What women are saying

UTI or Feels Like

Hollyelaine  6 years ago
DPO 0-5 I let them. Today is DPO 6 and they have disappeared. Tested negative for UTI, went to the dr yesterday.


Jessesgirl910   6 years ago
I’m 5dpo. Been gettin weird twinges in my bladder...almost like when baby kicks but not as pronounced.


nowornever2015  6 years ago
From 4dpo to 5dpo mild UTI-like symptoms; now at 6dpo mostly gone except elevated sense of urgency when I have to "go"




Cbinns_89  7 years ago
8dpo I had this just once hurt though


Cbinns_89  7 years ago
8dpo I had this just once hurt though


emurr2010  7 years ago
yes! 4 dpo i felt like i had a uti and felt pressure and was peeing alot! it was like i couldnt push the pee out and it felt just like a uti


ladysyracuse02  7 years ago
Yes.. around 7 dpo I thought I had a UTI or a bad yeast infection. Later I had brown discharge and the next day red spotting.


Sassygirl27  7 years ago
4dpo urge was strong lower back pain n dark urine only symptoms


Kyky1995  7 years ago
7 DPO and YES


Beentryingforadecade  7 years ago
feeling a uti started at 9dpo


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