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starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! part 3

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Welcome to all the ladies out there who have been riding the ttc roller coaster and have decided to give Clomid a try! We are a super group of ladies so feel free to share your every thought:)

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

288 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Fordsgirl- Approaching the due date for a baby that you lost is really, really tough. I remember, after miscarrying, thinking, "Oh, I will be pregnant by the time I would have had this baby. So I should be fine by then." When my last chance to get pregnant before then resulted in a negative, I immediately put in a time off request at work, took my due date off, and treated myself to a shopping day and a movie, then spent the evening with my husband where we cried together and spoke a few words to remember our first baby.

But, it does get better. It was almost like that was the last hurdle, and once it passed, I was able to move forward again. You just have to get through that day. The sun will rise, and the sun will set, and another day will start. Think of it as an opportunity to let yourself finally move forward. You don't have to forget, or get over it- you probably never will, and no one has the right to expect you to do that. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for being sad when remembering the loss of your child. But we do all have to move forward.

So I hope that you can spoil yourself a little bit on June 20. My due date was April 26, 2011. The year mark for me is coming up, and I can tell you that this time around, it's not as hurtful. It does get better. Keep your chin up. Come to us for support anytime. I know that we are all really good listeners.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

12 years ago

sweeti7628- I am almost definite I O'd yesturday too, and I took another opk this morning and it was neg. So 1dpo! Back to the 2ww! I am just so thankful to have you ladies to talk to and to encourage because NO ONE understands why DH and I want another child or why we went through the TR process!


tricia11-how are you feeling today?

I don't know about any one else, but I feel like a bloated cow...this is my first clomid cycle so i dont know if this is "normal" it seems i read that somewhere earlier...

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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12 years ago

Hello Ladies. I broke down and tested today with a digital and BFN. I made an appt with my doctor tomorrow to see what he wants to do and if maybe we should up the clomid. Or if there is anything else. I am not mointored at all with it so I don't know. The first month I had a u/s right after I oed and that proved i did ovulate at least. This month the pain wasn't as bad. I am worried about my utrine lining as well because I know clomid thins it more. I am trying to keep my head up and move forward but at times it is easier said then done. I think this thread really needs some BFP and soon.
Does anyone do anything else other then clomid? I am getting ready for AF to show around monday. I am 13 dpo today. I had a + opk on cd 11. I just hope it works soon for any of us lady to give us a hope. Good luck ladies

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12 years ago

Hello girls
Just checking in on this great forum of ladies, as i do everyday...... Everyone is really supportive of eachother and i find that is great. My heart is filled with joy that we have somewhere to vent and make friends who are in the same boat.......Its a good day tator!!!!

@swimmom yes you did read about this ugly bloating on clomid. I think i have more side effects when my doctor increases the dosage... i was at 150 mg this last time and it was a doozy..... giving it a rest for a couple of months(clomid)....trying the natural thing and see.

@tricia...we are using several things to help in addition to the,robotussin,vitex oh and the bd'ing every other day.....hehe

@sweetie7623....Did i read right and you had a TR? If so how long ago did you have it done? I just had mine done almost 5 mos. ago......obiviously still no luck for us right now...and your right no one understands the reason behind the urge to have another.....somethimes i wonder too... but only when i am down.

AFM: Well i am 8 DPO and must say a first for me. Now i am wondering hard this time because my temps are still up and showing no signs of falling at least i hope so......We leave for Vegas next friday and i am trying to wait to test until the day before we go but i really have this urge to test and i know it is too early right now.....besides i am not haveing any real signs still....which last month my bbs hurt real bad, unbelivable cramps, bloating and headaches....of coarse the pp'ing all the time. Just to find out later that i never even ovulated......Mystery for the signs i was having, so with me having the elevated temps along with no signs really to speak of....I am very hopeful on ovulation but not so hopeful on a sticky bean....but i have to admit i am secretly wondering if i am and so afraid to say it out lound.
anyway enough of that..........cant wait for vegas and take my mind off of things for a minute....
you ladies have a great day will check in later.....

Donna J. User Image User Image

12 years ago

@ Swimmom: I started feeling that heavy and bloated feeling yesterday, too. It felt so odd. -See dmj101's earlier post for ? on TR that I think was meant for you.

@ tricia 11: I don't do much other than Clomid, just preseed, BBTs and BDing every day on CD 11-18 as my doctor suggested. I refuse to do OPKs this cycle because I tend to get more stressed out. Don't get too discouraged about your BFN. When I got pregnant with DS, it seemed like it took forever to get a positive at 16 DPO. Test again in a few days just to be sure.

@ dmcj101: I believe that was Swimmom that had the TR. My struggle has been with PCOS and LPD. I got a double whammy with those, but no TR for me. Your temp staying up is a good sign. Stay positive, you may get that BFP this cycle, but definitely hold out on testing as long as you can. It's hard to get BFN after BFN just because you tested too soon.

AFM: I believe I am 1 DPO. I had some pinching feelings and a lot of cramping on both sides for several hours yesterday I'm not exactly sure what to make of it, but I'm thinking maybe it's O pain. I've never had O pain, so I'm not certain, but perhaps it was the fallopian tubes contracting after the egg release. My temp also went up this morning after a dip yesterday, but it didn't go up as much as I expect it to. I don't know, but that's my best guess and I feel fine today other than bloated.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous day today.
and to all!

Gina (28) DH (41) DS (1/3/2010) Finally pregnant after 18 months of TTC and three rounds of Clomid! User Image

12 years ago

Hey ladies! I didnt get to read all the posts i missed these past 4 days but i hope everyone is doing great :)

Afm, i had to take a couple days and be sad and angry but now im back on the happy side(again).... Its up and down for me. Dh has been very supportive telling me that everything is going to work out and we will geta bfp soon. I sure hope he's right. So i decided that this month im jus going to try temping again and no opk on so we will see if my bfp come on a natural cycle.. Im wishing everyone good luck and sprinkling lots of baby dust on all of us!!!

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12 years ago

Starting another round of clomid tomorrow will still be on 100mg talked to my doctor and he's going to give a referral to check the dh sperm dunno when that will be but will be nice to rule anything out! Excited for you guys who will be testing soon!

Victoria (24) DH (28) married 12-30-09 DS 2-12-10 FurBaby 11-19-11, 6/8/2012 MMC 1/5/12 at 13 weeks D&C 1/6/12

12 years ago

@Fords.girl & Hoping4babysoon: Good luck with your next cycle! Hopefully you'll have something to celebrate in a few weeks!

Gina (28) DH (41) DS (1/3/2010) Finally pregnant after 18 months of TTC and three rounds of Clomid! User Image

12 years ago

I had my TR 3-12-12, so I am just now really able to I also had a baseball size tumor removed from my uterus at the same time that we did not know was in there! It came back benign so no worries there! I always regretted having a TL in 2001 after a c-section, but I was in the middle of a divorce, and my sister was in the room with me and practically forced me to do it, even though the descision was truly mine...


bloated again today, and waiting in hopeful expectation to test April 30th! for sure O'd on Wednesday...will a few more times for good measure

praying for all of you starting new cycles and those waiting to O or waiting to test

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12 years ago

Hey everyone I'm after a bit of advice. Sorry if it tmi but here I go.... Had a lot of cm today, not very thick but a lot of the time its had a pinkish tinge almost as if there's a touch of blood, very pale pink tho. Should I be worried? Jst done an opk and still no joy, temp dipped but yest and today it has gone up by a degree each time, but still not higher than prior to the dip. Feel very tired and yest felt very sick for a few hours. Are these all normal side affects of the clomid? I'm on cd12 today.
Hope everyone else is doing ok and is upbeat!

12 years ago

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