just is so uncomfortable.....sorry if TMI!

12 years ago

Anyone else had problems replying lately? I've tried replying a few times but it's not working...hoping this one works....


My new motto User Image

12 years ago

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