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I'm currently CD15 & 1DPO Day #1 TWW

271 Replies • 11 years ago



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I have to admit it and I caved as soon as I got home....and bam a :( ugh I really need to be strong and stop this but my fingers are magnets to the tests. I'll upload the test in a few but there's nothing but a blank screen. I really hate doing this to myself, I need to stay strong. I'm glad I have all you ladies to talk to.

11 years ago

@sugah0927 I caved today as well and I wasn't going to test until Sunday lol; We still have plenty of time to get our BFPs xx

11 years ago


AF is due Aug 30 so Monday I will be 3 days till she due so I plan on usiing FRER on Monday. How bout you? Oh btw im on a 25 day cycle how bout u?

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11 years ago

Ok ladies! I feel so incredibly stupid right now! I think that I am even further behind than I originally thought. I even tested this am only to be disappointed with a . I feel so stupid! Anyway, I am SO EXCITED for the ladies with the !!! That is so wonderful! As far as my stuff goes,...I need to recalculate. I am pretty well convinced that I O'd on the 16th now,...pretty sure because my temp rose on the 17th. This would now make me only 6DPO. Still crampy and bloated,..but now I have a longer wait time booo:( I am definitely staying positive though!!

11 years ago

Hi all,
My od was 14/08 but a is due On 27/08. So today I'm 8dpo, yesterday I felt Ill, cold n stomach cramps accompanied that.
Today I'v had the stomach cramps as well.
I am worried though I found out from doctors last month that I have a cyst on my ovary that causes me alt of pain around 8/9/10 dpo, it has been that severe my bf rushed me to hospital, I have been having this every month and nothing today........ Could this be a good sign??????

11 years ago

I'm 10DPO & I've been having a bit of cramping, it comes and goes. I've also been having this pulling feeling near my belly button, which I've never had before.

Is this normal for 10DPO?

Any thought on when I should test, note I have the Dollar Store New Choice/Baby hpt's. I've never used them before, so what is the earliest I can test with them?


11 years ago

Okay ladies,

I think I'm out this month! I think I had updated yesterday or day before about the cramps I have been having for 2 days. This afternoon, I got my period?! I dont' think it is implantation bleeding as the cramps are a lot and it's bright red blood.

I'm SO confused Last period: August 1st.
Postive opk (smile face): August 11th. (Had other ovulations symptoms too) so I assume I ovulated 12th or 13th? Cycles range from 25-27. So, I'm around 10 dpo today and period was due this weekend or early next week based off my cycle range. That means this is a 21 day cycle?! NEVER in my life had this short of a cycle. i'm 34 years old! Maybe I'm just getting too old!

Last month I had a super wierd cycle and my period was late by 5 days! I had positive opk and all the same symptoms of ovulation, then period never arrived till much later from that suspected ovulation date (5 days later!!)

I have been on natural progesterone for 8 months now, and this month I stopped taking it. My GYN suggested I stop since I have felt so "off" and very hormonal/ almost pregnant last few cycles. He was not the person that prescribed it either. This was another dr. (not a gyn) who felt I needed it. On the other hand, my gyn felt progesterone could be making me feel that way (pregnant each month). So, I stopped the progesterone this month (it's a natural supplement). Then I now get this bleeding at 21 days. So very confused. My cycles have been 27, 28, 25, 26, 26, 31,. and then now today at 21? really 21? what the heck does this mean?

I guess it must be a really fluke of a month and just move on and get excited about trying again? I'm trying not to over analyze it, but I'm quite confused and frustrated.

I have loved reading the updates! Please do keep updating and I hope you all get your 's this month!

11 years ago

SandraK- holy cow! Same exact thing has happened to me today- along with the confusion as to whre i really was in my cycle! I am 9dpo, started getting more intense cramping early evening and now tonight i see a tinge of blood which can only mean that nasty witch found me:( Anyway- i too am 34 and no we r not too old;) we just have to work a little harder i think. I however was trying out the Soy Isoflavens this month ( i started them during my last cycle), so maybe that could be messing with my system who knows? My last cycle began July 30th so I was a couple of days ahead of u, but i agree, still a little disappointing. Oh well,.... Just priming up for this cycle right?? Good luck to the rest of u ladies! I too will be keeping mu eyes out for more of u and ur !!!! Good night all!

11 years ago

@SandraK - Maybe your cycles are messing up since you stopped taking the natural progesterone. Have you contacted you GYN and see how they felt about the other doctor telling you to stop taking it? Also, you are never too old.

@Mrs*Mullen - My last cycle was also July 30th. On Thursday, I will be 11DPO. I think that your cycle may be adjusting to the Soy Isoflavens. When starting a new medication for help conceive, it can change your cycle. Just like how birth control can change someones cycle.

I've been trying distract myself, because I don't want to test til AF is a no show. Even though I got the Dollar Store New Choice/Baby pregnancy test, which I've never used before. I've got til Sunday or Monday for the to find me. I was thinking about testing in the morning because I want to know, but then again, I don't want to because I don't want to see a & I kind of want to hold off til ...

What do you ladies think I should do? Test or not to test?

11 years ago

@SandraK - That's a bummer that you had such a short cycle :(

@Froggies12- I would wait if you can to test!! I tested way to early and I get so down and depressed every time I do it. Next month I'm not going to have any tests near me during my TWW

I think I'm out this month as well. I started getting AF like cramps last night and into this morning. :( So far I'm not out yet until she shows her ugly face but I'm sure she will make an appearance tomorrow or Saturday. Today I'm on CD 29 and 13 DPO. I normally have 30-32 day cycles.

Good luck to everyone!!

11 years ago

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