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Migraines and Pregnancy... Whats Safe?

I am almost 7 weeks Pregnant and i have hideous and atrocious Migraines from hell.... the only thing that ever worked prior to my pregnancy is Exedrin Migraine ... however... now i have no idea what i can and can not take... this is my 3rd pregnancy and so far by far the worst i have ever experienced. I need help. I need something that can cure these migraines, either it be food remedies, herbal, or medication, i need advice and fast. Before i make a mistake and do something wrong...

Most common Question Answers:

Eating Habits :
Lots of fruit, veggies
Low meat in take but at least once a day
Milk, Juice, Water intake is a +

Folic Acid 400mcg - Nature Made
Prenatal - Nature's Bounty

Light walking - Drs Orders

between 8 and 10 hours a night with a 2 hour nap

to all and wishing a to all who want it

5 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

The migraines are most likely from the hcg levels rising and even with migraine meds they don't help that much. Have you tried natural caffeine like coffee etc... All that's in excedrine migraine is is a small dose of asprin a small dose of Tylenol and small amount of caffeine..

11 years ago

MrsJagne is totally right. Also to add... DO NOT take something before doc approval. A whole lot of things are not recommended during pregnancy. Things can be harmful. So I know you asked for immediate advice before you jump for something as well as I sure know from personal experience how migraines can be... but really please ask doc or advice nurse first. A lot of insurance companies have a 24 hour nurse hotline that would be specified through your insurance providers paperwork if you cant wait until their office hours. Yes one pill quite possibly wouldnt be drastic for your baby, but we all are not docs. I am preg now and with both pregnancies they were on top of my headache meds like wild fire stopping me in my place. So better to be safe than sorry or just be safe and cautious if you will. So sorry for all the pain you are in I totally understand and I know this does not give you relief now sure wish it did:(

11 years ago

Is this related to ur pregnancy or did u get migraines before? Migraines are a dilation and constriction of the blood vessels in ur head, that's what causes the actual pain. Certain foods, alcohol, caffeine, temperatures, altitudes, hormones etc can induce a migraine, they're called "triggers". Unfortunately, there is no "cure" for a migraine, only methods to prevent one and treat the overall severity.
I would suggest going to ur doctor and asking about being prescribed a prophylaxis. There aren't many decent pain relievers for a migraine that u can take when pregnant. I've never found an over the counter pain reliever that has worked, at all!!
It's gonna sound stupid, but drink a lot of water. It will increase ur overall blood volume and pressure, and may alleviate the migraine somewhat. Ask ur doctor about propranolol as a preventative measure. I wont get into the pharmacology of it, but it works wonders and is relatively safe during pregnancy, in low doses.

11 years ago

to answer some of these questions, i have had migraines prior, the only thing that ever helped was Exedrin Migraine. I drink alot of water, but not enough to swell the membranes.
Ill look into calling the nurse hotline, dont know if i have one but ill look into it. Since the DRs, here wont give advice over the phone...

I thought i wasnt supposed to have Caffeine during pregnancy..

but all in all... even sleep and Tylenol dont work for my migraines... Q.Q

to all and wishing a to all who want it

11 years ago • Post starter

I've been a chronic migrainer since I was 13 (21yrs). I used to get 1 migraine a week and it lasted 4-5 days. I spent A LOT of time throwing up and sleeping, they absolutely crippled me. My doctor put me on Fiorinal, it made it tolerable but I was so friggin' high/tired all the time, it was horrible. When I moved out of that city and got a new doctor, I asked for a script for Fiorinal and he looked at me like I had just come out of a cave. He put me on Propranolol (Inderal) to prevent, then Rizatriptan (Maxalt RPD) for pain management. U will never find pain relief like this, omg I love it! I get 1 migraine a month, if that, and it lasts 2-3 days MAX! I can prob eliminate them completely if I get a higher dose, but it drops BP and I sit low enough.
U can use Propranolol while preg, but rizatriptan is a no-no. Obvs this doesnt help u right now, but eventually the baby will come out and u will need pain meds, so def remember them. I'd ask a doc for something, u def need it! GL! =))

11 years ago

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