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Help me understand OPK test!!!

How exactly are you supposed to read them?

I first noticed a positive OPK test yesterday, took another this morning and it was showing a little darker. I had a lot of cramping yesterday and none today.

For an example, when I test again tomorrow...and if it shows a faint line (negative) does that mean I ovulated, or do I have 12-36 hours???

I feel like a fool asking, but I'm just really trying to understand what these tests actually mean...


4 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

We all have LH in our systems, all the time. If a woman takes an OPK its very likely for it to show some sort of line. Now, sometimes you can catch it (especially if you test 2x a day) on its way up, getting darker. When its as dark as or darker than the control line, its detected the LH surge which means ovulation will take place in the next 12-24 hours. Consider yourself fertile from the day they start getting darker, darkest and when they start getting lighter. You should experience fertile CM at this point, and if you take your temp, it should spike the day after ovulation.
So. Darkest OPK this morning would mean you will ovulate today/tomorrow (12-24 hours) and the egg sticks around for about 24 hours itself, so thats the best time TTC!

Good luck and hope this helps :)

Me(20) DH(24) - September 6th 2013 M/C - 25th September 2013 @ 5 weeks We love you little one, you're our little angel Restarted BCP 1/1/2014 - Ended BCP 18/3/2014, too broody to stay on it PCOS dx 2005 - Metformin 1000mg started 2013. Nerve issues dx 2009 - Amitriptyline 10mg started 2013. [i]Left & right ovarian cysts, left ovary 20% left after surgery to remove ovarian tumour. User Image

10 years ago

Ok I'm an expert on OPK's lol
So when you get your first positive OPK it give you warning that you are most likely to ovulation within 12-36 hrs.
Some woman like me will get + OPK's for several days, sometimes the egg can take a bit longer to release.
For eg: when I got preg in Aug. My first positive was on cycle day 16 and they got stronger and stronger the darkest being cycle day 19. Everyone I'd different just keep having sex from the time to get your first pos until it goes to neg. Or if you want to be really sure you don't miss your surge have sex every second day from CD10-20
I alway did it from CD11-20 but I knew when I Ovulated as I can feel it.
Hope this helps. Good luck :-)

10 years ago


just took an OPK test just a few minutes ago and it's about the same color has yesterday (a dark line, but not "dark" like it was this morning. We dtd I'm crossing my fingers!!!!!! :) :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Since they explained them a bit for you Im just going to add that you should not use fmu, it can give false negatives which will make you miss your surge. And test at least 2x a day(:
gl keeping my fx'd for you

10 years ago

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