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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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kotikd- Yes! NO AF! Praying for the miracle to happen... Nipples been so painful... not sure if i was being pressed hard by my dogs when they sit on my boobs or its....

Anyway. Im still a chicken, holding on to testing as I do not wish to be disappointed too early.... How wish time will fly and be next weekend so that i will be at least 7 days late. Ho ho ho...

I wish christmas gift comes early for me.... *crossing fingers*

And for you, I will pray that you will get August 2014 baby..... Toast to that!

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Gave in and did a HPT @ 11dpo. Stupid me........ !!! Oh well, at least now I know. Expecting the horrid queen to show up on Sunday.

and to you all!!

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Sugar: How are you doing, how many DPO today?
and !!!

gds: You are not out yet, 11DPO is still early. But I know how you feel

AFM: CD7, nothing to report. SA today, ultrasound tomorrow, acupuncture next week. Getting nervous having trouble sleeping.... I need to relax....
Have a great day ladies!!!

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10 years ago

kotikd- I should be DPO13 based O-ed on CD13.

At the moment, no obvious symptoms. Except that cold feet, random flu, more saliva building at night. Been sleeping alot ( but can't put into consideration) I guessed.

Extremely horny this morning? Nipples still pretty painful even during showers. Experience slight difficulties in bowel last night. But now its ok.

My shortest cycle-24 days
Longest- 30 days. ( cycle 26, today)

I'm still chicken, not wanna test. Been wasting too many past months.

Gynae suggested over phone that if it doesn't happen, try again -.-'' as he is aware that Im actually still mortified over EP.

As far as I can remember, during EP i had bad constipation, and even took laxatives as GP diagnose me as stomach flu. :( End up...........left tube gone...

For now, I really wish that dream comes true for me this round. If there's a hotline to the witch, I will definitely jam her line for all of us here in this TCC forum!

Good day..

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Kotikd: Thank you :) DF and I are just seeing what happens for the next 6 months whilst I lose the 30lbs I need and then see about clomid then if weight loss alone doesn't improve my pcos and I O on my own.

AFM, CD44 and still no sign of AF making an appearance. No idea if I managed to O on my own being as I've stopped temping and using OPKs. Have been getting mild cramps for a few minutes at a time few times a day and now and again my tummy feels like its doing little flips. Scared to take a test so waiting until CD49 if AF still a no show. After 20 months TTC, I don't want to see a negative test again.

Good luck to those in the TWW. Baby dust to you all

10 years ago

sugar: I have my for you and that this is it. Good job holding off the testing, few more days and you will know for sure.
A question, when you had EP, did you have really bad cramps and other symptoms?
and your way!!!

beautifuldis: I that this is a long cycle because you're pregnant. Do you normally have such long cycles?
and your way!!!

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10 years ago

Kotikd - do you go for your u/s today? And did you hear back about your dh's SA? Hope everything goes well.
I know you didn't ask me the question, but thought I'd give my answer on my symptoms of an EP. (My 2nd Pregnancy was an ectopic.) I didn't even know I was pregnant. I started spotting around the normal time of AF, but it was brownish in color. The only pain I had was this weird feeling like someone was blowing a garden pea through a straw on my left side. I casually mentioned it to my oldest sister, and she told me to go to the dr immediately. (She'd had numerous EP.) My OB at the time said I must have a high pain tolerance because most ladies say it hurts worse. I don't know about that, but thought I'd share my experience.

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10 years ago

rebecca: Thank you so much for sharing. I don't know why but I am scared of EP more than most things.

I do have the u/s today, in 4 hours, I am a little nervous, and not sure how I am going to hold so much water in. I am scared they will tell me something is wrong

SA was yesterday, I don't think results here come back that fast, but I will call today to make an appt. for next week hopefully all results will be in together.

I am starting acupuncture next week, and I started reading this amazing book called Fully Fertile which is all about the holistic way to fertility. I will give a more in-depth opinion about the book when I finish reading it and maybe start the 12 week program it provides.

How are you? How is this cycle going?

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10 years ago

Kotikd: I hope you are correct. It will be a major surprise if I am after 20 months TTC. My cycles are usually no longer than 35/36 days with the majority starting by day 33. A few months back I had a 42/43 day cycle but think that was due to the HSG I had done as the next cycle was then 19 days long! Had more cramps earlier today that were slightly more painful but again, few minutes later they had gone. I am finding I am wanting to eat every 2/3 hours during the day and possibly weeing more often but I've had these symptoms before. Only main sign I can fully rely on is upset tummy for a day or two before AF but nothing so far (sorry for tmi)
Hope your u/s goes well

10 years ago

Kotikd - Try not to worry. I know how it is, though. I was nervous each time I visited my RE and had testing done. You'll do just fine. And if you can't hold the water in, I'm sure it won't be the first time that's happened to them!

I'm doing ok. Just down. All three of my kids are sick/or have been this week, and I finally caught what they've been passing around. Trying to decide when to test next week. Tuesday will be CD26. Af is due next Friday or Saturday. Originally I wanted to test Tuesday, but since I've never gotten a BFP before I miss a period, I thought I might just wait and test Friday morning, then stop the progesterone if I get a negative.

Hope the book is good. I'll look forward to hearing what you thought of it.

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10 years ago

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