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Has Vitamin B6 lengthened your Luteal Phase?

Hi Ladies

I've started taking Vitamin B6 to try and lengthen my LP as it is rarely longer than 9DPO. However I'm wondering whether it's actually lengthened my follicular phase as I'm now on Cycle day 23 and still no sign of EWCM. Also my finger nails seems to have been breaking since taking the vitamin. I'd appreciate to hear about any experiences or advice

9 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 9 of 9 Answers

Hmm...I had planned to take it if my LP hadn't lengthened on its own (after BC it was 7 days but it got longer in next few months as BC messes everything up!). But I had some friends take it. My doctor friend recommends a B-complex instead of just B6 as taking B6 without B12 as well can make you imbalanced or something. Also, she recommended taking it from AF until O as it should thicken your uterius lining make it last longer, thereby increasing your LP.

But really you might want to ask you doctor what they recommend. Do start by taking a small amount for a cycle and slowly increasing as too much B6 can cause problems with your nerves. Definitely stay under 200mgs a day. You might want to start with 50. And if doesn't help go up to 100 next cycle:

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12 years ago

Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)for vitamin B6 is 1-1.5mg for adults (with an absolute maximum of 100mg per day if supplementing).

Overdosing. For many years it was thought that you could not overdose on vitamin B6 because it was classed as a water-soluble vitamin, like other B group vitamins. However, in the early 1980's it was discovered that people could experience irreversible nerve damage when taking 200mgs a day or more. Therefore self-prescribing high doses of vitamin B6 is not recommended.

Conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.Vitamin B6 is thought to contribute to the growth and development of new cells in your baby. Overdosing during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (more than 100 mg per day) may be linked to birth defects involving the baby's arms, legs and nerve development.

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12 years ago

Natural sources of B6:

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12 years ago

Thank you for this advice. I'm just taking a very low dose from the chemist (to see how it goes) but unfortunately my doctor won't talk about any issues until we have been trying to conceive for 12 months which is Feb so not too long to wait now. When did you stop taking BC and how long was it before your cycles returned to normal , I stopped in January 2011?

12 years ago • Post starter

I got my BFP my 5th cycle after BC. My friend didn't start getting regular cycles until her 9th cycle off the pill and then got pregnant her 12th I believe. The pill can really mess you up. I recommend charting your BBT if it's possible as it will tell you what is wrong. Maybe your LP is fine but you are O'ing a different day than you think...

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12 years ago

Hi, I have been charting my BBT for two months now and have found that I'm not Ovulating until around CD 24-26 and my cycle tends to be about 34 days. However at least I'm prepared when I do go to see the doctor. That's reassuring advice that it took your friend 9 months for her cycles to become more regular. I don't think I'll ever use BCP again as it's taken me a while to get used to what my body is telling me. I hope everything is going okay for you.

12 years ago • Post starter

I agree happycat. I don't want to use BC again until I'm done having kids.

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12 years ago

I am on my third cycle after BC and it has totally messed up my cycles and its very disappointing. I can't see myself taking bc again either because not only did it mess up my cycles so badly but it also gave me side affects i know this because after being off them for over 3 months a lot of my previous health problems have all but gone away. I have been taking vitamin b6 along with complex b and folic acid this whole time and my cycles are still messed up. Its frustrating. Good luck to you!

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12 years ago

Good Luck to you also knicole. Let me know if you find the vitamin b6 helps your cycles

12 years ago • Post starter

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