What women are saying

UTI or Feels Like

Page 2

kitkatdiab92  7 years ago


emily12  7 years ago
felt at 1dpo


Happydays  7 years ago
uti 3dpo dr on weds blood and protein in urine antibiotics given only had symptoms of lower ab pain nothing else.




Kerri3  7 years ago
I've had that heavy, crampy UTI sort of feeling with some bloat associated with it from 6dpo to now at 9dpo


BlueDoes  7 years ago
I felt i had a UTI at 10DPO from when i woke up until about 3pm, then suddenly it was gone.


Mimitorr2600  7 years ago
13 dpo


Mamacs4  8 years ago
So iam 18 days past dpo and man its burning after sexs like a uti still no positive test


Gabbymonkey  8 years ago
Uti, peeing all the time, with burning. Must be from all the bd.


Mummyonemorexo   8 years ago
Ok since yesterday 5dpo weeing heaps i have to empty bladder 10 min after drinking and then sometime it ends up being a dribble


Katie31   8 years ago
Started having uti feeling 2DPO but it dont hurt to have sex or pee just peeing alot it seems


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