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Success story

Thoughts of emigrating- oh my gosh I'm pregnant

Like you ladies on here I used these stories to cheer me up at the time of the month that made me sad so hopefully my words will give you some hope.

My partner and I have been TTC for 1 year (have been off the pill for 14 months) and I was getting upset each month after approx 8 months of trying. We have just started having tests but haven't had the results yet. I am 29 and my partner is 35

In February we went to Australia to get our visa validated as we have been planning on emigrating. The initial plan was to have a baby first but then we got our visa, we couldn't believe it. We came back from Australia deciding that we were going to put the baby thing to the back of our minds and try again once we had emigrated. This month we didn't try to get pregnant and so we booked our one way tickets on Sunday. We were so excited.

Part of the reason I think I wasn't conceiving was because my second part of my cycle was short (I was charting temps and using Opk's) about 8 days. I started taking vitamin B after advice from ladies on here to lenghthen my cycle, I think this was about October 2011. Once back from holiday, I stopped taking this as we had decided to stop trying and I stopped charting and using Opk's.

So after booking our tickets and telling family and friends about our news of moving to Australia, we started to plan the steps we needed to take. Last Friday 8dpo I noticed a very small amount of blood and thought well that's okay AF has come, but then days later it hadn't. I didn't think much of this as my cycles had been all over the place over the last year however the second part of cycle had never gone past 10 days. Well today at 14dpo I thought I would test as AF still hadn't appeared but I did expect the test to be negative (Like all the other times). It was only a cheapy test and after a couple of minutes the second line appeared- I couldn't believe it. This was the first wee of the day. I quickly tested again and the test said not pregnant however I wasn't convinced. Since then, I have taken another two tests and they have both been positive. I'm in complete shock- this was everything we had wanted but had decided to put it to the back our minds and look what happended.

We are so pleased, we will now have to change our emigrating plans, as the flights are booked for 9 months time

Just to say that I have had AF type cramps since about 8dpo so was convinced AF would appear. I have had slight lower back ache and I think my sense of smell has increased as things smell stronger the last few days. Besides these symptoms and the positive pregnant test, I wouldn't know I was pregnant so wish I hadn't obsessed over every possible symptom for months

Other ladies had said on this website that they had got pregnant when they stopped trying and I thought, how on earth do you put it to the back of your mind when it's something I want so much. I now know they were all right and I would say that some how, it may be worth trying to focus on something else that takes your mind off things for a couple of months, and if nothing else, you will have a great time with your partner without the constant thought of 'will it be this time'

I will stop typing now incase you have all fallen asleep and I wish you all good luck with your baby wishes

0 Comments • 12 years ago



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