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October 2019 Babes TTC

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Hey lovely ladies! I am back and gonna start trying this cycle for our last babe. I am looking for other ladies to share my journey with in TTC this month for late September/early October babes.

My little guy is only 13 months old and I breast feed him till I went back to work last year, since then my cycles have been so wonky, so I am not certain when my ovulation will be, but I started ovulation testing yesterday and got a low fertility result and tested again today and got a high fertility result both in the morning and night.

Crossing my fingers for all the ladies trying to conceive this cycle

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419 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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@Brittany then line is getting darker. how exciting.

@sigkap you may be right behind Brittany!!

As for me Got some Bding in yesterday but no temp jump to say I O early. I did look at my chart last check and I spotted on CD 12, 14, 15 and 16 however it was like a light AF with a clot. I don't O till CD 20. Hoping this cycle isnt the same. But it could be my fibroid causing this.
2 cycles a go i spotted on CD 15 and that was O day. I think my body might be trying to rid its self of the fibroid. I'm doing things that should be helping in that so maybe that is what is going on.

Btw, I didnt mention this last night but one of my team leads I supervised told me she might be pregnant, she is a week late and has been having symptoms. Shes a year older than me with no kids, I'm happy for her if she is but also jealous that if she is and I'm not it's going to be hard on me. We are very close to even though I supervise her. I will be happy for her but I also feel aches in my heart. She has had alot of medical surgeries over the last two years and has been out a lot and didnt think she could have kids. I wish I didnt feel sad or frustrated with news like this.

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5 years ago

@Bug my best friend at work got pregnant immediately around the same time DH and I started trying. She's about 23 weeks now and every day I get to watch her growing her little bean and hear how wonderful it all is. I'm even planning and hosting her baby shower next month at my house. Inside a little piece of my is dying every day that i see her. I understand and what you are feeling is normal. Just try to stay positive and know that when the time is right for you it will happen!!!

5 years ago

@sigkap- your symptoms sound promising! Fingers crossed you get your BFP!

@brittany- yay! Your line is so dark! Keep posting your line profession tests! I love watching them get darker!

@bug- hoping you O soon! Are you using OPKs or just temping?

As for me- I am 7 DPO and my armpits are sore? Is that a symptom? Lol also, I had to change my password on my work computer this morning- I changed it babydust. Is that weird??? I will test tomorrow morning at 8 DPO, I will post a pic of my test. Ahhhhh!

5 years ago

@lissa It is so hard. My best friend who has to year old twins and turned lesbian got pregnant in December 2017 and it was a one time BDing not even planning. It hurt so bad and it was very hard for me especially since she would say I dont want this kid, I wish I could put it in you. Ect. But I stuck around even went to see her in the hospital when he was born but took me awhile to meet the little feller. Also, hard to even read her post about the baby since she always told me your lucky you dont have kids. You really dont need them.

@amf, no I dont use opks just tempting. Sounds promising.

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5 years ago

@AMF I wasn’t going to test unless my period was more than 3 days late, but I started having hot flashes last night. But the earliest I will test if I test early is 10dpo.
@Brittany So awesome it’s getting darker! I am 7dpo. Temp came up a little more today!

BBT combined with hot flashes last night is making me want to test early! I have to stay strong. Lol!

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

@momma you can do it. Be strong!!

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5 years ago

Phew. After a super last minute court decision my ex is being forced to return my son today as planned. So tonight my munchkin will be flying home and bringing my grandma with him, meaning I'll be super busy and hopefully distracted for the rest of this TWW. It would be so awesome if I could tell her she's getting another great-grandchild while she's here.

5 years ago

@ bug I started so strong this cycle just assuming I was out, so I could be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed. It’s so hard once you notice symptoms that are similar to previous pregnancies.
I’m 7dpo today and no symptoms really. BBT went up slightly and cervix still very high, but now becoming more firm. A few cramps, but could be dehydration. The only two things I’ve really noticed in the last couple of days that are out of the norm for a week before AF is due is a hot flash at bed time, and then extreme thirst yesterday and last night. Even woke me up because I was so thirsty.
Oh and I forgot to mention that we BD and he mentioned I was much more wet than usual. I didn’t want to get his hopes up, so I didn’t tell him that was a common symptom of mine during my first marriage when I had my two older daughters. But I was also extremely turned on, so that could’ve been a fluke as well. Funny how I keep noticing symptoms but then psyching myself out LOL. I’m just so tired of getting disappointed with negative results. Well and a chemical pregnancy last month was hard to deal with.

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago

@momma, you know it's always a possibility and you could very well be. Sometimes it's when we least excepted it.

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5 years ago

First Signal negative with FMU this morning at 11dpO. :( Still trying to keep my head up. No sign of AF, which usually comes at 12 dpO, so increased luteal phase is good, too.

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5 years ago

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