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Can't let go of positive pregnancy tests after a chemical pregnancy

Hopefully I'm not the only one, last month I had gotten 6 faint BFPs in a row but unfortunately it ended in a chemical pregnancy and I'm still not okay with it. Am I the only one that is having trouble throwing out the positive tests?

8 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 8 of 8 Answers


You're not alone. Miscarriage is so painful regardless of how far along you are.. especially if you've been trying for a while. You'll let go when you feel strong enough. When you feel ready to put your emotions to the future and try again. All the best and best of luck...

12 years ago


I had the same thing happen to me last month. Finally, after 2+ years of trying, i saw 2 lines. DH and i were so crushed when i turned out to be a chemical. That was 4 weeks ago and i just now threw those tests out. It was tough to move on to the next month. I wish you the best of luck this month!

12 years ago

I just went through a chemical pregnancy last month as well. I also had a miscarriage at 15 weeks this past December after TTC for 2 years. Everyone is different and grieves in their own way. For me, it helps to just focus on the month ahead. I can't change what happened and by looking to the future it keeps me thinking positively.

12 years ago

I went through the same thing last month and I still have my tests. I'm a psychologist and I know that it's only self-sabotaging to have them around but I just can't throw them out. I think I'll probably hold onto them until I get my next BFP. It's such a difficult situation to go through but we are all here to help each other!! We know exactly how you are feeling! Stay positive and hopeful!!

12 years ago

I had a miscarriage in Oct 2011.... I was packing up my house on Sunday and found all my tests I had taken the month I got my bfp... i was throwing things away and I put the bfp's on the counter and told dh "I cant part with these yet"..... and then all of a sudden I grabbed them and threw them all out (I had ALOT of tests)... I dont know why I threw them out, I thought to myself "this is your month so toss these so you can have new bfp's" and they went in the garbage. I think its normal to hold onto the tests and I think you will part with them when its your time. I feel much better now that I have thrown mine out, I cant go one day without thinking about about my m/c and it still hurts me emotionally/mentally but I think I just reached the point where I had to accept it, throw them out and be positive about this cycle. Best of luck to you, Im so sorry for your loss... Baby dust!!!


12 years ago

I had a MC in June 2011 and still TTC. I understand wanting to hold on to them. I held on to mine until almost Christmas when I decided that MC are a part of many women's lives and I needed to get over my grief and let go. It is amazing how many friends I have found that also had a MC and I was not the only one who had to go through this horrific tragedy. I am sorry about your MC and hope you can eventually find peace but for now if keeping the HPT makes you feel better then hold on to them a little longer.

12 years ago

Thank you all for your responses, it's helped me not feel so crazy :) It's been over a month and I'm getting to the point where I feel a little better about it. Back in November I had my Mirena removed and at least now I know all of my "plumbing" is in working order and I can actually conceive now. Now I just have to pick myself up, dust myself off and keep moving forward. I have my fingers crossed for this month and I hope all of you get your BFP real soon :) Thanks again!

12 years ago • Post starter

You are definitely not alone. I still have my positive test from over a year ago when I had a miscarriage. We all grieve differently and some might want to hang onto something that someone else might feel like they need to throw out and get past. I'm sorry for your loss.

Jenna + Paul ~ Savannah (2002) ~ Jordyn (2003) ~ Jackson (born sleeping 12/31/16) 2 Early Losses (1998 & 2011)

12 years ago

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