What women are saying

Ovulation Pain

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Nokomis87  8 years ago
Experienced ovulation like symptoms in my 12pdo(yesterday) and had a little bleeding. Today have af like cramps but no af yet.


mommywannabe20  8 years ago
experiencing lower abdomen pain.. hope this would be a good sign..


EDlove  8 years ago
Today I am in the ovulation day. . . I am experiencing right lower abdomen paining lot. . . is this a symptom to get positive result




kelika  9 years ago
According to my chart I ovulate today. I have mild cramping I the right side of my uterus. Fingers crossed ????


danivanc  9 years ago
Started ovulation yesterday and had painful cramping only on the right side, today the pain has subsided


TJMYANGEL  9 years ago
MEANT TO HAVE OVULATED 5 days ago but im now getting bad ovulation pains in both sides strange this cycle maybe it will be a lucky one


Brandi1985  9 years ago
Bloating, feeling full and gassy. Pain on right side all start 2 days after ovulation.


HopefulNik  10 years ago
Ive been feeling this all day long and according to my tracking I was suppose to ovulate yesterday.


BeccaBee224  10 years ago
1 dpo and still felt ovulation pain on right side. Yesterday was bad, and I do not ever get pains during. Perhaps I had them because of ttc?


wakeup79  10 years ago
Ive been having these pains for 4/5 days. They have been really bad too. It could be because I stopped taking Sprintec two weeks before O.


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