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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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i hate it when DH truns me down more so since he has been taking zinc as he wakes up and does something can be a passionate kiss to other thinks but only lastes a 1min or so then he goes back to bed leaving me all hot and bothered lol but in the morning he cant remeber a thing its so funny

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11 years ago

Tara - I'll give the full story another time, but let's just say even the smart ones are complete idiots when it comes to not waiving your hpt's in the air when they need a key to unlock the damned boxes!

As far as bacon goes, I say try it-it couldn't hurt, and bacon is like a consolation prize if it doesn't. Total win-win situation!

For me, I got jipped when it comes to dh & his sex drive. I purposefully chose someone younger who I thought should be able to keep up with me, and I got screwed. Actually, I don't much which is the problem. ROFL!!! I think he has low T, but he won't get it checked. :(

It will be almost like the Immaculate Conception if I just happen to slip & fall & end up pregnant.

Saying you get pissed when your dh turns you down holds so much more truth when you're on like a once a month schedule on a good month. It's no wonder I'm so damned angry all the time.

11 years ago

phat get him to take zinc it helps the swimmers and increases testosterone which helps the sex drive lol

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11 years ago

ok so i tryed not to get my hopes up but they are i got a few cold sores over my nose and well i googled it lol alot of people say its a early sign as the immune system is low .

im crossing everything this month

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11 years ago

Tara- LMAO! Once you read the book and read what im about to say they might as well change it to 50 Shades of Shay!

DH is on HORNY mofo! NO matter what day, what time, whose there. Ugh when we first got married we were both still in the service and we were visiting his mom she set up a blow up mattress in her dining room and i was super tired..effing jet lag! So we layed down and them 10 ft away watching a movie DH got in bed and we DTD with them right there... I got lucky with that.. Then today out of the blue he ripped me off the couch threw me over his shoulder and threw me onto the bed and did his thing..i was cranky but DAMN how do you not get turned on when he throws you down with that sensual look in eyes! Damnet now i want it again lmao! I honestly dont see why it is so hard for us to get pregnant..maybe stress from work or something because it certainly isnt from lack of sex thats for sure! I do however have a hard time with him being "romantic" a night shower with candles..HA! hed laugh at me... but if i say want to christen the kitchen i guarantee you hed be all for it! (no we have not ever christened the ocd is to bad for that, plus how would i keep the swimmers my legs up the side of the fridge?)

Lammy- I had NOOO symptoms with my daughter, or at least none that i can remember...I actually was trying to convince a co worker she was pregnant so i agreed to test with her swearing i would get a BFN, nope BFP so did she but ya we were both kind of shocked with ourselves, It took us a little under a yr to get pregnant with DD and she was our first pregnancy, so after 10 months i kind of said EFF IT ITS NOT GOING TO the positive was a huge shock.. I actually went over to DHs work right then and there and told him and he got angry saying "thats not nice Shay dont fuck with my head" and turned and walked away so i chucked the test at the back of his head and didnt realize me keys were in my hand too so he got keys and a hpt to the back of his head..then he ran and picked me up and was excited..the reaction i was looking forward to in the first place.. lol BEST of LUCK babe! Keeping my fingers crossed.

Phat- DH laughed his ass off at you today, he said ive got some good cyber buddies to bad shes an auburn fan lmao. You will have to tell me about the wal mart trip this time.. I swear they hire people like that on purpose.. I HATE wal the prices HATE the store!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

First off - I tested yesterday & today with both FRER & Clearblue Easy +. I kind of thought I saw something on the FRER, but nothing on the Clearblue yesterday. The reason I'm testing so early besides the POAS addict in me is that all those links I posted for Lammy had info about the free sub units of h-hCG, and theysaid those 2 tests were the best non-digi's to pick them up. Your body starts producing them at the point of conception prior to implantation. So anyway, I tested this morning, too, and there's definitely something on the Clearblue , and the FRER line seems a little darker/different. This is not tyo say if the are + it's not chemical, but I want to see if they really do pick up this early. The links seemed to indicate the Clearblue's were more sensitive to the h-hCG free subunits. I hope that's true & I'm seeing early bfp's.

11 years ago

Now for the Wal-Mart story. I went through checkout with about 50 items, 2 coupons & 2 of my items were boxes of hpt's. For some reason my Wal-Mart can't keep an f'ing key for all the shit they lock up in those little plastic boxes, so they have to go register to register until they find one. Instead of setting my hpt's to the side until she scanned everything else or scanning them first so should could put them in bags out of sight, she sets them up on the tiny little counter by the card reader that you use to write out your checks through the whole transaction. After she scanned everything else, she HOLDS MY HPT'S OUT IN FRONT OF HER & SLIGHTLY ELEVATED while she walks around to find the key. I'm standing there with both girls, and this very young couple, like 20 years old, walks by, the man sees the tests, looks at me & the girls, turns to his wife & starts running his mouth. Mind you I have no idea what he said, but she turned back around, looked at me, realized I was stabbing her with daggers coming out of my eyes, says something to her husband, kind of grins & looks very guilty. At that point I screamed very loudly, "HOW RUDE!", to them about 30 or 40 feet away. If the dumb ass cashier simply had some couth about her, none of that would have happened. Remember, my town is small, and I was just lucky I didn't know them.

This is all exacerbated by memories of my pregnancy with my 2nd daughter. Iwas at the ball field, and I had just confirmed my pregnancy with an ultrasound. My ex's family runs the concession, and I went to tell them. Well, it's kind of loud in there, so when I told them I was 6 weeks & very excited, one of the ladies in line could hear me. The lady has a kid on my son's team, but I don't know her from Eve & we had never spoken. This bitch proceeds to comeback to the bleachers, sit down a couple people over & down from me & tell the lady sitting next to her about my pregnancy LIKE THEY KNOW ME. Sh had scrubs on, and I don't know if she was a vet tech, a nurse, a dental assistant or what. She told her with this really snide tone that pissed me off. So I turn to my friend and in a very loud voice say, "It's really unbelievable howpeople in this town think it's their place to tell people your business when they don t even know you!" Her friend picked up on what I was saying & looked embarrassed, but she never did.

So I'm now super-sensitive to folks around here knowing anything about me & I get sick of the damned idiot cashiers. I would just order my tests online, but when I order in bulk I literally tests every time I go to the bathroom for two weeks.

11 years ago

Lammy - I'll try the zinc, but I have to come up with another reason besides improving his manliness, or he won't take it.

11 years ago

Shay - Auburn was terrible yesterday from what I hear. I was lucky enough not to put myself through watching it because I was dyeing my hair. I may become a Ducks fan just because of the uniforms.

I posted pics of my tests if anybody wants to look & give input. Today's look different to me from yesterday but not different enough to call +'s.

11 years ago

i feel abit lost lol every month ive had signs and i spend my 2ww googleing every one of them but all ive got is tired and cold sores iso i feel lost can i got nothing to google lol

im tried today cos i spent most of the night going to the bathroom if i was weeing i woke up and ran to the bathroom as was almost sick

i just cant explain how i feel other the deffirent

i hope the post man brings my tests tomorrow lol

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11 years ago

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