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December 2018 Babies

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This is a little corner of the world for those of us who didn't conceive in February. A small place for those of us that need support, encouragement etc during this crazy TTC journey. Blessed all of us that enter! You're not alone! A little bit about myself. I am 40 and DF is 49. We've been TTC'ing for ol' bout 5 months now with no avail, no BFP, no baby. We will keep moving forward. I know one day we'll get it right! We're currently doing the ol' fashion SMEP! I am wishing each of you My goal is for you to find strength, advise and positivity . Welcome ya'lll!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

618 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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@bahamamama baby batter stealing that one.
@Kelliria We're pretty close cycle buddies this go!

AFM, my temp didn't rise today so the pinches I felt yesterday likely weren't O. I'm starting to dry up today which I always do on O day so I think today is for sure it! TWW starts tomorrow. I have a handful of Wondfos and 2 FRERs and that's it. I figured if I didn't buy anymore tests after last cycle, maybe I wouldn't be a POAS addict. Lol Hubs and I didn't force the BD sessions this month so I only got 2 in before today. Timing was decent at least so anything is possible! I'm nervous we didn't do it enough but glad to have finally taken it easy this go around. Prayers it worked!

6 years ago

@SheRiskers, how ya doin? I will probably O today as well. Opk at midnight last night was high fertility today at 2pm was peak. I almost always O on 14th. Well, i think i do. I always cramp horribly for a few hrs cd14, once on 15th. I am guessing the cramps are the big O? I also heard that it sometimes takes 2 days for temps to rise after O-ing. So the twinges may have been the start of things. Heres to the tww!

6 years ago

Hi ladies today is my O day as well. We will have to keep in touch and cheer for each other. Cheers to the tww

6 years ago

@ Kelliria, thanks! I know the fight is not lost until the AF shows up. Just that this month was the first one, when my ovulation tests and bbt completely confused me and I have no idea when I really ovulated.. so I decided not to go crazy on the tests and just wait it out.. let's see if I can make it :) I hope this will be your month! It would be a great Christmas present for your daughter to get a brother or a sister to play with :)) How old is she?

6 years ago

Hi all, af came today, So I have moved over from the November group. @Ruby0709, looks like mine came two days after yours. Sending to you all

6 years ago

Veve_N, Ruthie turned 2 on March 6. I never wanted mor cause of my age, but she grew up so fast on me. Her dad is 6'10" and she is a big baby. Wears 5/6 in little girls and is 39.5 in tall. Wears a 9 in shoe. She has always been tall so i feel like she really grew up fast. Walking at 7m, talking in sentences by 18m.
I am having pretty bad cramps now so im guessing im ovulating. Dtd yesyerday about noon, so hopefully it is ok. Woulda rather do it this morning too, but the baby and i are sick.

6 years ago

@Kelliria I'm okay... But kind of getting bummed. I started feeling those pinches 2 days ago so I thought for sure my O day was yesterday, only, no temp rise today That totally threw me off. I'm having some pinching all over my lower abdomen right now so I fear this O process is being super long this time. If that's the case, our BD sessions were not that great at all. I so hope you're right that it takes a couple days for temps to rise sometimes!!! Sounds like you had some great BD timing!! Now to go scour my past FF charts to see how fast my temps rose..... Lol

6 years ago

SheRiskers, i hope so. I dtd the cd9, 10, 11, 12, 14. I had my O cramps this morning, cd15. Positive opk yesyerday at 2pm. I wish i coulda got today in but like my good CTP friend bahamamama sd, i should have plenty of baby batter there! Lol
Make sure you let us know how your temp is tomorrow. I hope you get your rise. This part sucks almost as bad as the witch.

6 years ago

AF cramps today at 8dpo, last cycle was a 10 day L.P. so I'm not liking my chances for this month

<a href=

6 years ago

Mistique, i was having short lp too. I started taking red maca (2 scoops in a smoothie or you can get pill form. Both on anazon), royal jelly either 1000 or 2000 mg capsule a day, vit b complex and co q10. All are healthy vitamins and in a month, my periods have went back to normal, 29 days. No short lp or 24 day periods. That is what helped me. I bought vitex but havent started it until my clomid is finished.
I had my temp dip this am, so that's a good sign i O'd yesterday. My cervix is still low, soft, open so i hope so. My cervix has been closing and getting hard a few hrs after Oing. So, maybe the vitamins have helped my cycles.

6 years ago • Edited

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