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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Greetings All!
I am so glad I found a site with people who can relate to what I am going through! First of all prayers going up for all you ladies who are TTC!
I was on birth control for 3yrs, and stopped as of January this year. We used condoms until June of this year when we actively started TTC. I really don't have to use the OPK because I know when I'm ovulating from the pain in have on which ever side the egg is being released from that month. I have used the OPK to make sure though. I ,like you ladies, am a "thinker" and I just worry about everything. This seems to do a number on my body because I have so many symptoms of pregnancy. I have even gotten to the point of telling myself not to worry but AF will come without fail and on time every month.
Currently I am 5 DPO and already found myself online looking up stories of other people TTC.
I guess I worry because my mom had trouble conceiving and it took her 4 yrs before she had me. I also recently changed OBGYNs and when she was doing my pap smears, she remarked... WOW you have the smallest cervix I have ever seen! Of course she said, don't worry about it, it does not mean a thing when it comes to TTC. Of course being the thinker and worrier that I am, that just added to the list of things I have to be concerned about!
Anywho, I am trusting that God has perfect timing, and when He is ready, it will happen, its just the waiting that is a killer.
Again praying for the very best of each and everyone one of you, and congratulations to all who have been successful!

11 years ago

OMG!!! I know what you mean!!!! I am in my 2ww and can hardly stand it. I feel all most all the early pregnancy symptoms. I believe that this will be our cycle. I keep telling myself to have faith.

11 years ago

AF just showed a whole day early out of nowhere.

I'm pretty tough, but this has me in tears.

Good luck to those of you in your tww!

11 years ago

ChildofGrace- Welcome! Thank You for the prayers and you sound to be surely in the right place :) I do believe i may be 5 dpo to but i just know AF is coming. :( Best of luck to you though hun!

NewMommie- Welcome. Keep your faith no matter what happens! How long have you been ttc?

Phat- I am in tears for you! I really really thought this was your month because of those damn tests! :( I swear i saw something!

I know AF is coming i am cd 20 and every month never fail my sciatic flares up cd 16-18 and goes non stop till after AF, at least now i know what is causing it though!

Tara- Any news on the ovulating yet?

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

i have to tell someone as it driving me crazy

me have mice again i dont know if we brought them with us or they was here when we moved in or they have come in from out side or the other day i had the back door open and there was a cat hanging round it could of brought it in

we moved from one mice house to another but i know we have a better landlord this time so im sure he will sort it

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11 years ago

Lammy - at least they're not rats! :-)

11 years ago

yh ture but its not nice when mouse crap all over work tops and sofa

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11 years ago

Happy Hump Day girls! Called the dr about my non existent LH levels! The nurse said it sounded weird so she's going to talk to my dr and call me back. Still testing everyday and pretty much no LH in my system. Only a few times since 9/4, I've gotten the lightest of lightest of light pink lines. So annoying but the nurse told me just to relax and it usually will happen when I dip! I've actually been pretty relaxed not wondering if I have pregnancy symptoms. Which is a far cry from what I was like when I started the forum LOL. Not much to update on me. Did the the night I had the EWCM. OMG GIRLS!! I found the answer to keeping swimmers ~o in!!!! DH got his bday gift early from his parents. It's called the X Rocker! It's a chair with a curved for back support when sitting but great for laying back post sex!! ROFL!!!
Just rock backwards til your back is parallel to the floor. Your pelvis is tilted up and it's more comfortable than balancing against the wall or on pillows. His poor parents have no idea what we're using it for. We have only used it once cause that night, my cat starting puking and I jumped out of bed and picked him up to throw him into the bathroom. It sent my back into full on spasm! It hurt so bad that I was crying, hyperventilating and shaking for an hour. Was in a back brace for a couple days but I'm 90% better. Still have a hitch in my giddyup but I'm able to again . Hopefully if I did O on Saturday was a big enough of a deposit LOL.

@shay-I'm sorry of the times I wish I wasnt right. What did you and your dr discuss on monday? Do the DT tests pick up any of your LH?

Hi Childofgrace! Welcome! Thank you for the prayers, I'll be praying for you too! Gotta love it when the doctor says stuff about your whohaa while they're down there. My dr once said, "WOW you have a incredibly tough hymen!!! I dont think this thing will ever break!!" It was hilarious! I'm a thinker too! It's mentally exhausting! I cant even tell you how much I've searched for other women with PC and low LH.

Welcome Newmommie! Praying for your this cycle!! How many dpo are you?!

I'm sorry Phat! Praying for you honey!

Lammy- more mice!!?? Hopefully they get it taken care of.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

omg tara my husband has one of them chairs i never thought about it till now lol

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11 years ago

Well there you go Lammy!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL! Give it a try!

Doctor called me back. Little less nervous about ovarian failure etc. She said that it's normal for me not to have my LH levels show up on the tests...yet. She said that sensitivity of the opks is set at a certain range just like hpts. Opks have to be set high otherwise everyone will think they are getting positives when they are not. Apparently in July, my LH was 10.3. *Ovulation levels are anywhere between 14-95*
She said that my LH may still be higher than the FSH but it's still too low for the opk to pick it up. Because my last cycle was 100+ days, it may be taking me longer to build up my LH. So, she wants to me to be patient and keep taking the opks every few days. If I reach 90 days then I need to do provera again. I'm relieved but at the same time I'm not. I'm down 15 pounds and my pants are sagging. I feel great, just wish my ladies parts would work! *insert temper tantrum emoticon* I pray everyone on here feels blessed that they are actually able to have a cycle right now.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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