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Uh oh, I'm the stalker who forgets to post her own JEs (pregnancy mentioned)

I'm always anxiously looking for new JEs from all of you. I guess in my obsessiveness I've forgotten that I should occasionally write something for you guys, too. Well, my family is doing pretty swell. Cameron decided a couple weeks ago to graduate himself into a "big boy bed." Wish I could say that he decided to graduate himself out of diapers, but he loves diapers. I just hope he won't still want to wear them when he turns 4! (eye roll) DH ran a 12k yesterday and is two weeks away from running a half marathon. Baby Emma is kicking me in the ribs, sides, hips, wherever she feels like moving to. I feel pretty huge these days because my non-maternity oversized shirts that I bought around my birthday are starting to be too short. None of my shorts "fit." Half of my maternity pants feel like they need to be adjusted every two minutes or they'll slide off my bum, talking my panties with them. Fortunately I bought some stretchy yoga pants at Value Village recently. Also, I own a couple dresses that work, but still, the options are more limited, and that's a bit more depressing to me than it should be. And... the weather is getting nicer. And... I don't feel like running much anymore. I can't sleep very well. I have to pee all the time. My back/hip hurts if I sit or stand or lie down or walk for too long. Umm. I got a cold last week. It settled in my throat for a few days. Just when it felt like it was getting better it moved to my nose. I got all emotional about a scheduling conflict we had last weekend. Finally, I had what I can only describe as a hypoglycemic panic attack today. I was optimistic that I could walk out of the house without my usual bag of snacks and lunch. I could just walk to Subway when I got hungry. Well, there were some Twizzlers in the breakroom, so I ate a few around 11am. Then lunchtime rolled around, and I was still pretty busy, but I started to notice the fatigue. I thought, well, I'll just get a little more done. And, as I was loading stuff into the centrifuge, one of our service techs walked over and started talking to me, and was all, "Whoa!" about my belly and asking to be reminded of my due date. And then I noticed that I was starting to sweat, and I was shaky. I quickly grabbed a Kit Kat bar from my coworker's desk drawer. I downed it all, but it was too late. I couldn't stop the sweating and shaking, and on coming lightheadedness. I got out of the building as fast as I could, and bought lunch. Ugh! That was stupid. I texted DH about it, who called me and asked if I was still alive. I laughed that I was in the drive-thru and then shoving a chicken nugget in my face as soon as the bag was given to me. Lesson learned. I may have passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors, but that doesn't mean I can go without packing snacks and eating every hour or two like I did during the 1st trimester. Dang, my little update turned into a CMP JE. Sorry, ladies. Sometimes I just gotta get stuff out of my system. I'm checking for your updates constantly, like a CTP junkie. The weekends are soooooo boring online. Thank goodness it's Monday again on CTP and CMP. Everyone is back to posting again. Hoping for some more BFPs. I've got my fingers crossed, I'm thinking about you, and I'm praying specifically for each of you when I remember your names. BABY DUST and pregnancy-laced water all around. GO JUNE!!!

4 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Comments

Haha, I'm still stalking the other side too! Your bump photos are lovely! Such a neat bump :).

Keep eating those snacks...not long to go now! :D xxx

9 years ago

I am stalking the other side too :)) love to see everyone progressing. I agree with Hec Red your pictures are lovely esp. the ones were Cameron photobombs them :))

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

9 years ago

Glad to hear you are doing well. Make sure not to let your blood sugar drop like that again. Keep packing those snacks. Hugs

9 years ago

Thank you so much for following me on CMP, ladies! I'm trying pretty hard to keep my stuff up-to-date over there. Better on the blood sugar these last couple days. Not eating candy as a snack before lunch helped, I guess. Tuesday I didn't have my snacks early enough because I got busy, but felt okay. Today, lots of snacks! Hurray.

9 years ago • Post starter

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